八年级英语上册 Unit 4《Our World》Topic 2 Section C 教案 仁爱版

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1、用心 爱心 专心 1Topic 2 Are you sure there are UFOs?Section CThe main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是 1a和 2a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:example, for example, spend on, dictionary, in alphabetical order, look up, pay attention to, begin with, write to2. Learn some

2、 useful sentences:(1) It makes our life nicer, easier and more interesting.(2) How is everything going these days?(3) I think its helpful for studying English.3. Go on learning to express certainty and uncertainty:Im (not) sure of that.4. Talk about modern science and technology:(1)We can do some sh

3、opping without leaving our houses. (2)We can use the Internet to find jobs.(3) The Internet can help us find the way.(4) On the Internet, we can also enjoy many interesting songs, movies and games.(5) But we shouldnt spend too much time on the Internet.5. Learn how to look up new words in an English

4、-Chinese dictionary:(1)The words in English dictionaries are in alphabetical order.(2)When you look up a word in the dictionary, you must pay attention to the first letter of the word. Teaching aids 教具录音机/英汉字典. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7 分钟)谈论话题,导入新课。培养听说能力。1. (检查作业:表演

5、对话或演讲,谈论有关外星人和 UFO的话题,复习 be sure结构。)T: You have searched some information about aliens and UFOs. Now please talk about them with your partner or give a speech.2. (通过讨论导入新词。)T: Where did you get the information about UFOs?S1: I got it on the Internet.T: Well done! We can do many things on the Interne

6、t. For example, we can study on the Internet. What else can we do on the Internet?(板书并要求学生掌握。)examplefor exampleS2: We can play games on it.S3: We can listen to music on it.用心 爱心 专心 2S4: We can watch movies on it.S5: We can write an e-mail on it.(让学生尽可能多说。)T: Yes. Thats very good. And I often use th

7、e Internet for downloading useful information.(板书并要求学生理解。)T: The Internet is very useful, but we shouldnt spend too much time on the Internet. Do you think so?(板书并要求学生掌握。)spend on Ss: Yes, we think so.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8 分钟)播放录音,呈现 1a。师生对话,理解 1a内容,并找出关键词。1. (播放录音,整体了解 1a。)T: The Internet

8、 is very useful and wonderful. I think most of you can use the Internet well, so what can we do on the Internet? Listen to the passage in 1a and find out the answer to this question.(板书)What can we do on the Internet?(核对答案。)T: OK. Now please give me your answers. From S1, please. Say them one by one

9、.S1:We can go shopping without leaving our houses .S2:We can study on the Internet.S3:We can use the Internet to find jobs.S4:We can find the way to a new place on the Internet.S5:We can find lots of songs, movies and games on the Internet.2. (学生跟读 1a,注意语音和语调,并画出关键词。)T: OK. Now please listen to the

10、tape and follow. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. And write down the key words.(板书关键词。)Internet, wonderful, make, nicer, easier and more interesting, help, for example, without, study, use to, a new place, interesting, songs, movies, games, spend on, too much timeStep 3 Consolidat

11、ion 第三步 巩固(时间:10 分钟)通过巩固 1a,培养学生的口语表达和写作能力,完成 1b和 1c。1. (学生根据关键词复述课文。)T: OK. Boys and girls, please stop. According to the key words on the blackboard, please retell the text to your deskmate. I will ask some students to retell it in English in the front.(找几名学生复述课文。)2. (学生独立完成 1b。)download 用心 爱心 专心

12、3T: OK. Now look at the pictures in 1b and describe them according to 1a. Then write down the answers.(核对答案。)3. (做调查完成 1c。)T: The Internet is very useful. I want to know about your Internet life. Please answer the questions in 1c.(根据调查结果,小组讨论。)(板书)(1) What do you think of the Internet?(2) What can w

13、e do on the Internet?(3) Are all the things on the Internet good for us?(4) Is spending too much time on the Internet good or bad for us ?T: When you finish the discussion, please write a report about it. You can begin like this: The Internet is wonderful. There are lots of useful things on the Inte

14、rnet, so it can help us a lot But we should not spend too much time on it (教师引导学生尽量多说,使学生意识到合理使用网络的重要性。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10 分钟)通过学习 2a,完成 2b,使学生掌握英汉字典的使用方法。1. (教师拿出一本英汉字典。)T: Whats this?Ss:“字典” 。T: Yes, its an English-Chinese dictionary.(板书并要求学生掌握。)dictionary T: Do you have an English-Chine

15、se dictionary?Ss:Yes, we do.T: If we meet a new word while we are reading, we should look it up in the dictionary.(板书并要求学生掌握。)look upT: But do you know how to look up words in a dictionary? Read 2a by yourselves, and then find out the answer to this question.(学生自读 2a,猜测文中出现的新短语的意思。)(板书并要求学生掌握。)in al

16、phabetical order, pay attention to, begin with, write to(鼓励学生总结如何查字典,为下一步活动打下基础。)T: Excellent!2. (跟读 2a并注意语音语调。)T: Listen to 2a and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.3. (让学生朗读 2a,然后根据黑板上的关键词编对话,介绍如何查英汉字典。)T: According to the key words on the blackboard, please make a dialog to introduce how to 用心 爱心 专心 4use a dictionary.Example:S1:Could you tell me how to use an English-Chinese dictionary?S2:Certainly. When you look u



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