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1、用心 爱心 专心 1创新设计2013 届高考英语总复习 必修 9 第 1-2 单元 课前热身+名师讲坛 牛津版(江苏专用).单词默写1defend vt.防御,保卫,防护;为辩护2awesome adj.令人惊叹的,令人敬畏的;可怕的3compromise vt. 危及,损害,连累 vi.妥协,让步,折衷4register vt., vi. & n. 登记,注册,挂号5devotion n热爱,投入;忠诚;献身,奉献6grasp vt.理解,领会;抓牢,抓紧7altitude n高度;海拔8professional adj.专业的,职业的 n专业人员9furnish vt.为(房间等)配备家具

2、;提供,供应10enterprise n事业,计划;公司,企业单位11abundant adj. existing in large quantities12observer nsomeone who sees or watches something13criterion nan established standard or principle on which a judgment is based14seize vt.to take hold of something quickly and with a lot of force15mark vt. to make a sign,or

3、 word,using a pen or pencil.词汇拓展1occupy vt.占(空间、时间等);占用;占有;使忙碌;侵占,占领occupation n占领;占用2equip vt.装备,配备equipment n设备,装备3patience n耐心,忍耐力patient adj.忍耐的;有忍耐力的;有耐心的 n病人4impressive adj.给人以深刻印象的,感人的;激动人心的;令人钦佩的impress v印上;留下印象impression n印象,感想5appoint vt.任命,委任;约定,指定(时间、地点)appointment n约会,预约;约定语境助记词不离句,句不离段

4、The enterprises equipment is too old to cater to customers.So the professionals occupy most of the time to observe the market. Their patience is awesome.用心 爱心 专心 2.短语落实1be located in 位于,坐落于2be home to 为的所在地3cater to 迎合,满足4be bound to 必定,必然5put aside 将抛在一旁,抛弃6be_short_for 是的缩写形式7as_far_as.is/are_conc

5、erned 就而言8seize_control_of 夺取对的控制权9be_charged_with 被指控犯有罪10in_terms_of 在方面,从方面来说.句子翻译1There are old buildings,churches,narrow streets and alleys,all alongside glass and steel and concrete skyscrapers reaching upwards.(Page 2)城里有古老的建筑、教堂、狭窄的街道和小巷,这些全都与用玻璃和钢筋混凝土建成的摩天大楼挨在一起。2The Australians devotion to

6、 sport,however,does not mean that most of them actually do much sport.(Page 14)澳大利亚人热衷体育运动,但这并不意味着澳大利亚人真的从事很多体育运动。3By learning about damage prevention,people will be able to enjoy this historic monument for generations to come.(Page 19)知道如何防止破坏,人们就能世世代代地欣赏到这一历史遗迹了。4加拿大境内有很多枫树,而枫叶就是作为一种象征出现在加拿大国旗上。(P

7、age 3)There_are_many_maple_trees_in_Canada_and_a_maple_leaf_is_featured_on_the_Canadian_flag.5良好的自然环境使许多人觉得新西兰是户外运动完美国度。(Page 9)Owing_to_the_natural_environment,many_people_feel_that_New_Zealand_is_perfect_for_outdoor_activities.用心 爱心 专心 3defend vt.防护;辩护;防卫【课本原句】 Which is said to be the longest bord

8、er in the world not defended by army or the police.(P2)加拿大的边界是世界上最长的并且没有军队或警察驻守。defend.against/from.保护使不受的伤害defend ones country 保卫祖国defense n防卫;防卫设备;(被告的)答辩;辩护They built a bank as a defense against flooding.他们筑堤作为防洪设施。in defense of sbin ones defense 为了保护;为辩护defensive adj.防御的;自卫的辨析 defend/protect(1)d

9、efend 强调面临危险时用武力或其他方法进行保护。(2)protect 指提供某种庇护以免受到伤害。看看高考怎么考Unfortunately,that is often inaccessible as blocked by the desire to be shocking or to defend(防护) some special interest.(2011重庆卷阅读理解 E)The city _ by the army of 600 men was difficult to seize.(2011望城一中 11 月月考)Adefending Bhaving been defendedC

10、having defended Ddefended答案Dcover n盖子 v遮盖,涉及,采访【课本原句】 It is like an underground city,covering an area of more than 20 football pitches.(P3)它就像一个地下城市,其面积比 20 个足球场还要大。cover an area of.(包含) 的面积be covered with.覆盖cover a lot of ground 走很远的路cover the event 报道cover the key points 涉及要点cover the cost of.支付用心

11、 爱心 专心 4cover sb against 给某人投保【联想拓展】cover in 完全盖住cover up 包裹;隐藏cover for 代替;替找借口under cover 伪装着,暗地里take cover 找到掩蔽处看看高考怎么考Instead of entering them into a book,Tony had naturally covered_every_wall_in_the_house_with(盖住房间里的每一面墙)them.(2011辽宁卷完形填空)Noticing that the driver was struggling to see through t

12、he snow covering_the_windshield(遮住挡风玻璃的),she found herself wondering why there couldnt be a builtin device for cleaning the window.(2011江苏卷阅读理解 A)The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket the desert.(2012湖南洞口一中高三摸底考试)Acovering Bcovered Ccover Dto cover答案AAlthough the causes of cancer _,we d

13、o not yet have any practical way to prevent it.(2012黑河市一中高三上学期中质量检测试题)Aare being uncovered Bhave been uncoveringCare uncovering Dhave uncovered答案Aappoint vt.委任,任命;约定,指定(时间、地点等)【课本原句】 The headmaster appoints you as his assistant to help him work out an itinerary.(P10)校长任命你为他的助理来帮助他制定行程表。appoint sb(to

14、 sth)/(to be/as) sth 任命某人为appointment n约定;约会;委任,委派make an appointment with sb 和某人约会keep the appointment 遵守约会cancel the appointment 取消约会辨析 appointment/date(1)appointment 指与人谈生意或与医生等事先约定好的见面。(2)date 通常指异性恋爱时的“约会” 。 用心 爱心 专心 5看看高考怎么考I left it early because I had_an_appointment (有一个约会)later that day.(20

15、11广东卷语法填空)明天我与我的医生有预约。 Ill make_an_appointment_with my doctor tomorrow.A committee was _ to investigate these complaints.(2011湘潭市一中 10月月考)Aconsidered Bregarded Cappointed Dcharged答案Coccupy vt.占据,充满(时间,空间,某人的头脑等);(军事)占领(国家,阵地等);占用;占有(房屋,土地等)【课本原句】 Occupying the heart of New York City,the sidewalks here are full of life and bright lights.(P11)(时代广场)位于纽约城中心,这儿的街道充满活力和明亮的灯光。occupy oneself in doing sth/with sthbe occupied in doing sth/with sthbe busy in doing sth/with sthbe absorbed in doing sth 忙于,专心于occupied adj.在使用中;已占有的;不空闲的occupation n职业,专业


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