【优化课堂】2012年高中英语 unit 2:section ⅰ warming up & reading课件 新人教版必修2

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1、Unit 2 The Olympic Games,Section ,Warming Up & Reading,How many countries competed in the ancient OlympicGames ?(Page 9, Warming Up) 古代 奥运会 有多少 个国家 参加?,1compete vi.比赛;竞争,典例 About 1,000 athletes competed in 20 events.约有 1000 名运动员参加了 20 个项目的比赛。拓展 competition n竞赛;竞争,compete in.参加;在中比赛/竞争compete against

2、/with.与比赛/竞争compete for.为而比赛/竞争,运用 用适当的介词填空,They will do their best to compete _ the game.They two will compete _ the gold medal.,He is going to compete _ his old rival (对手) in,the second game.,in,for,with/against,Who could not take part in the ancient Olympic,Games?(Page 9, Warming Up)谁不能参加古代奥运会?,2

3、take part in 参加;参与,典例 Students should take part in some charity work.学生应该参与些慈善工作。,辨析 take part in/attend/join/join in,(1)take part in 指参加会议或各种活动,含有积极参与并发挥作用之意,其后不接宾语时要省略介词 in; part 之前有形容词修饰时,形容词前面要加不定冠词 a 或 an。如:,You are welcome to take part.欢迎你参加。,He takes an active part in the social benefit activ

4、ities.他积极参加社会公益活动。,(2)attend 指参加或出席各种会议,如音乐会、追悼会、演出、培训班、典礼、上课以及听报告等,只说明主语“参加”这一事实,并不强调主语所起的作用。如:,Why didnt you attend the wedding yesterday?你昨天为什么没有参加婚礼?,(3)join 指加入某个团体或组织并成为其中一员,含义相当于 become a member of。join sb.意为“加入某人的行列;和某人一起”。如:,When did you join the army?你是什么时候参军的?Would you like to join us?你愿意

5、加入我们吗?,(4)join in 指参加小型活动,常作日常用语。如:,Everybody, from the principal to the students, joined in the,contest.,从校长到学生,每个人都参加了比赛。,运用 用上面所提供的辨析词或短语的适当形式填空We _ the music club in our school.,How many countries _ the World Cup in,South Africa?,They all _ singing the song “Happy,Birthday”,We will _ a great con

6、cert tonight.,joined,took part in,joined in,attend,What do the five rings on the Olympic flag stand for?(Page 9, Warming Up)奥运会会旗上的五环代表什么?,3stand for 代表;象征;表示;赞同,典例 The pigeon stands for peace.鸽子代表和平。,Maybe you think his behavior is OK, but I wont stand for it.也许你认为他的行为尚可,但我不赞同。拓展 stand up 站起来,stand

7、 aside 站开,让开;表现漠然stand by 袖手旁观;恪守(承诺等)stand out 显眼;突出,运用 用适当的介词或副词填空,English learners know that IELTS stands _,International English Language Test System.,They all stood _ and welcomed her coming.How can you stand _ when she is in trouble?Han Han stands _ as a young writer.,for,up,by/aside,out,He is

8、 now interviewing Li Yan, a volunteer for the,2008 Olympic Games.(Page 9, Reading, Line 3)现在他正在采访一位 2008 年奥林匹克运动会的志愿者李艳。,4volunteer,点拨 (1)n.志愿者;志愿兵,He helps in the Childrens House as a volunteer.他作为一名志愿者在这家儿童福利院帮忙。(2)adj.志愿的;义务的,Its one of Taiwans volunteer organization.它是台湾的一个义工组织。,(3)vt.& vi.自愿,Ma

9、ry volunteers to teach in a remote village.玛丽自愿在偏远的村子教书。,拓展 voluntary adj.自愿的;志愿的;无偿的a volunteer for.的志愿者,volunteer to do.主动/自愿做volunteer for.主动提供(服务),运用 用 volunteer 的适当形式填空,Why do many people want to be _?, Many Chinese college students are willing to take part in,the _ work and _ to become teacher

10、s inremote and poor areas.,volunteers,voluntary,volunteer,I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece” and I used towrite about the Olympic Games a long time ago.(Page 9,Reading, Line 5)我生活在你们所说的“古希腊”,我曾经写过很久以前奥林匹克运动会的情况。5used to do sth.过去常常做某事(现在不做),点拨,used to do sth.指“过去常常做某事,现在已经不这,样做了”,强调过去与现在的对比。如

11、:We used to keep in touch with each other by writing letters butnow through telephone.我们过去常常靠写信来保持联系,但现在用电话。,拓展 (1)be used to (doing) sth.习惯了(做)某事,强调状态;,get used to (doing) sth.习惯了(做)某事,强调动作。,(2)be used to do/as 被用于做/被作为使用,是 use,的被动结构。,运用 完成句子,When he lived in the countryside, he _,(过去常常散步) for an h

12、our after supper.,As it was dark outside, a dog _ ( 被,用来指引) the way.,When he first lived in the countryside, he _(不习惯) the quietness but he soon _ (习惯了走路回家) alone along the path.,used to walk,was used to guide,was not used to,got used to walking home,There are two main sets of Gamesthe Winter andthe

13、 Summer Olympics, and both are held every four years on aregular basis.(Page 10, Reading, Line 13) 运动会主要有两种夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会。这两种运动会每四年都会定期举行一次。6every four years (every fourth year) 每四年,典例,The Asian Games are held every four years/every,fourth year.亚运会每四年(每隔三年)举行一次。,拓展 (1)every基数词(大于或等于2)名词复数,every序数词(大于或等

14、于2)名词单数,意为,“每”。如:,every three daysevery third day 每三天/每隔两天(2)every few名词复数,意为“每隔几”。如:every few days 每隔几天,(3)every other名词单数every second名词单数every,two名词复数,意为“每隔一/每两”。如:every other dayevery second dayevery two days每隔一天/每两天,_ (每隔一天),运用 完成句子,They planted a tree along the road _,_(每四米),She sends an e-mail to me _ ( 每隔,几天),The milkman comes _,every four meters/every,fourth meter,every few days,every two days,every other day/every second day/,7on a.basis 以的方式或基础,典例 Safety equipment is checked on a daily basis.安全设施每天都检查。,拓展 on the basis of.以为基础;根据运用 完成句子,



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