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1、,Half a Day,text,河北联合大学轻工学院 外语学部,王佳,Brainstorming,Lead-in Activity,About the author Skimming and scanning Group discussion,Comprehensive Reading,Vocabulary Sentence grammar,Intensive Reading,Exercise Critical thinking,Assignments,Contents,1,2,3,4,Lead-in Activity,Direction : Work in pairs or groups

2、and discuss.,Q1,Was it hard for you to leave home for the first time in your life?,Lead-in Activity, Who saw you off at the railway station?, What did he / she say to you on the way?, Who came to school with you?,Q 1,Q 2,Was it hard for you to leave home for the first time in your life?,Do you remem

3、ber your first day of university?,Lead-in Activity,Q 3,Do you remember your first day of school?,Did you find the university just as you had imagined?,Q 2,Lead-in Activity, Were you disappointed when you found it was not as good as you had expected?,Click here to add your text 1,Lead-in Activity,For

4、est Gump,Click here to add your text 1,Lead-in Activity,Forest Gump,Comprehensive reading,2019/11/11,Comprehensive Reading - The author,His life,纳吉布马哈富兹,Naguib Mahfouz 1911-2006,Born in 1911, educated at Cairo University Wrote short stories and historical novels before WWII and novels of social real

5、ism after WWII the first Arabic-language author awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1988.,2019/11/11,Comprehensive Reading - The author,His works,The Cairo Trilogy (first published in 1957),The Cairo Trilogy: a tale of the lives of a Muslim family and spans(跨过) the first half of the 20th centu

6、ry. Each book in the trilogy was named after a suburb of Cairo.,2019/11/11,Comprehensive Reading - The author,His works,The Cairo Trilogy (first published in 1957),The first, Palace Walk was set during the British occupation of Egypt early in the century.,The second, Palace of Desire covered the cha

7、nging times of the 1920s.,The third book, Sugar Street brings the family into the mid 20th century.,2019/11/11,Comprehensive Reading - The author,His writing style,The Cairo Trilogy (first published in 1957),His works combined realism & symbolism,In this text, a strategy used in fiction writing-the

8、protagonist returns after being absent for a short time to find everything changed beyond recognition.,2019/11/11,Comprehensive Reading - The author,His writing style,Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving,The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 睡谷传奇, 华盛顿.欧文,Rip went to hunt squirrels. He drank something a queer o

9、ld man offered him and fell fast asleep. When he woke up he found himself an old man and that great changes had occurred in his village during his absence.,Example in the text,2019/11/11,Comprehensive Reading - The author,山中方一(七)日, 世上已千年。,志林水经注 “信安山(烂柯山)有石室,王质入其室,见二童子对弈,看之。局未终,视其所执伐薪柯已烂朽,遂归,乡里已非矣。”

10、浙江,烂柯围棋(go game),Example in the text,2019/11/11,Comprehensive Reading - The author,His writing style,This technique is often used to emphasize rapid changes in society.,the social realism of Balzac and Dickens.,The first Arab Writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature 1988, The Cairo Trilogy,His wo

11、rks have been compared in spirit and tone to,His influence,Comprehensive Reading - The author,18,Comprehensive Reading - Structure,The text can be roughly divided into three parts, according to the little boys experience that day.,1,2,3,Part 1,Part 2,Part 3,The narrators unwillingness to go to schoo

12、l.,The narrators experience at school.,The changes the narrator found after school.,1,2,3,Para. 1-7,Para. 8-16,Para. 17-20,The narrators unwilling to go to school.,The narrators experience at school.,The changes the narrator found after school.,21,Comprehensive Reading- Structure,Scan Part. 1 and fo

13、cus on the following questions.,How did the boy feel about going to school? Support your ideas with some simple words in the text,2. List the fathers comments on the school? What do you think of them?,unhappy,punishing,be thrown into,School is not a punishment.,A place that makes men out of boys and

14、 useful.,Be a man.,Today you truly begin life.,22,Comprehensive Reading - Q & A,Scan Part. 2 and focus on the following questions.,What are the different understandings of the boy to the school?,23,Comprehensive Reading - Q & A,Scan Part. 2 and focus on the following questions.,What are the differen

15、t understandings of the boy to the school?,Main Idea,Growth,Compromise,Enlightenment,Adaptation,Orientation,Half a Day,Life is like a day in school.,25,Comprehensive Reading - Q & A,Scan Part. 2 and focus on the following questions.,Reading skill: transitional words and expressions,Para. 13,Para. 15

16、,Para. 16,Well, it seemed thatno basis.,however,In addition,Reading skill / Writing skill,26,Comprehensive Reading,Scan Part. 3 and focus on the following questions.,What did “I” see when he stepped out of school? Summarize the changes.,He didnt find his waiting for him at the gate and the had changed. He couldnt find his home. He found himself a,father,street,way,Grandpa



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