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1、Unit 3,Section A 第三课时 (3a 3c),Review,Make a dialogue, asking and giving direction.,A: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to / where is ? B: Sure, just ,What do you often do with your friend at the weekend?,play chess,What do you often do with your friend at the weekend?,read some magazin

2、es in the library,What do you often do with your friend at the weekend?,play football,What do you often do with your friend at the weekend?,go fishing,What do you often do with your friend at the weekend?,hang out with my friends,What do you often do with your friend at the weekend?,go to Fun Times

3、Park,Have you ever been to an amusement park? What did you do there?,Free Talk,Read and answer the questions.,3a,Why did Alice not want to go on the new ride? How did she feel after the ride? 2. What is special about Uncle Bobs restaurant? Should Alice and He Wei get there early for dinner? Why?,It

4、looks pretty scary. It was fun.,A rock band play there every evening. Yes, they should. In order to get a table.,Read and underline the questions and statements that ask for information.,3b,I wonder where we should go next. 2. Do you know where we can get some good food quickly? 3. Excuse me, could

5、you tell us when the band starts playing this evening? 4.Do you want to go to Water World now?,Could you tell me where we could go next?,Find sentences in 3a with similar meanings to the ones below.,3c,Youll enjoy it for sure. You need to do something before you know what its like. It looks like the

6、res live rock music there every night.,I promise itll be fun!,You never know until you try something.,It seems a rock band plays there every evening.,Guessing game,Think of three places in your city. Write directions from your school to each place. Then read the directions to your classmates. They g

7、uess the places.,1. How about ? How about ? 意思是“怎么样? ”, 表示建议、征求意见,相当于 What about?。 How about next week? 下星期怎么样? How about going to a concert? 去听音乐会如何?,Language points,- How about _ soccer? - Good idea. A. to play B. play C. playing D. played,C,(2009 深圳中考) - How about _ in the river with us? - Sorry

8、I cant. My parents often tell me _ that. A. swim, dont do B. swim, to do C. swimming, not do D. swimming, not to do,D,根据汉语提示完成句子,一空一词。 我喜欢北京的秋天,你呢? I like the autumn in Beijing, _ _ you? 喝杯咖啡怎么样? _ _ drinking a cup of coffee?,what / how,about,How / What about,2. , but shouting really did help. 这是“do

9、 (does, did) + 动词原形”表示强调。 He did come but soon went back. 他的确来过, 但很快就回去了。 Do be careful with that vase! 务必小心那个花瓶! He does speak well! 他的确讲得很精彩。,请一定要和我们一起去。 他的确喜欢她。,Do come with us.,He does like her,3. I suggest Water City Restaurant in Water World. suggest v. 建议;提议 I suggested going for a walk. 我建议去

10、散步。 Could you suggest where I can park the car 你能提出我该在哪里停车吗? He suggested that we (should) go for a walk. 他建议去散散步。 suggest接that从句中的谓语多用should加动词原形构成, should可省略。,他建议放学后去打篮球。(suggest),He suggested playing basketball after school.,- I dont know where to go this summer vacation. - Why not _ visiting Hua

11、nggang? There are many places of interest there. A. suggest B. wonder C. consider D. regard,C,4. It serves delicious hamburgers and hot dogs. serve 在这句话的意思是“供应” Could you serve us tea and coffee? 你能供给我们茶和咖啡吗? The school dinning hall serves vegetables and meat to us. 学校食堂为我们提供蔬菜和肉。,serve作动词还有“服务;侍候;担

12、任;可作 . 用”的意思 The shop assistant is serving a customer. 店员正在接待一位顾客。 The dictionary may serve as a pillow. 这本词典可以当枕头用。,知识链接,That restaurant _ very nice food, and the waiters there _ their guests well. A. serves; serve for B. serves with; serve C. serves; serve D. serves with; serve for,C,5. pass by Uncle Bobs. Uncle Bobs中s属格后的名词省略掉了。s属格后的名词如指商店、家宅等地点 时,该名词常省略。 at the doctors 在诊所 go to my uncles 去我叔叔家,


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