九年级英语上册 Unit 1《Star signs》复习课件 牛津译林版

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1、9A Unit 1 Revision,1.根据自己的星座谈论自己的性格特征和个 性品质。2.掌握对某人行为,性格或能力的看法句式:it is +adj.+ of sb. +(not) to do, sb. + adj. +enough +to do sth.。 3.学会区分一个句中的不同成分。,Star Signs,Unit 1,一, 词汇识记1.相似的 similar 2.精力充沛的 energetic3.积极的 active 4.领导者 leader5.耐心的 patient 6.公平的 fair7.和平 peace 8.傻的 silly9.幽默的 humorous 10.随和的 easy

2、-going11.做梦 dream 12.解释 explain,13.气球 balloon14.蝴蝶 (复数) butterfly ( butterflies )15.牙医 dentist 16.奶酪 cheese17.克隆 clone 18.柠檬水 lemonade19.活泼的 lively 20.实验 laboratory21.差异 difference,根据句意和所给中文释义或首字母写出单词He found many birds sitting _ (安静地 ) in a tree, but when he raised his gun, they all flew away.Simon

3、 is very m_even though he is the top student in our class.Smith is 70 years old, but he is e_ .Edison was very _ (富于想象力的 )when he was young.,peacefully,odest,nergetic,imaginative,1、易拼错的单词 divide similar argue (arguing) sense recommend Students Union library2、词形变换energetic (n.) lead (n.) cooking (v.)

4、 practice (adj.) peace (adj.) without (反义词) successful (n.) (v.) Wise (名词) match (复数) person (adj.),energy,leader,practical,cook,success,with,peaceful,succeed,wisdom,matches,personal,划分,相似的,争吵,V-ing,感觉,推荐,学生会,图书馆,.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空1.He works hard and he is _ (confidence ).2.We think the match is _ (fa

5、ir). They have five boys, but we have only one.3.A _ (wisdom) man can always make a right decision.4.I think blue often make people think of _ (sad).5.Boys and girls may think _ (different) of this event.,confident,unfair,wise,sadness,differently,3、加前缀或后缀构成的反义词,active inactive formal informalpatient

6、 impatient polite impolitepossible impossiblefair unfairusual unusualluck unlucky,healthy unhealthyhonest dishonestcareful carelessweak strongmodest proud shy outgoinggenerous selfishlazy hard-working,加上前缀in- / im- / un - / dis- 可构成反义词,课文复习,Unit One Reading My favorite pop star is Liu Qian . He has

7、lots of_(精力) .He is _(精力充沛) and _(活跃) . He is _(耐心) enough to talk with audience .He is a _(谦虚) person and never shows off in front of his friends.He is _(有礼貌) and _(公平).He is always_(友好) to others . Many people like him because his acting is _ (神奇)and he has a good sense of _(幽默) . He is _(充满智慧) an

8、d often _(成功).,energy,energetic,active,patient,modest,polite,fair,kind / friendly,humour,wise,successful,amazing / magical,翻译下列词组,炫耀一切健康有些问题注重细节有很多吃的和喝的你的出生日期轻易放弃有幽默感8.一次不公平的比赛9.介意做额外的工作10. 向某人解释某事,show off everything,have problems with health,pay attention to details,have lots to eat and drink,your

9、 date of birth,give up easily,have a good sense of humour,mind doing extra work,explain sth. to sb.,an unfair match,11.有时候12.原谅别人的错误13.保守秘密14.与某人争论15.适合做班长16.想出新主意17.好的个人品质18.学生会主席19.本月中旬20.学业有成21.担心没有早饭吃,at times,forgive others for their mistakes,keep secrets,argue with sb.,be suitable for the moni

10、tor,come up with new ideas,good personal qualities,the chairperson of the students union,around the middle of the month,have success at school,worry about not having breakfast,1.worry v. worry about sb. /sth. e.g. 那个老师总是担心学生们的功课。 The teacher always _ _ his _ lessons. 不要为我担心。 Dont _ _ me. “使烦恼,使担忧”I

11、dont know what is _ _?,worries about,students,worry about,worrying her,sth. worry sb.,e.g. 我不知道什么使她烦恼。,他祖母的病令他担心。His grandmothers _ _.worried adj. (修饰人),担心的,担忧的,e.g. 那位男子看起来神色不安。 That man _ _. be worried about sb./sth.e.g. 他母亲在为他的健康担心。 His mother _ _ _ his health.,illness worries him,looks worried,i

12、s worried about,2.It says中的say意为“(文字材料)写道,说;显示”e.g. The notice says “keep out”. _ The clock says half and three. _,这则通知上写道: 不要入内。,钟上显示三点半。,3.too much+ , too many+ , much too+do too much,1.There is _ snow today, so it is _ cold.,too much,much too,2.I drank _ beer last night.3.There are _ people in this room.4.There are _ apples.5.Youve done _ for me.6.It is _ hot today.7.He eats _, so he is very fat.7,too much,too many,too many,too much,much too,too much,不可数名词,可数名词复数,形/副词,(做太多),adj. 精神饱满的,充满活力的 e.g.他是一个精力充沛的教师,他每天努力工作。He is _ _ teacher. He _ _ every day.健康的食物能给我们能量。_ food can give us _.,



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