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1、5.5 Analysis of meaning,Group members: 小英 玲玲 慧慧,Analysis of meaning 意义分析,Componential analysis(成分分析) Predication analysis(述谓结构分析),Componential analysis成分分析,Componential analysis-a way to analyze lexical meaning. The approach is based on the belief that the meaning of a word can be dissected into mea

2、ning components, called semantic features. 成分分析法是由结构语义学家提出的分析词义的方法。这个理论是基于这样一个信念:一个词的意义能被分解成被称为语义特征的意义成分。,For example: man: + HUMAN + ADULT + MALE woman: + HUMAN + ADULT MALE boy: + HUMAN ADULT + MALE girl: + HUMAN ADULT MALE,Predication analysis述谓结构分析,1)The meaning of a sentence is not to be worked

3、 out by adding up the meaning of its component words. 首先,句子意义并不是它所有成分意义的总和。 e.g “The dog bites the man.” is semantically different from “The man bites the dog.” though their components are exactly the same.,The cat is chasing the mouse. The mouse is chasing the cat. I have read that book. That book

4、I have read. The daughter of Queen Elizabeths son is the son of Queen Elizabeths daughter.,2) there are two aspects to sentence meaning: Grammatical meaning and Semantic meaning. 其次,句子的意义包括语法意义和语义意 义两个方面。,e.g. Green clouds are sleeping furiously. Sincerity shook hands with the black apple. Whether a

5、 sentence is semantically meaningful is governed by rules called selectional restrictions(选择限制规则)(constraints on what lexical items can go with what other).,Predication analysis述位结构分析,Predication analysis-a way to analyze sentence meaning (British G.Leech 杰弗里.利奇). Predication-the abstraction of the

6、meaning of a sentence. A predication consists of argument(s) and predicate. 述谓结构是句子意义的抽象。由变元和谓词构成。,An argument is a logical participant in a predication, largely identical with the nominal sentence.,一个变元就是一个述谓结构的逻辑参与者,在很大程度上等同于一个句子的名词性成分。 A predicate is something said about an argument states the lo

7、gical relation linking the arguments in sentence. 谓词是对变元所作的陈述,或是陈述一个句子中链接变元之间的逻辑关系。,Predication analysis述谓结构分析,According to the number of arguments contained in a predication, we may classify the predications into the following types: One-place predication (单位述谓结构): smoke, grow, rise, run,Two-place

8、predication (双位述谓结构) : like, love, save, bite, beat. Three-place predication ( 三位述谓结构): give, sent, promise, call. No-place predication (空位述谓结构): It is hot.,Predication analysis述谓结构分析,Tom smokes. TOM (SMOKE) The tree grows well. TREE (GROW) The kids like apples. KIDS (LIKE) APPLE I sent him a letter. I (SEND) HIM LETTER,Argument and Predicate John runs. Runs (John) or R(j) John loves Mary. loves(John, Mary) or L(j,m) John gave Mary a book. Gave(John, Mary, book) or G(j,m,b),One-place predicate: run Two-place predicate: love Three-place predicate: give,Thank you,知识回顾Knowledge Review,



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