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1、.高考单词识记思考运用 1.核心词汇,_ n.目标;目的 _ vt.冒的危险 _ n.量,数量 comfort n.&vt.安慰_ adj.舒服的_ adj.不舒服的,不自在的 accommodate vt.容纳_ n.住所,住处 distant adj.远处的;久远的_ n.遥远 limit n.边界;限度_ adj.有限的,differ vi.不同于,有区别_ n.不同之处_ adj.不同的 anxiety n.焦虑,不安_ adj.忧虑的,担心的 extreme adj.极度的,极端的_ adv.极其地,极端地 similar adj.相似的_ n.相似性,类似性 vary vi.变化_

2、 adj.不同的,各种各样的_ n.品种;种类;变化 equip vt.装备,配置_ n.配备,设备 prefer v.喜爱_ n.较喜欢的东西,偏爱 wealth n.财富;富有_ adj.富有的,富裕的,prepare vt.准备;预备_ n.准备;预备 cheer n.&vt.欢呼_ adj.愉快的,高兴的 amaze vt.使惊愕(惊奇)_ adj.惊愕的,吃惊的_ adj.令人惊异的_ n.吃惊,惊愕 confuse vt.使困惑_ adj.困惑的_ adj.令人困惑的_ n.混乱;困惑 patient adj.耐心的 n.病人_ n.耐心;忍耐力_ adv.耐心地 observe

3、vt.观察,观测_ n.观察 ambition n.志向,抱负_ adj.有远大志向的;有野心的 survive vt.&vi.幸免于;幸存_n.幸存,残存,答案 aim risk quantity comfortable;uncomfortable accommodation distance limited difference;different anxious extremely similarity various;variety equipment preference wealthy preparation cheerful amazed;amazing;amazement co

4、nfused; confusing;confusion patience;patiently observation ambitious survival,2.常考词汇,adventure n._ optional adj._ horizon n._ maximum adj._ altitude n._ gymnastics n._ dictation n._ function vi._ nationality n._,transport n._ philosophy n._ 答案 奇遇,冒险的经历 可选择的,非强制的 地平线 最大的,最多的 高度,海拔 体操,体操训练 口述,听写 运转;发挥

5、作用 国籍 运输,运送 哲学,用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.In addition,the information about each word in a pocket dictionary is generally _(limit).(2015湖南,书面表达) 2.People are learning how to organize huge _(quantity)of information so that they are able to access it at a later date.(2015安徽,阅读C) 3.There are an _(extreme) large nu

6、mber of ants worldwide.(2015安徽,阅读D) 4.The _(similar) between the two stories suggests Lowry wrote them both. 5.The hotel offers its guests a wide _(various)of amusements.,6.My _(prefer) is that we (should) challenge the other groups to a friendly competition. 7.There were a few _ moments in the bask

7、etball game.Therefore,all of us watched with _.(anxious) 8.The workers in the factory _ themselves with scientific knowledge and all the _ in the factory is very advanced.(equip) 9.Hes a good doctor.He always has _ with his _.He treats them _.(patient) 10.What _ me was Liu Qians _ performance which

8、made all the people present look at him in _.(amaze),11.Arriving there was rather tiring,but I managed to catch a taxi to my _(accommodate) and settle in.(2014安徽,阅读A) 12.It is unbelievable that Mr.Lucas leads a simple life despite his great _(wealthy).(2014江西,33) 13.He felt _(comfort) because of bei

9、ng criticized to his face. 14.Do not be afraid to be _(ambition) when you set these goals. 15.The time we spent together is now a _(distance) memory. 16.He is engaged in making _ (prepare) for the conference on educational work.,17.He said nothing, but felt _ (extreme) happy inside. 18.Judging from

10、his _ expression, he didnt understand the _ problem referring to teenagers mental health.(confuse) 答案 1.limited 2.quantities 3.extremely 4.similarity 5.variety 6.preference 7.anxious;anxiety 8.equip;equipment 9.patience;patients;patiently 10.amazed;amazing; amazement 11.accommodation 12.wealth 13.un

11、comfortable 14.ambitious 15.distant 16.preparations 17.extremely 18.confused;confusing,【联想积累】 “看”遍天下 glance v.(粗略地)看一下;扫视 n.一瞥;扫视 glare v.瞪眼;怒目而视 spot v.发现;认出 watch v.看;注视 witness v.目击 n.目击者 stare vt.&vi.凝视;盯着看 glimpse v.瞥见;看一眼 observe v.观察;注意到,由前缀un-想到的 unjust 不公平的injustice 不公正 unequal 不相等的inequali

12、ty不相等 unthankfulthankless 不感激的 unfruitfulfruitless 无结果的 unfaithfulfaithless 不诚实的,由quantity想到的 several几个 couple一对 score二十 dozen十二个 numerous许多的 none没有 million百万 billion十亿,“情绪”词汇全扫描 depression n.沮丧 disappointment n.失望 sorrow n.悲伤 anxiety n.焦虑 grief n.悲伤 annoyed adj.恼火的 nervous adj.紧张的 shock n.震惊,盘点-iou

13、s结尾形容词 previous先前的;以往的 cautious谨慎的;小心的 envious嫉妒的;羡慕的 anxious焦虑的;担心的 suspicious怀疑的 religious宗教的;虔诚的 harmonious和谐的 various各种各样的,开心词场核心单词串记 The trip with heavy luggage is tiring.I was walking on my way to the port city and felt uncomfortable because I was running out of my energy.Suddenly a porter tur

14、ned up.He helped me carry the luggage to my accommodation and I felt it was an excitement.I couldnt imagine if he had stood by.,.重点短语识记思考运用 1.动词介词/副词,turn _出现,到场;调高声音 back _决定不履行(允诺的事) get _使理解(某事) break _(坏事)突然发生,爆发 stand _坚持(某种)说法;袖手旁观 break _损坏,不能运转;失败 run out _用完,耗尽 carry _继续做某事 take _起飞;匆匆离去;脱掉;开始成功,答案 up out across out by down of on off,2.其他形式,right _就在此刻 _ order to do something目的是,以便



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