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1、东北农业大学 硕士学位论文 基于GPS/GPRS的测产型收获机监测系统 姓名:张玉龙 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:农业电气化与自动化 指导教师:欧阳斌林 20090620 摘 要 I 摘 要 精细农业是 21 世纪农业发展的主要发展方向, 农业生产的精细化研究已经成为农业科技 研究的热点领域。它以信息技术作为支持,根据空间变异,定位、定时、定量地实施一整套 现代化农事操作技术与管理的系统,其基本含义是根据作物生长的土壤状况,产量情况等信 息,调节肥料的投入以及播种的密度等,从而达到提高生产效率的目的。GPS 技术是实现定 时、定位的主要手段。 目前应用在精细农业上的 GPS 接收机, 大多是包装

2、好的成品 GPS 接收机, 构成实时 RTK 系统,采用无线电台作为主站与从站通信数据链。虽然定位精度高,但是成品接收机成本比 较高,并非普通用户能够承受,而且无线电台作为数据链受天气、地理环境等自然因素的影 响比较大。本文提出了应用 GPS-OEM 进行二次开发的解决方案。做了大量的实验对其定位 精度进行了详细的分析对比,并采用 GPRS 模块作为数据链提高了数据通信的稳定性和有效 距离,而且系统的成本也降低了,有利于系统的推广,适用于大多数用户。 本课题将单片机与 GPS/GPRS 结合起来,实现对收获机现场数据(包括经纬度、海拔高 度、 时间、 产量等) 的实时监测。 单片机系统通过 G

3、PS-OEM 板接收地理位置信息, 通过 CAN 总线与其它安装在收获机上的车载系统进行通信,采集各类收获机现场的数据,然后将这些 信息整合成一定的数据帧,存储到 SD 卡中,同时通过 GPRS 模块发送数据到网络,传送至 远程监控中心,实现被监控设备与远程监控中心的实时在线通信。从而监控中心可以根据系 统传输过来的数据进行分析处理,形成车辆轨迹图、产量分布图等,对收获机现场机型分析, 最终到达指导生产的目的。系统选用 STC89C58RD+和 STC12C4052 单片机组成的双内核系 统作为系统的控制核心,北京合众思壮公司的新月 HC12 GPS-OEM 板作为 GPS 数据采集模 块,

4、BenQ 公司的 M23 GPRS 无线模块作为无线数据链路, CAN 总线作为车载系统通信方式, SD 卡作为数据存储介质。采用人性化、简单化的人机操作界面,实现了对收获机的远程监 测功能。本文用 Trimble 公司的实时 RTK GPS 系统与新月 HC12 GPS-OEM 做了大量的对比 实验,验证了 OEM 板的定位精度基本可以达到系统的定位要求。 为了验证理论分析的正确性以及控制系统的工作性能,对该系统进行了现场测试试验。 试验结果表明,研制的监测系统操作方便、具有较高的测量精度。 关键词:关键词:GPS;GPRS;SD 卡;CAN 总线;收获机 Abstract i Design

5、 of the Monitoring System on Harvester Based on GPS and GPRS Abstract Precision agriculture is the main direction of agricultural development in the 21st century, and it has become a hot area of research in agricultural science and technology. It is supported by information technology. It implements

6、 operation of modern farming technology and management systems according to spatial variability, location, timing, quantity. According to the soil conditions of crop growth, production information, etc, it means regulating the fertilizer input and the density of planting, in order to improve the eff

7、icient of productivity. GPS is the main method of timing and location. The GPS receiver in the market using in the precision agricultural almost is a finished product, which is a real time RTK system and its data communication linker between master and slave is radio station. Although the finished p

8、roduct of GPS receiver could reach a high precise, the price is too high to afford by normal users ,while the radio station is influenced easily by weather, geographical environment or other natural factors as the data linker. It is proposed a solution that could use GPS-OEM to further development i

9、n this thesis. Make lots of experiments during the detailed comparison of the location precision and it improves the stability and valid distance by using the GPRS module as the data linker. The low cost and good extension of the system possesses a lot of users. Combined with the MCU and GPS/GPRS, a

10、 real time monitored system is designed which can monitor the harvester area data(including longitude latitude, elevation, time and production, etc). The MCU system received location information by GPS-OEM board, communicated with other system on the harvester, and collected lots of location data, t

11、hen formatted the data to save to the SD card, at the same time it sent the data to the net which connected to monitor center by GPRS module and by this wireless net the monitored device and the remote control center could communicated with each other. So the monitor center could analyze the data wh

12、ich sent back by the MCU to plot the track of the harvester and the production distribution. The remote control center could analyze the area device to indicate the producing. The system adopts dual cores control which composed of STC89C58RD+ and STC12C4052. The HC12 GPS-OEM board of Beijing Hezhong

13、 Sizhuang company is the data collecting module. The M23 GPRS wireless module of BenQ company is the wireless data linker. The system adopts the CAN bus as the solution of communication on vehicle and SD card as the data storage solution. The system uses friendly, 东北农业大学工学硕士学位论文 ii simplified man-ma

14、chine interface to realize the gains of the remote monitoring function machine. Check the OEM board precision by comparative RTK GPS of the Trimble and HC12 GPS-OEM in this thesis. This system makes the location test to check the theory right and the control system feasible. The result of experiment

15、 has indicated that monitor system possesses the characters of operation easily and high precision. Key words: GPS; GPRS; SD Card; CAN BUS; Harvester Candidate: Zhang Yulong Speciality: Agricultural Electrization and Automatization Supervisor: Prof.Ouyang Binlin 研究生学位论文独创声明和使用授权书 独 创 声 明 本人声明所呈交的学位论

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