云南2018年中考英语总复习 第三部分 重难题型精讲 题型六 书面表达

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《云南2018年中考英语总复习 第三部分 重难题型精讲 题型六 书面表达》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《云南2018年中考英语总复习 第三部分 重难题型精讲 题型六 书面表达(58页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第三部分 重难题型精讲,题型六 书面表达,解题方法与技巧,一、审 “审”即审题。具体包括以下四方面: 1. 审文体。审清题干要求用什么文体, 是说明文、记叙文还是议论文。 2. 审要求。认真阅读题干所提供的信息、词汇和要求。如:信息包括哪些内容要点、文章的词数、是否能出现个人信息等。 3. 审人称。要弄清楚书面表达要求用何种人称, 是第一人称、第二人称还是第三人称。 4. 定时态。一般来说, 故事性文章用过去时, 其中表达感受时可用现在时;说明性或议论性文章一般用现在时;谈论理想和未来打算的文章用将来时。,二、列 “列”即列提纲。根据题目所提供的信息, 用简单的句子或短语列出文章要点, 来确定

2、文章的框架, 但须确保要点无遗漏。 三、扩 “扩”即扩写句子。它是在主干的基础上添枝加叶, 也就是说, 根据表达的需要添加上定语、状语、补语等修饰及说明成分;也可适当使用复合句, 如:宾语从句、定语从句及状语从句等,使句子的意思更具体形象、 充实丰满。,四、连 “连”即连句成文。为了使句子或段落语义连贯, 表达合理准确, 可以适当加入一些连接词。常用的连接词有: 表示并列或递进:and, also, besides, as well as, both and, whats more, not onlybut also 表示选择:or, eitheror 表示转折:but, however, o

3、therwise, yet, while 表示因果: so, because, therefore, as a result, because of, due to,表示条件:if, unless 表示对比:instead, on one handon the other hand. 表示解释:for example, for instance, such as, that is to say, in other words 表示顺序:to begin with, first(ly), first of all, second(ly), third(ly), next, then, later

4、, finally, in the end 表示强调: actually, after all, in fact 表示结论: all in all, in a word, in my opinion, generally speaking,五、美 “美”即美化文章。为了使文章优美, 我们可以这样: 1. 正确使用修饰词、连接词、高级词汇或12个复合句, 如:定语从句、宾语从句、状语从句等。对于连接词, 相较于常见的first, second, third等, 使用to begin with, whats more, at last, finally等高级词汇和短语, 往往会提高作文的档次, 赢

5、得阅卷老师的青睐。 2. 不同程度的考生应有不同的写作要求。基础较薄弱的考生, 多用一些课本上的基本句型;而对于基础比较好的考生, 则可使用比较复杂的句型或常见谚语、俗语等, 这样可以达到锦上添花的效果。 3. 检查语法、单词拼写及大小写是否正确, 表达是否地道, 篇章是否连贯, 标点符号是否使用正确。,六、抄 书写要工整、美观、规范, 并且卷面须整洁, 尽量不做任何涂改。书写英文单词时,英文字母不要压到答题线。,类别一 写人叙事类 类别二 梦想计划类 类别三 做法建议类 类别四 说明介绍类,类别剖析,类别一 写人叙事类,话题剖析,写人叙事是近5年省卷中考省卷书面表达的高频命题点,共考查了4次

6、,考查角度包括叙述自己特别的一天、初中的学习生活、与某人一起成长、回忆初中生活。文章大多以一般过去时和第一人称为主。一般会给出一段中文背景提示和2点写作要求。,【开头句】 1. At the age of six, he/she began to. 2. He/She has. 3. I will never forget. 4. I still remember the day. 5. The most interesting thing is that. 6. What I admire most about her is. 7. Im glad to introduce.to you.

7、8. The person who has influenced me most is. 9. My/His/Her name is .,【中间句】 10. He/She is +基数词+years old. He/She was born in/on+时间/地点. 11. He/She comes/is from+地点名词. 12. He/She is 1.70 meters tall and weighs 52 kilos. 13. He/She has long/black.(修饰词)+hair(外 貌特征). 14. He/She is outgoing/friendly(性格特征).

8、 15. He/She likes/loves/prefers/is interested in/is good at playing basketball.(兴趣爱好). 16. When I was free, I usually.,【结尾句】 17. Ive learned a lot from it. 18. You cant imagine how happy I am! 19. I am so proud that I made it. 20. I kept practicing and never gave up. 21. I am deeply moved by the thi

9、ngs that. 22. What an unforgettable thing it is in my life! 23. Thank you very much for everything youve done for me. 24. I have never expressed my thanks and respect to you. 25. I think we should do our best to help people who need help.,A True Self 提示:英语课上,同学们以“真实的自我”为 主题展开了激烈的讨论。每个人都有两 面性,能在不同的场合

10、表现出不同的状 态。请以“A True Self”为题,用英语 写一篇短文,介绍你自己。 要求:1.语言流畅、书写规范、卷面整洁,词 数不少于60个; 2.文中不得使用真实姓名、校名,否则 以零分计。,话题剖析,(2017河北改编),【审题指导】 1. 文体:本文要求介绍自己,文体为说明文; 2. 时态:文章要求介绍自己的相关信息,主要用一般现在时,若涉其他,注意时态的交错转换; 3. 人称:本文要求写一篇自我介绍,应用第一人称; 4. 写作要点:开门见山介绍自己;介绍如何提高自己;介绍自己的优点; 5. 词数:不少于60个,不得出现真实姓名、校名。,【写作导图】,A True Self,ki

11、nd and helpful,Help my parents do more housework,Think about ways to solve difficulties,Sing and dance well,Like to make friends and share,A True Self Im a kind and helpful person. When I think back what Ive done before, I should help my parents do more housework. It is good for my future life by do

12、ing housework. When I meet something difficult, I like to think about the ways to solve them. I always help others. I can sing and dance well and I often give performances at our school parties. I like to make friends and share something good with others. Reading and taking exercise are my favorite.

13、 Do you want to make friends with me?,【普通习作】,【句子升格】 It is good for my future life by doing housework.(用动名词短语作主语改写句子) _ 2. When I meet something difficult, I like to think about the ways to solve them. (用face with改写句子) _ 3. I can sing and dance well and I often give performances at our school parties

14、.(用sothat改写句子) _,【范文升格】 A True Self Im a kind and helpful person. When I think back what Ive done before, I should help my parents do more housework. Doing housework is good for my future life. Faced with something difficult, I like to think about the ways to solve them. I always help others. I can

15、sing and dance well so that I often give performances at our school parties. I like to make friends and share something good with others. Reading and taking exercise are my favorite. Do you want to make friends with me?,写作练兵,_ is always with me 提示:在我们日渐变化的生活中,总有某个人或某个东西一直 陪在我们身边,埋藏在我们心里,在我们需要的时候及 时出现,陪伴着我们一起成长。请以“_ is always with me”为题,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈这个人或者东 西陪伴你的经历,分享一下你的想法和感受。 要求:1. 请把题目补充完整; 2.语言流畅、书写规范、卷面整洁,词数不少于60个; 3.文中不得使用真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计。 _



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