外研版必修1 [Module 3 & Module 4] 滚动默写练习

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《外研版必修1 [Module 3 & Module 4] 滚动默写练习》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版必修1 [Module 3 & Module 4] 滚动默写练习(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Module 3 & Module 4 滚动默写练习,.单元知识回顾 1.写出与distance有关的短语 (1)_ 在远处,在远方 (2)at a distance _ (3)at a distance of _ (4)from a distance _ (5) 与保持一定距离 (6)keep sb. at a distance _,查看答案,in the distance,在一定距离处;在稍远处,在远的地方,从远方,keep ones distance from,与某人保持距离;疏远某人,2.写出与take有关的短语 (1) (飞机)起飞;匆匆离去;脱下(衣服);(事业)腾飞;请假 (2

2、) 雇用;承担;呈现 (3) 接管 (4) 拿起;占据;开始从事 (5) 吸收;欺骗;理解,查看答案,take off,take on,take over,take up,take in,3.写出与short有关的短语 (1)be short for _ (2)be short of _ (3)for short _ (4) (briefly) 总之,简言之,是的缩写/简称,缺少,缺乏,简称,in short,查看答案,4.写出与put有关的短语 (1) 建造,搭建;举起;挂起,张贴;留宿,安排住宿;提 高,增加 (2) 把收起来 (3) 延期 (4) 提前;提出 (5) 写下,记下;放下;镇

3、压 (6) 扑灭(大火) (7) 上映,上演;穿上 (8) 忍受,容忍,put up,put off,put down,put forward,put on,put away,put out,put up with,查看答案,5.写出与exchange有关的短语 (1) 以交换 (2) 和某人交换某物 (3) 作为(对的)交换 6.写出与get有关的短语 (1) (从地方)走开,离开;摆脱;外出度假 (2) 恢复;回来 (3) 着手做某事;开始做某事 (4)get away with _,exchange.for.,get back,get down to (doing) sth.,get a

4、way (from),侥幸(做成);受到从轻发落;做(坏事)而未受到惩罚,exchange sth. with sb.,in exchange (for.),查看答案,.完成句子 7.The teacher taught the students . 老师教学生们如何做这个实验。 8.The temple, ,is still in good condition. 那座庙宇已经有大约400年的历史了,依然保存良好。 9. I moved here. 我搬到这里已经三年了。,how to do the experiment,standing for about four hundred year

5、s,It has been three years since,查看答案,10. I have taken part in such a grand celebration. 这是我第一次参加如此盛大的庆典。 11.We lost our way in that small village,or we more places of interest yesterday. 我们在那个小村庄迷了路,否则昨天我们会逛更多的景点。,This is the first time that,would have visited,查看答案,.知识运用于语境 【1】 Do you like going on

6、12. journey?Do you like travelling by helicopter,by train or by motorbike?I will never forget my first ride on a long-distance train last year.For a job interview,I 13. (get) on in Dongying.On the train,I enjoyed the beautiful scenery and ate great meals cooked by experts.There were crops in the red

7、 soil,14. (abandon) farms and even eagles flying in the sky.Some passengers referred to the opening ceremony of the Shanghai World Expo.15. midnight,I saw the stars shining like diamonds while 16._ (listen) to cassettes. 17. I got off in Shanghai,,a,got,abandoned,查看答案,At,listening,When,I went downto

8、wn by tram for my interview.After the interview,I bought some souvenirs for my family.On the way to the airport,the 18. (interview) told me that I 19. (accept).When the plane took 20. ,I felt very excited though a little 21. (exhaust).,interviewer,查看答案,was accepted,exhausted,off,【2】 Qingdao,22. gorg

9、eous coastal city and also a harbour,23. (lie) in the east of Shandong Province.Every year,24. the summer 25. (approach),a number of 26. (tour) who want to get away from the hot weather would like to come here to visit its 27. (fascinate) scenery and architecture,especially its 28. (attract) sea.Her

10、e you can walk along the beaches,go swimming in the sea and visit art galleries.When you are starving,you can also enjoy the delicious seafood.,lies,when,is approaching,查看答案,a,tourists,fascinating,attractive,Great changes 29. (take) place in Qingdao in recent years.I feel fortunate 30. (live) here.If you come here,Im sure you can have fun here and have a lot of experiences to exchange 31. your friends.,have taken,living,查看答案,with,本课结束,更多精彩内容请登录:,


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