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1、考研最意想不到短语355第一天slip ones mind 忘记this way nothing will slipyour mind during the morning rush.这样一来,早上你就不会匆忙中忘记东西了。pink slip 解雇通知单He got the pink slip this morning and is packing his stuff now.他早上接到解雇通知,现在正在收拾东西。 so far 到为止What have you found so far?你到目前为止发现了什么?so far as 到这么远So far as I know, she has a

2、 faculty of housekeeping.就我所知,她很善于理家。as far as 和一样远We went as far as Lion Rock Tunnel. 我们一直走到狮子山隧道公路那儿。stay up 停留If necessary, the airship can stayup there for days to keep out of danger.必要时,飞艇能在那里停留数天以躲避危险。stay up late 熬夜With so much homework to do, I will have to stay up late tonight.有这么多作业要做,今天晚上

3、我得熬夜了。subject to 受制于This is subject to your approval. 请你审批。object to 反对Working people everywhere objectto paying taxes各地的工薪族都反对缴税。take a leave 请假I must take a weeks leave.我一定要马上请一个礼拜假。parental leave 育婴假Parents are entitled to 13 weeks parental leave.父母可以休13个星期的亲子假。2b短语也送几个:sooner or later 迟早step by

4、step 逐步地such as 诸如sufficientfor 足够于suitablefor 适合于superiorto 优于suspiciousof 怀疑于takeones place 取代.thanksto 由于,多亏了.thereverse is also true反之亦然短语第二天 来自刘一男 accountfor 解释,说明Now,the gene they discovered today doesnt account for all those cases.不过,他们现在发现的基因无法解释所有的病例account n.账目 v.报账;解释accountfor 占比例Compute

5、rs account for 5% of the countrys commercial electricity consumption.计算机占去该国商业用电的5%。alien to 与不相容Her behavior is alien to our ethical values.她的行为和我们的伦理标准格格不入。ali-“阿里”alien n.外星人 a.外来的,相异的all but 几乎,就差Reiner,56, has all but concededthe race to his rival56岁的赖纳在比赛中几乎已经向对手认输了。nothing but 只有 唯有Heheard no

6、thing but theechoes of his own voice.他只听见了自己的回音 。anything but 绝不Theproblem is anything but easy.这个问题绝不容易。Js FIGURE is anything but slim.appeal to 恳求,呼吁,申述Hewill appeal to the state for anextension of unemployment benefits.他将呼吁国家延长领取失业救济金的时限。plea 恳求,请求please 请appeal to 吸引Economicchange for its own sa

7、ke did not appeal to him经济变化本身对他并没有吸引力。at any rate 无论如何I will come at any rate.无论如何我都会来。rate n.等级;速度grade n.等级2b短语送几个:abig headache 令人头疼的事afraction of 一小部分accuse sb. of 控告某人关于.anxious about/for 对.焦急apply to 适用于apply for 申请around the clock 夜以继日asa rule 通常as well as 同样at best 充其量昨日短语测试:slip ones mind

8、忘记pink slip 解雇通知单so far 到为止sofar as 到这么远asfar as 和一样远stay up 停留 stay up late 熬夜subject to 受制于object to 反对take a leave 请假parental leave 育婴假第三天 来自刘一男 牛b短语学习draw on 提取,吸取Drawon the experience of other people.汲取他人经验。draw up 草拟,起草Theyagreed to draw up aformal agreement他们同意起草一份正式协议。dwell in 居住在Theydwell i

9、n the country, butwork in the city.他们住在乡下,却在城市工作。well井dwell居住dwell on 停留在,总是想着Dontdwell on painfulmemories. its not good for you.别沈溺在痛苦的回忆上。这对你没有好处。lay out 设计 布局Thewife employed a company to lay out theapartment.太太雇了一个公司来设计公寓。lay off 裁员Theydid not sell a single car for a month and had to lay off wor

10、kers.一个月来一辆汽车都卖不出去,他们只好裁员。run out 用完Thetime is running out.没有时间了。runoff 私奔;复印Maryhas run off with her musicteacher.玛丽已经和她的音乐老师私奔了。wear out 磨损Horsesused for long-distance riding tend to wear theirshoes out morequickly.用于长途跋涉的马更容易磨破铁掌。wear 穿,磨损wear off 磨掉,消失Theeffects of the drug began to wear off.药效开

11、始消退了。2b短语也送几个:wait on 伺候,服侍touch on 涉及take on 呈现set off/out 出发give out/off 投降keep off 避开take off 脱下,起飞show off 炫耀look as 看作前日回顾:accountfor 解释,说明accountfor 占比例aliento 与不相容allbut 几乎,就差nothing but 只有 唯有anything but 绝不appeal to 恳求,呼吁,申述appealto 吸引at any rate 无论如何第四天 来自刘一男 from time to time 不时Stress is a

12、 fact of life from time totime for all of us.对我们所有人来说,精神压力常常是无从逃避的生活现实。at times 有时Her attitude is imperious at times.她有时态度傲慢。by virtue of 凭借优势、价值The article stuck in my mind dby virtue of one detail.由于一个细节,这篇文章在我脑海里印象深刻。virtuen.贞操;美德,价值,优点virginn.处女He got the job by virtue of his greaterexperience.他

13、由于经验较为丰富而得到了那份工作的virtuen.美德,价值,优点virginn.处女He was promoted by virtue of his ability.他由于有才能而被晋升。virtuen.美德,价值,优点virginn.处女in the way of 妨碍She had a job which never got in the way of her leisureinterests.她有一份从来不会影响她的业余爱好的工作。by way of 用.的方法Thisis only by way of analogy.这不过是个比方。answer for 承担责任One should

14、 answer for what he does.一人做事一人当on no account 绝不On no account should themixture boil.切勿让这种混合物沸腾。account v.报账;解释of no account 无价值Emotional matters were of no account to them duringthe war.在战争期间,感情问题对他们并不重要。account n.账目count on 指望He is at the end of his resources,too. Dont count on him for help.他也束手无策,别指望他帮助啦。countv.数,计算2b短语也送几个:intime 及时ontime 按时inno time 立刻马上intruth 实际上byturns/ in turn 依次,轮流bythe way 顺便beway of 以.方式invain 徒劳onthe whole 总地来说outof touch 失去联系第三日回顾:drawon 提取,吸取



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