河南省2018年中考英语总复习第4部分 阶段检测卷 八下 阶段检测卷

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《河南省2018年中考英语总复习第4部分 阶段检测卷 八下 阶段检测卷》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《河南省2018年中考英语总复习第4部分 阶段检测卷 八下 阶段检测卷(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、八年级(下)阶段检测卷一、单项选择(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。()1. Whats_ matter with you, Jennifer?I have_ cold and cough all day.A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the ()2. Why are your parents _ your plan?They think its dangerous to swim alone.A. forB. on C. towardsD. against() 3.The boss in this comp

2、any has taken steps to improve workers living_.A. situations B. challenges C. conditions D. shapes ()4. Im afraid Ill fail in this exam.Come on, Bob. You must believe in_.A. himself B. herself C. yourself D. myself ()5. Im always _ before the exam. What should I do?Take it easy. You can take a deep

3、breath and smile.A. relaxed B. nervous C. surprised D. happy ()6. Many people play with mobile phones all day instead of reading books.Thats too bad. Everyone _ be a book lover. Reading is more enjoyable.A. may B. might C. should D. would ()7. Earthquakes always happen_, so it is difficult to know w

4、hen they come.A. hopefully B. suddenly C. usually D. luckily ()8. Wheres Lisa, Eric?She_ to the library.A. goesB. had gone C. has goneD. would go()9. Most successful people have the same quality they never _ no matter what difficulties they have had. A. put up B. stay up C. cheer up D. give up ()10.

5、 He will ring me up _ he gets to Nanjing.A. when B. as soon as C. while D. until()11. When you_ yourself with others, you will miss the wonder of who you are.So being confident is important.A. compare B. communicate C. continue D. connect ()12. Lily has two sisters, doesnt she?Yes. She is taller and

6、 older than her sisters, but shes not _ one of the three.A. the clever B. the clevererC. cleverest D. the cleverest ()13. The peonies in Luoyang are so famous that _people go there and enjoy them in May.A. thousand of B. thousands ofC. three thousands of D. three thousands of ()14. Toms Chinese teac

7、her always encourages him_ out his opinions.A. speak B. speaking C. to speak D. spoken ()15. Why did the truck break into the building?Because the driver _ on the phone.A. talks B. talkedC. has talked D. was talking 二、完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)先通读短文,掌握其大意, 然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。I have a 4year

8、old brother, David. He is _16_ of the dark, so my mother always leaves the hall light on when we sleep.One day there was a moth(蛾) flying around the hall light. However, David_17_ the grey moths. He asked Mom to make the moths go away. When she asked _18_, he simply said, “Because they are ugly, I d

9、ont like them.” My mother laughed and said, “Being ugly outside doesnt _19_ not being beautiful inside. In fact, moths are one of the most beautiful animals in the animal world.Once, the angels(天使) were _20_. They were sad because it was raining heavily. The _21_ little moths hated to see others so

10、sad. They decided to make a rainbow(彩虹) to cheer up the angels. They thought if the butterflies(蝴蝶) _22_, they could make a beautiful rainbow together.But the butterflies didnt want to _23_any of their colors, so the moths decided to make a rainbow themselves. They beat their wings very hard and the

11、 colors on them made a rainbow. They kept giving a little more and a little more _24_ the rainbow went across the sky. They had given away all their colors except grey, which didnt match the beautiful rainbow.“Then the oncecolorful moths became _25_. The angles saw the rainbow and smiled.” David wen

12、t to sleep with that story and hasnt feared moths since then.()16. Aafraid Bsure Cproud D. happy()17. Aliked Bhated Clet D. killed ()18. Ahow Bwhat Cwhen D. why ()19. Amean Bmake Cknow D. hope()20. Alaughing Bplaying Ccrying D. talking()21. Akind Bangry Cugly D. sad()22. Arefused Badvised Chelped D.

13、 left()23. Agive up Bpick up Cturn up D. look up()24. Aunless Buntil Cafter D. since()25. Ared Byellow Cgreen D. grey三、阅读理解(20小题,每小题2分,共40分)阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。AWonderful EventsHorse Racing All Year RoundRaces starting at 3 pm. every SundayRacetrack only 20 miles awayLots of free parking spaceFree

14、presentsNo children allowed100 Years of PicturesThen & now (photo show)See the history pictures (19172017)February 1April 30City Art Museum 750 High StreetTuesday to Sunday, 10 am.5 pm.Weekend SalesThis Saturday 26 pm.Everything 20%40%offVisit us at Block G. Grandview MallRealize your dreams, save time and moneyFall in love with prices we offerDance PartyCelebrate special dateBringing your sweet heartSunday night, Country ClubLive band from 9 pm.1 am.$25 a couple(夫妇); $15 a single person根据材料内容选择最佳答案。()26. W



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