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1、2016-20172016-2017 学年度下学期高二英语第学年度下学期高二英语第 1414 周周练试卷周周练试卷 第一部分 阅读理解(共 10 小题,每题 2.5 分,满分 20 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项 A A Farming is moving indoors, where the sun never shines, where rainfall is irrelevant and where the climate is always right. The perfect crop field could be inside a w

2、indowless building with controlled light, temperature, wetness, air quality and nutrition. It could be in a New York high-rise or a sprawling complex (综合楼) in the Saudi desert. It may be an answer to the worlds food problems. The world is already having trouble feeding itself. Half the people on Ear

3、th live in cities, and nearly half of those-about 3 billion-are hungry or ill-fed. Food prices, currently increasing, are buffeted by dryness, floods and the cost of energy required to plant, harvest and transport. And prices will only get more unstable. Climate change makes long-term crop planning

4、uncertain. Farmers in many parts of the world are already using water available to the last drop. And the world is getting more crowded: by mid-century, the global population will grow from 6. 8 billion to 9 billion. To feed so many people may require expanding farmland at the expense of forests and

5、 wilderness, or finding ways to completely increase crop output. Gertjan Meeuws has taken the concept of a greenhouse a step further, growing vegetables and house plants in enclosed(封闭的) and regulated environments. In their research station, water flows into the pans when needed, and the temperature

6、 is kept constant. Lights go on and off, creating similar day and night, but according to the rhythm of the plant. A building of 100 square meters and 14 layers(层) of plants could provide a daily diet of 200 grams of fresh fruit and vegetables to the entire population of Den Bosch, about 140, 000 pe

7、ople. Their idea is not to grow foods that require much space, like corn or potatoes. 2 Here sunlight is not only unnecessary but can be harmful. Plants need only specific wavelengths of light to grow. Their growth rate is three times faster than under greenhouse conditions. They use about 90 percen

8、t less water than outdoors agriculture. And city farming means producing food near the consumer, and theres no need to transport it long distances. 28. What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us? A. The climate is worse and worse.B. The city people live a hard life. C. The world has difficulty feeding its

9、 people. D The worlds population is increasing fast 29. The underlined word “buffeted” in Paragraph 2 means“ ”. A. badly affected B. preventedC. demanded D. well achieved 30. It can be inferred from the text that Gertjan Meeuwss farming . A. helps save sea water a lotB. suits different conditions C.

10、 is completely different from greenhouse agricultureD. suits the production of corn 31What is the text mainly about? A. Development of indoor farming.B. Great Revolution in farming. C. Advantages of indoor farming.D. Sunless, rainless indoor farming. B B Chinas local pension funds will launch a firs

11、t wave of making profits in the national stock market(股市) by the end of this year before an ageing population becomes a difficulty in economy. The government has announced an ambitious plan that could help local governments overcome record-low interest rates and reduce the Chinese stock markets vola

12、tility(波动). The human resources ministry said that a number of local governments had moved money to the National Social Security Fund, where managers have good reasons to make money in riskier programs, including up to 40 per cent in stocks and stock funds. This first wave will release between Rmb20

13、0billion- Rmb400billion ($30bn-$60bn), according to analysts. 3 The government started drawing up plans for such moves to the NSSF in June last year and the expansion of the NSSF, which held Rmb1.9trillion in 2015, will increase its power in the national stock market, reducing the influence of indiv

14、idual investors and probably creating a more stable flow of money into stock markets. If all provinces join the program, that would mean up to Rmb2trillion more could flow into stocks. “In theory, its a good thing to do and should increase profits,” said Stuart Leckie, Stirling Finance chairman, who

15、 has advised the government on pension reform. “But it was mostly done to support the stock market. Theyre doing something good for the wrong reasons.” The Rmb5tn state pension funds managed by local governments are limited to making profits in safe programs such as bank deposits and government bond

16、s. But these have had such low profits that local governments pension funds became less over the past decade, at a time when more and more are nearing retirement. The NSSF was founded in 2000 to help some provinces in the north-east but it has seemingly achieved an average profit of nearly 9 per cent per year over the past 15 years, which matches the performance of the more experienced Canada Pension Plan Investment Board. But some economists believe the reforms are not enou


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