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1、本科学生毕业论文题 目 论我国居民消费结构的现状和调整对策系 经济管理系专 业 经济学学生姓名 许涵指导教师 孙丽 职称 讲师论文字数 6850字完成日期 2009年 4 月 15 日前言3一、我国城乡居民的消费结构现状分析4(一)我国农村居民消费结构的现状51.食品的支出比重最大52.农民对于住房的重视程度很高53.衣着的消费比重各收入层差距小54.交通通讯的消费比重较小55.家庭耐用消费品的消费水平偏低56.文教娱乐消费比重随着收入的上升而增加5(二)我国城市居民消费结构的现状51.恩格尔系数偏高52.住房消费支出比重较低63.交通通讯,医疗保健等劳务性消费的比重偏低64.耐用消费品消费比

2、重偏高65.居民消费结构雷同化和同步化显现明显6二、我国居民消费结构现状的成因分析6(一)收入增长缓慢,且具有不稳定性6(二)资源的缺乏与人口增长之间矛盾6(三)购买力因多项预期支出而减弱6(四)产品更新换代慢有效供给不足7(五)农村的基础设施落后,消费环境差7(六)传统习俗的影响7三、调整居民现存消费结构的对策7(一)增加居民收入7(二)建立健全农村社会保障制度7(三)提高产品质量,增加有效供给8(四)努力挖掘住房消费潜力8(五)大力发展教育,包括技能教育8(六)国家加大对农业和农民的保护8(七)拓宽消费信贷领域9结论9参考文献:9致 谢9论文题目 论我国居民消费结构的现状和调整对策学生姓名

3、、学院:许涵,经济管理系中文摘要(300字左右)改革开放以来,城乡居民的消费结构发生了翻天覆地的变化,从温饱型消费转向了小康型消费。事实上,生活水平的差异不仅体现在食品支出方面,也体现在衣着支出等非食品支出方面。随着经济持续增长和人民生活水平和生活质量逐渐提高,城镇居民在满足吃的需求之后,消费需求将逐渐转向穿,用,住,行,文化教育等方面。而且我国城乡居民的消费结构的现状还有着一定的差别,所以在调整的对策上也有着一定的区别。我国城乡居民消费结构的变动有规律可寻, 并受到各种因素的影响; 本文从实际数据和研究出发,通过统计分析, 论述了我国城市居民和农村居民的消费结构的现状,提出消费结构中存在的问

4、题, 并为消费结构的合理化提出对策。关键词(35个):消费结构、调整、 经济发展英文题目Discussion on Status of National Citizens consumption Structure and Measures of Ajustment学生姓名、学院(英文):Xuhan, Department of Economics and Management英文摘要Since reform and opening up of the consumption structure of urban and rural residents has changed dramatic

5、ally, shifting from the consumption of food and clothing for the well-off consumption. In fact, the difference between the standard of living not only in food expenditure, expenditure is also reflected in the clothing and other non-food expenditure.With sustained economic growth and peoples living s

6、tandards and a gradual increase in the quality of life of urban residents in meeting the needs of food, the consumer demand will gradually shift clothing, shelter, transportation, culture and education and so on. And Chinas consumption structure of urban and rural residents of the status quo also ha

7、s some differences, so the adjustment measures are also a certain difference.Chinas consumption structure of urban and rural residents of the changes to be found regularly, and are subject to various factors; In this paper, the actual data and research from the start, through the statistical analysi

8、s on Chinas urban residents and rural residents the status of the consumption structure, the consumption structure Problems, and the rationalization of the consumption structure to propose a solution.英文关键词Consumption structure,Adjust, Economic Development论我国居民消费结构的现状和调整对策许涵,经济管理系摘 要:改革开放以来,城乡居民的消费结构

9、发生了翻天覆地的变化,从温饱型消费转向了小康型消费。事实上,生活水平的差异不仅体现在食品支出方面,也体现在衣着支出等非食品支出方面。随着经济持续增长和人民生活水平和生活质量逐渐提高,城镇居民在满足吃的需求之后,消费需求将逐渐转向穿,用,住,行,文化教育等方面。而且我国城乡居民的消费结构的现状还有着一定的差别,所以在调整的对策上也有着一定的区别。我国城乡居民消费结构的变动有规律可寻, 并受到各种因素的影响; 本文从实际数据和研究出发,通过统计分析, 论述了我国城市居民和农村居民的消费结构的现状,提出消费结构中存在的问题, 并为消费结构的合理化提出对策。关键词:消费结构、调整、 经济发展Discu

10、ssion on Status of National Citizens consumption Structure and Measures of AjustmentXuhan, Department of Economics and ManagementAbstract: Since reform and opening up of the consumption structure of urban and rural residents has changed dramatically, shifting from the consumption of food and clothin

11、g for the well-off consumption. In fact, the difference between the standard of living not only in food expenditure, expenditure is also reflected in the clothing and other non-food expenditure.With sustained economic growth and peoples living standards and a gradual increase in the quality of life

12、of urban residents in meeting the needs of food, the consumer demand will gradually shift clothing, shelter, transportation, culture and education and so on. And Chinas consumption structure of urban and rural residents of the status quo also has some differences, so the adjustment measures are also

13、 a certain difference.Chinas consumption structure of urban and rural residents of the changes to be found regularly, and are subject to various factors; In this paper, the actual data and research from the start, through the statistical analysis on Chinas urban residents and rural residents the sta

14、tus of the consumption structure, the consumption structure Problems, and the rationalization of the consumption structure to propose a solution.Key words:Consumption structure,Adjust, Economic Development前言改革开放以来,城乡居民的消费结构发生了翻天覆地的变化,农民的消费结构属于温饱型,农民消费水平的低下并且不稳定。而城市居民消费结构的改善更为明显,居民已经告别了温饱型消费,开始了由小康型消

15、费向富裕型消费过渡。第一,恩格尔系数明显下降。从1978年到1997年,我国城乡的恩格尔系数已下降了10多个百分点。其中城乡居民的食品消费已经都降低了相当多的百分比。第二,住和行的支出比重在上升。住房现在已经是最近老百姓讨论最热的话题,房价上涨已经成为现行房价的总体趋势,所以导致现在的买房难和买房热。收入的提高使得老百姓能买的起私家车,私家车越来越多, 也是现在的一大趋势。第三,劳务消费和服务性消费迅猛增长。目前,中国电信已成为世界上最大的GSM移动电话的运营者,占全球GSM用户的七分之一。中国移动电话已覆盖31个省区直辖市。电信成为发展最快的热门产业之一。第四,城市家庭子女、儿童的消费日趋增高。这一比例的上升说明现在望子成龙和望女成凤的心态极为普遍。家长们对子女的期望值十分高。而且父母们都会在子女的教育问题上舍得花钱。这个比例还会有增高的可能性。消费结构是指在消费中不同商品或劳务消费支出占总消费支出的比例。消费结构的形成和发展受众多因素影响和制约。研究居民消费结构就成为国民经济研究系统中不可缺少的一部分。本文从城乡居民消费结构的对比分析给出我国目前城乡居民的消费结构及变化趋势, 并针对存在的问题提出相应的对策思路。一、我国城乡居民的消费结构现状分析表1 我国农村居民



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