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1、BBAA小学英语四年级上册第二单元测试题 姓名_ 分数_ Listening Part (听力部分)一、Listen and number. 听音,排序。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听音,选出你所听到的句子中的词或词组。(10分)( )1. A. five B. nine C. light( )2. A. computer B. book C. picture( )3. A. like B. kite C. nice( )4. A. book B. maths book C. Chinese book( )5. A. big B. six C. pig三、听录音,判断

2、下列句子与你所听内容是(T)否(F)相符。(10分)( )1. Where is my maths book? ( ) 2. Put your book in your desks. ( ) 3. It is blue and white. ( ) 4. I have three Chinese books and five pencils. ( ) 5. Put your Chinese book under your chair.四、听短文,根据短文内容判断正()误( )。(10分)( ) 1. My schoolbag is small.( ) 2. I have three Chine

3、se books.( ) 3. My pencil box is in my schoolbag .( ) 4. There are six pencils in the pencil box.( ) 5. The schoolbag is on the chair. Writing Part (笔试部分)五、请写出所给字母的相邻字母。(10分) Ii Kk MmEe Gg Oo Pp 六、根据汉语提示补全下列单词(20分)1 c_ _d_ (糖果) 2. st_ _ yb_ _k (故事书) 3 n_ t_book (笔记本)4. _ict_ _e(图画) 5 t_ y(玩具)6. k_ _

4、(钥匙) 7 d_ _k (桌子) 8. _ _ air (椅子) 9. _nglish book(英语书) 七、单项选择。(10分) ( ) 1. I have _ English book. A. a B. the C. an ( )2. How many do you have ?A. storybooks B. story book C. storybook ( ) 3. I have a ruler and three _ in my schoolbag.A. candy B. candys C. candies ( )4. What colour is the panda? It

5、is black _ white. A. a B. and C. or ( ) 5. -Let me help you. -_ A. Thank you. B. Here you are. C. Youre right. ( ) 6. - Whats in the classroom?-Two doors and _ chairs. A. many B. may C. math( )7. - Whats in your schoolbag?- A. Two rulers and a pen. B. Its a maths book. C. A bag. ( ) 8. Put your math

6、s book _ your desk . A. at B. on C. the ( ) 9. This is a _ book.A. Chinese B. story C. English ( ) 10. _ in your schoolbag?A. How B. Wheres C. Whats八、找出相对应句子的答语并将其序号填入前面的括号中。(5分) ( ) 1.What colour is it? A. Its yellow.( ) 2.Whats in your bag? B. Really? ( ) 3. I have a new schoolbag. C. Many books a

7、nd books( ) 4. Lets clean the window. D. OK! ( ) 5. Whats in our classroom? E. A ruler and some pens.九、按要求完成下列题目。(10分)1、我有一本英语书和两本故事书。(汉译英) I have an _ and two _. 2. A book is in my schoolbag. ( 对划线部分提问)_ in _ schoolbag? 3. have, I, a, schoolbag, new (.) (连词成句)_ 4. your, in, Whats, schoolbag (?) (连词

8、成句)_ 5. It is blue and white. (对划线部分提问) _ _ is it? 十、读短文,判断正()误()。(10分) Amy: Look at our new classroom.John: Wow! So many books.Amy: How many Chinese books can you see?John: I can see twelve.Amy: How many chairs can you see?John: I can see fifiteen.Amy: Oh, my schoolbag is heavy.John: Whats in it?Amy: Ten storybooks and five maths booksJohn: Oh, so many.()1. Many books are in the classroom. ()2. I can see twenty Chinese books.()3. I can see thirty-five desks.()4. Amys schoolbag is heavy.()5. Ten story-books and fifteen maths books are in the schoolbag.


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