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1、Translation of Numbers and Multiples,1. She is not more beautiful than you are. 她没有你漂亮。 2. She is no more beautiful than you are. 她跟你一样不漂亮。 3. She is not less beautiful than you are. 她比你漂亮。 4. She is no less beautiful than you are. 她跟你一样漂亮。,Contents,1.Definite numbers,2.Approximate numbers,3. Modifi

2、er of numbers,4.Numbers in multiples,英语中表示绝对数或精准数的时候,可用阿拉伯数字或文字(即数词)表示 (一)用数字表示的数量 1. At -275 by 2007 580kW-hr A4 paper is 297X210 mm.,1.Definite numbers,数字往往不很大,通常在六位数及其以下,用以记录年份、价格、温度、压力、金额、产量、功率、比率、尺寸、距离等,有时需要添加必要的量词或单位词。 用“nl0x“表示的特别大的天文数字通常也是照抄。,2. 56,037,000 tons 20,000,000 gallons 3.78l06 bar

3、rels of oil 9.5l09 kcal 220 kV,较大的数字常常需要进行数值换算,英语中没有“万“这一单位,“万“和“十万“均以“千“的累计数计算。 因此,ten thousand应译成“万“;hundred thousand应译成“十万“。,3. 3,000,000 dollars 9,600,000 square kilometers 500,000,000 tons 较大的数字(须为“万”、“亿”的整倍数)可全部译成汉字。 4,253,000 kilowatts 425.3万千瓦(不宜译为“四百二十五万三千千瓦“) 97,346,000 cubic meters 9 734.

4、6万立方米(不宜译为“九千七百三十四万六千立方米“),(二)用文字表示的数量 four million barrels of oil 2 hundred thousand yuan six hundred thirty-nine thousand three hundred and ninety-two people 5 billion five million million The magic number is 6.3 quadrillion electron-volts. 英语中用文字即数词表示的数量(也包括夹有部分阿拉伯数字的),可根据具体情况将其译成阿拉伯数字或汉语。,2. App

5、roximate number,计数中常常会遇到不十分精确的数值,因而在表达中会有许多表示近似数或大约数的表达方法。请注意下列英语常用近似数表达方式的汉译: teens of. 十几(1319) tens of.数十/几十 decades of . 数十/几十 dozens of. 几十/几打 scores of.几十(一般多指四十以上). hundreds of几百/数百/成百上千的 thousands of几千/成千上万的 tens of thousands of . 数万/几万 hundreds of thousands of . 数十万/几十万 millions of.数百万/几百万/

6、千千万万的 tens of millions of . 数千万/几千万 millions and millions of . 亿万,3. Modifiers of numbers,The wire measures exactly twenty meters.,The machine worked for ten whole days.,The plane takes off at 8 oclock sharp.,这条导线刚好20米长。,这台机器整整运转了10天时间。,这架飞机8点整起飞。,He earns a cool half million dollars a year.,他一年收入整整

7、50万美元。,Professor Johnson finished the experiment in twenty-four hours flat.,约翰逊教授完成这一实验正好用了24小时。,1. 表示“不多不少”、“恰恰正好”、“整整”: exactly,flat,just,sharp,whole,cool等,The T-shirt cost just 10 dollars.,买这个T恤衫正好花了10美元。,It is nearly / toward (s) 4 oclock.,It is somewhere about 4 oclock.,The price of this new ma

8、chine is on the border of/ in the neighborhood of a thousand dollars.,现在将近四点了。,现在四点左右。,这台新机器的价格约1000美元。,The book will only cost 15 dollars or so.,这本书只要十五美元左右。,About / Some / Around / Round twenty passengers were killed in the road accident.,这次交通事故中约有二十名旅客死亡。,2. 表示“大约”、“不确定”:about,some,around,round,n

9、early,towards,somewhere about,estimated,approximately,on the border of,close to,or so等,Never spend in excess of your income.,There are three thousand odd students in this normal school.,Supplies of this commodity greatly exceed the demand.,花钱切勿超过你的收入。,这所师范院校有三千多名学生。,这种商品的供应大大超过了需求。,Upwards of seven

10、thousand medical workers and twenty thousand PLA men have left for the earthquake district.,有七千多名医务人员和两万多名解放军前往震区。,The patients are children of three years old and upwards.,这些病人是三岁和三岁以上的儿童。,3. 表示“高于”、“多于”:more than, odd, over, above, long, past, or more, upwards of, higher than, in excess of , excee

11、d等,The child couldnt count past 20.,这个孩子不会数20以上的数。,The price of that tricycle is less than /under /below fifty dollars.,He bought the coffeepot at 6 dollars off the list price.,那辆三轮车的售价还不到50美元。,他以低于价目表6美元的价格买下了那把咖啡壶。,4. 表示“少于”、“差一些”、“不到”:less, less than, below, not more than, under, short of, off, t

12、o, within, as few as等,The invention cost each family not more than one dollar a week.,这项发明使每个家庭每周最多花费1美元/不到一美元。,Its five minutes to five now.,现在是5点差5分。,The motor ran 450 solid days on end.,The experiment will take three months at least.,The temperature at the suns center is as high as 10 000 000 ,马达

13、连续运转了足足450天 。,实验至少需要三个月时间。,太阳中心的温度高达摄氏1 000万度。,They covered full twenty reference sources on clone in a single day.,仅用了一天时间,他们就看完了足足20种有关克隆的资料。,There were no less than 3 000 dead and wounded in the 911 terrorist attack.,在911恐怖袭击中,死伤者多达3 000多人。,5. 表示数目、数量多时:full, solid, at least, all of, no less than

14、, asas,等,They covered all of ten miles.,他们走了实足十英里。,There is at most / only room for one person.,That solar-energy car weighs only / merely / barely / scarcely / but 500kg.,至多只有可容纳一个人的空间。,那辆太阳能汽车重量仅有500公斤。,6. 表示数目、数量少:only, merely, barely, scarcely, but, at most, no more than, scant 等,Inspection time

15、 for the installation was no more than 2 hours.,安装检验工作仅用了两个小时。,They covered a scant six miles today.,他们今天走了仅6里路。,英语表示表示纯粹数量的增加或减少时 Increase (rise, raise, grow, go up) /decrease( diminish, fall, reduce, lower, drop, go down) +数词(含分数、百分数等) The production of cars in China went up 300 thousand last year

16、. 去年中国的汽车产量增加了30万辆。 For the 24-hour period following 13:00 December 14, air temperature dropped 7.6 . 在12月14日13时以后的24小时,气温下降了 7. 6,7. 表示增减量:,The total value of Chinas exports to the US rose by two thirds last year. 中国出口到美国的商品总值比去年上升了三分之二。 New boosters can increase the payload by 120%. 新型助推器能使有效负载增加120%。 The new antenna system uses a retarded wave principle that cuts antenna height to 40%. 新的天线系统采用了延迟波原理,使天线高度降低到(原有高度的)40%。(表示减少后的余量) The output of steel has



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