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1、The practice and theory of Landscape Architecture景观规划设计理论【1】Landscape Architecture involves the five major components:They are natural process, human factors, methodology, technology, and values, whatever the scale or emphasis of operation, these five components are consistently relevant.Social and

2、nature factors clearly permeate every facet of a profession that is concerned with people and land.Problem solving, planning, and design methods apply at all scales.Good judgment is consistently required.风景园林设计包含五个主要方面:自然进程、社会进程、方法论、技术、价值观,无论规模尺度或运作的重点各不相同,这五个要素一贯是相关的。社会因素和自然因素的因子充斥着这个关系到人与土地的领域的方方面

3、面。解决问题,规划、设计方法都会用到所有的尺度。正确的判断判断是一贯必须的。【2】Consider how natural factors data are relevant to both planning and design.At the regional scale, the impact of development or change in use on a landscape must be known and evaluated before a policy to allow such action is set.An inventory of the natural fac

4、tors, including geology, soils, hydrology, topography, climate, vegetation and wildlife, and the ecological relationships between them is fundamental to and understanding of the ecosystem to which change is contemplated.Equally important is an analysis of visual quality .Land use policy can thus be

5、made on the basis of the known vulnerability of resistance of the landscape.In other circumstances the natural processes which add up to a given landscape at a give moment in its evolution may, as at Grand Canyon and other unique places, be considered a resource to be preserved, protected, and manag

6、ed as a public trust.On a smaller scale, soil and geological conditions may be critical in the determination of the cost and the form of building foundations: where it is most suitable to build and where it is not.Sun, wind, and rain are important factors of design where the development of comfort z

7、ones for human activity or the growth of plants is a primary objective.Thus,in many ways natural factors influence land use, site planning, and detailer design.自然因素的考虑与规划和设计都有关系。在区域尺度上,关于利用方面的开发变化的影响,在政策制定之前,必须了解和评估景观的脆弱性和敏感性。详细的自然因素,包括地质的、土壤的、水文的、地形地貌的、气候的、植被的和野生动物的、以及它们之间的生态关系是理解它将要改变的生态系统的基础。同样重要

8、的是视觉质量的分析。土地利用政策的基础是由于了解到景观的脆弱性和抗损性的基础上建立的。在某些发展进化的过程中,一些在特定的时刻作用到特定的景观的自然进程会产生一些公共资源,比如科罗拉多大峡谷,让我们后人去保护它和管理它。在小尺度上,土壤和地质条件是决定建筑的成本和建筑基础形态的关键要素哪里适宜建立以及哪里不适宜。设计是为人类发展活动找到适宜的空间或者以植物的生长为主要目标,因此,阳光,风和雨是设计最重要的要素。因此,场地和区域的自然要素在景观规划和设计的许多过程当中相互作用。【3】The social factors apply equally at various scales.In sit

9、e planning and landscape design, cultural variation in the use and appreciation of open space and parks and the physical and social needs of the young and old are some of the many variables to be considered in a design process that aims to be responsive to social values and human needs.In decisions

10、relates to appropriation of landscape for recreation and aesthetic value peoples perception of the environment and the behavioral patterns understand the impact of environment on behavior and also appreciate the basic human need to manipulate and control the environment.社会因素也同样应用在不同尺度上。在场地规划设计中,对开放空

11、间和公园使用和喜好上的文化差异和年轻人与老年人的生理和社会需求,是以创造社会价值和满足人们需求为目的的设计过程中需要考虑的众多因素当中的一部分。为了游憩或者景观价值而投资的决策价值和人的行为模式是息息相关的,设计师必须了解环境对人类行为的影响,同时还要意识到人类对于操纵和控制环境的最基本的人类需求,这两点是非常重要的。【4】Technology is the means by which a design is implemented or on which a policy depends.Some of it changes year by year as new materials, m

12、achinery, and techniques are developed.Specific areas of technology include plants, planting and ecological succession, soil science, hydrology and sewage treatment, microclimate control, surface drainage, erosion control, hard surfaces, and maintenance.工业技术是技术得以实施或政策得以指定的基础,随着每年材料、机器、技术的提高,它们在三种景观规

13、划设计当中的作用是清楚的。具体的技术领域,包括植物栽培和生态进程、土壤科学、水文、污水处理、小气候控制、地表排水、侵蚀控制、道路铺装和维护保养。 【5】设计方法的使用是一个过程,在这个过程中,所有相关的要素和变量都得到了评价,并且对解决问题的过程产生影响。在这个过程中,制图技术、分析技术和标识系统发挥了重要作用。有一个由霍普林提出来的针对创新过程的评价方法值得推荐,他指出像在音乐和舞蹈比赛中使用的打分法一样,使得设计过程更加公开化、可视化。这种方法能允许更多的人参与到设计和政策制定的过程中,并且使大尺度的复杂环境的设计形成更多新的方法,使设计方案更加人性化。 【6】把上述五大要素结合起来的目的


15、从山谷到乱石堆的植被覆盖的差异是由于景观分异造成的不同环境条件的反映,生物的分布也是受到植被的类型和它的分布的影响,任何结果都是有原因的。 所有都不可逆转的落入到一个持续的发展的生态系统当中。它反映在某个时期特定的时段,自然力和自然过程的意志。这种潜在的、改变地形的强大力量和绝心,正是景观规划和设计师追求的目标。ON GARDEN说园【1】The best gardens are much more than an assortment of beautiful plants.Successful gardens generally represent a careful Integratio

16、n of diverse elements, ranging from the purely ornamental to the strictly functional.Paths, pools, planters, trellises, arbors, fountains, and fences can contribute enormously to the creation of an exciting and harmonious garden.The same attention one bring to decorating a home and making it “livable” can be used to make a garden a pleasant place to find Privacy, to meditate, and to escape the pressures of a fast-moving,



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