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1、Module 6 Old and New,漫画欣赏,画面描述,A man is hung on a scale,which is balanced by the weight.The man is carrying something while his eyes are staring at the weight,which stands for value.,你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?,寓意理解,The man is eager to get more in return for what he has done for the society.Without pay

2、 he would probably do nothing.,重 点 单 词,1date n年代;时代;约会;v.加日期于;起始于(某时期);属于(某时期) Whats the date today?=What date is it today? 今天是几月几号? This novel is his best work to date. 这部小说是他迄今为止最好的作品。剑桥高阶 She wears clothes that are right up to date. 她穿着最时髦的衣服。,【知识拓展】 dated adj.有日期的,陈旧的 dateless adj.无期限的;年代不详的;虽旧仍

3、好的 date from=date back to开始;可追溯到 out of date过时的,过期的 to date到目前为止 up to date新式的,合乎时代潮流的 【温馨提示】 (1)date back to可追溯到,是时候开始的;go out on dates去约会 (2)date from/date back to常指以“现在为起点”往前推,故在句中作谓语 时,常用一般现在时,且无被动语态。若句中有信息提示从过去某一时 间往前推,则用过去时态。,即景活用,The pyramid _ how many years ago,do you know? Adated back to Bd

4、ated from Cdates back Ddates back to 解析:句意:“金字塔始建于多少年前,你知道吗?”考查date back to 和date from用一般时,故答案是D。 答案:D 2accommodate vt.提供住宿,容纳;使适应;使迁就;调节 One flat can accommodate a family of five. 一套房间可供五口之家居住。 You could accommodate another four children in your class. 你们班里还能容纳四个孩子。 Some find it hard to accommodate

5、 themselves to the new working conditions. 有些人觉得很难适应新的工作环境。剑桥高阶,【知识整合】 make accommodations for为提供食宿 book accommodation at a hotel向旅馆预订房间 arrange sb.s accommodation给某人安排住处 accommodate.to=adapt.to使适应 accommodate oneself to=adapt(oneself)to适应,顺应 accommodate sb. with.=supply sb. with.向某人提供,即景活用,We shoul

6、d _ ourselves _ changing conditions. Aaccommodate;to Baccommodate;with Cget;for Dmake;for 解析:句意:“我们应该使自己适应于情况的变化。”考查习语 accommodate oneself to“适应于”,故答案是A。 答案:A,3remove vt.移动,开除,除去,移交;vi.迁移,搬家;n.移动,距离,升级 When you enter the room,you should remove your hat. 进屋后,你得摘下帽子来。 She has been removed from her pos

7、t/position as director. 她已经被免去了董事职位。剑桥高阶 【思维拓展】 removal n移动,迁居,免职 removable adj.可移动的 remove sth. from some place把某物从什么地方移开 remove ones clothes脱下衣服 remove from some place to.从某地搬到某地 be removed from school被开除,被勒令退学,【轻巧辨析】 remove/move remove强调完全放弃原来的地方而到达新的位置,有时相当于take away/off。remove还有“开除、除去”的含义。 move

8、强调位置和姿态的改变。表示“迁居”时,两者均可用。 The doctor asked him to remove his trousers.医生叫他把裤子脱掉。,即景活用,What do you advise for _ ink stains from clothes? Amoving Bmove Cremove Dremoving 解析:句意:“你能给我提个把墨迹从衣服上清除掉的办法吗?” for是介词,排除B、C,根据题意,答案是D。 答案:D,经 典 短 语,1provide.for.为提供 Its wise to save some money and provide for the

9、future. 存一些钱以备将来是明智的。 He worked hard to provide for his large family. 他辛勤劳作,供养他那一大家子人。美国传统 【知识链接】 provide sth. for sb.=provide sb. with sth.为某人提供某物 supply sth. to sb.=supply sb. with sth. provide for sb.赡养某人 provide for sth.为做准备 provide against sth.预防某事,【指点迷津】 providing和provided等用作连词,意思是“如果”“只要”“以为条

10、 件”,相当于suppose或supposing。如: Providing/Provided there isnt enough money,the project will have to be stopped. 假如没有足够的钱,工程就得停止。,即景活用,Can you _ me _ a room for the night? Aprovide;for Bprovide;with Coffer;to Dsupply;for 解析:句意:“你能给我提供个房间住一晚吗?”考查固定搭配 provide/supply sb. with sth.,故答案是B。 答案:B,2work out计算出;解

11、决;制定出;产生(结果) We need to work out the total cost of the project. 我们需要算出这项工程的总造价。剑桥高阶 We must work out a way to have a cheap holiday. 我们得想出个省钱的度假办法。 【知识整合】 常用work短语 out of work失业 work off消除,去除 work up激发,激起;制定出,精心做出 set to work着手工作 at work在工作,在干活;在起作用,在运转 work against努力反对,work as当,做工作 work at从事 work fo

12、r努力促成,为工作 work on从事,继续 【温馨提示】 work out表示“结果”时,其后用副词修饰,turn out后则接名词 或形容词。,即景活用,A really powerful speaker can _ the feelings of the audience to the fever of excitement. Awork out Bwork over Cwork at Dwork up 解析:work up激起;例如:work up sb.s feelings激起某人的情绪, work up ones appetite激起某人的食欲。A项work out制定(计划),设

13、 计;B项work over检查,研究;C项work at从事于,致力于。 答案:D,3hold back阻挡,抑制,控制(情绪、情感等),隐瞒;犹豫 Sandbags will hold the flood waters back for a while. 沙袋将会挡住洪水一段时间。剑桥高阶 Hearing her daughters success,she could not hold back tears of joy. 听到女儿成功了,她禁不住流下喜悦的泪水。,【思维拓展】 hold ones breath屏住呼吸 hold ones head high趾高气扬 hold down保有

14、(一份工作);压抑;压低;控制 hold on(打电话时用语)请等一下,不要挂断 hold out给予;提供;支持;继续;伸出,提出 hold to坚持;遵循 hold on to抓住不放,保留 hold up使停滞;把抬起来 get (catch,take) hold of抓住,即景活用,We thought of selling this old computer,but weve decided to _ it.It might be useful. Ahold on to Bkeep up with Cturn to Dlook after 解析:句意:“我们曾想把这台旧电脑卖掉,但我

15、们决定把它保留下 来。或许还有用。”考查hold on to“抓住不放,保留”。 答案:A 4make sense讲得通,有意义,有道理,可理解 This passage doesnt make(any)sense(=the meaning is not clear) 这篇文章意义不明确。剑桥高阶 Can you make any sense of the instructions at all? 你究竟能不能看懂这说明?,【知识链接】 make sense of了解的意义,懂得 in a sense在某一方面;就某种意义来说 a sense of humour/security/direct

16、ion/fear幽默感/安全感/方向感/恐惧感 There is no sense in (doing) sth.(口语)做某事是不明智的 come to ones senses恢复理性,苏醒 lose ones senses昏过去;发疯;失去理性 out of ones (right) senses失常,失去理智,神经错乱 in no sense绝不,即景活用,His answer was so confusing that I could hardly make any _ of it at all. Ameaning Bsense Cidea Dsignificance 解析:句意:“他的回答让人迷惑,我几


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