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1、,天津高考阅读表达题命题初探 一、阅读表达 阅读表达是高考英语天津卷的一个新题型。要求考生阅读所给的一篇300词左右的短文,并根据短文后的要求用英语回答问题,完成任务。有五个小题,每小题2分,共计10分。答题时间约为10-15分钟。 天津高考阅读表达要求考生在阅读理解短文内容的基础上,按照题目要求用英语回答问题,完成任务。问题范围可涵盖: 1. 理解捕捉具体信息; 2. 根据上下文内容解释生词词义; 3. 概括段落要义或文章主旨; 4.阐述作者的写作意图; 5 陈述个人观点、态度等。 必要时可根据命题要求或文章题材、体裁等要求对问题范围进行限制或扩展。,二、阅读表达题的评分原则及标准 (一)2

2、分 1分 0分 作答内容准确,符合题干要求。 语义完整。 语言通顺、连贯。 语法或单词拼写(含大小写)准确无误。 回答内容基本符合题干要求。 语义基本完整。 语言基本通顺。 有个别语法或单词拼写(含大小写)错误,但不影响理解。 没有作答。 所答内容完全不符合题干要求。 写出只言片语但不构成语义。 无语法可言。 无准确拼写之单词。 (二)给分标准 2分 答出全部内容,语言正确; 1分 答出部分内容,语言正确;0分 没有答对问题。 (三)扣分标准 1. 语言错误扣0.5分,每题语言错误扣分不超过0.5分(标点符号和大小写错误忽略不计); 2. 涉及无关内容者扣0.5分;若答案中有互相矛盾的内容,则

3、内容互相矛盾的部分皆不得分; 3. 整句原封不动照搬,扣0.5分; 4. 考生所给答案超过限定词数扣0.5分。5. 如答案涵盖两个方面,而考生只答对其中一个方面时,答错的一方面则在扣除1分后不再以多余信息另外扣分,但其中如有语言错误则再扣0.5分 。,三、考生答题时常见问题有: 1、审题不清。包括: (1)未理解命题人的设题目的,答非所问。 (2)不按题目要求答题,格式、字数等出现问题。 2、理解偏差。 尤其在抓主旨大义及拓展思维、陈述个人观点类试题中特别明显。表现为看问题过于片面,或仅流于表面。不少考生阅读中缺乏语篇意识,不能整体看待文章。 3、表达有误。包括: (1)单词拼写有误,大小写混

4、乱,造成词不达义。 (2)无语法可言,组不成完整的句子。 (3)词汇量有限,用词不准确,表达不清。 (4)书写较差,字迹潦草 ,难以辨认。,四、阅读表达备考建议: 1. 养成良好的阅读习惯,掌握一定的阅读技巧。 2. 在平时学习中养成主动思维的习惯,如进行交互式阅读就文章的内容或作者的观点进行讨论或评价,对文中故事的情节或作者的思路进行预测、对作者的语气进行揣摩等等。 3. 在回答问题之前要认真审题,判断问题的类型,弄清楚题目的要求;回答要有针对性,避免答非所问;同时还要注意问题后的字数要求,回答要简洁,语言要准确、达意,书写要工整,卷面要整洁。,Practices: 一:根据固定短语判断 1

5、.The hotline receives about 70,000 telephone calls a year from people with food safety questions.They teach consumers every day, one to one,about how to handle food safely and to prevent foodrelated illness.(24) 59.What does the underlined word “handle“ in the fourth paragraph mean? _,deal with/cope

6、 with,二、根据上下文判断。 2.One day while walking through the woods,the old man found a cocoon of a butterfly.He took it home.A few days later,a small opening appeared;he sat down and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole.(30) 58.What does the unde

7、rlined word“opening” in Paragraph 2 mean?(Only 1 words) _,hole,3.“And Ill tell you another funny thing:you can electronically eliminate all kinds of noise from the signal,but you cant remove natural noise caused by thunder and lighting, rainstorms,or snowstorms. 59.What does the underlined word “eli

8、minate“in paragraph 4 mean?(1 word),remove,4.Milk and cookies,chicken noodle soup-they re called comfort foods because they make you feel better,at least emotionally.But can food really case pain?(54) 59.what does the underlined word“they” in Paragraph 1 probably refer to? (No more than 10words) _,M

9、ilk and cookies,chicken noodle soup,5.Words have tremendous power.Words give out energy and a message which creates a reaction in others. Everything you say produces an effect in the word.Whatever you say to someone else will produce some kind of an effect in that person.(35) 57.Please explain the u

10、nderlined word “tremendous”in English.,very big/enormous/great/huge/immense,三、根据逻辑关系判断 6.Partha had an amazing enthusiasm and his disability did not stop him form improving himself. l was not doing any charity by employing him because my company benefited more from Partha.I have realized that physic

11、ally challenged people are more faithful than others but unfortunately we usually pay scant attention to them.(42) 57.What does the underlined word“scant” in the 1 st paragraph mean? (No more than 2 words ) _,little/not enough/in adequate,7.With the teachers help,I eventually got over my depression.

12、From then on,I no longer bowed my head and began smiling to my classmate.I would put up my hand confidently in class and play with my new friends in my spare time.Meanwhile,I was gradually embraced by my classmate.(48) 59.What does the underlined word “embraced” in Paragraph 5 mean in English?(No mo

13、re than 5 words) _,accepted;welcomed,8.The demand for shark fins (鱼翅) has been rising for decades,threatening sharks with extinction(灭绝)-up to 100 million sharks are killed each year just for their fins .But we have started to reverse the trend,particularly in many areas of the United States and ove

14、rseas where restaurants once proudly provided delicious shark fins on the menu.(66) 59.Whats does the underlined word “reverse”in Paragraph 3 mean?(1 word) _,change,小结: 1.注意单词词性,用同词性的词解释,注意单词时态的变化。 2.平时多积累同义词。 repeatedly-constantly stable-steady develop-promote-improve passion-enthusiasm-love review-remark tiny-small-little eliminate-remove strenuous-difficult-hard-tiring-tough transform-change discard-abandon-desert skyrocket-rise rapidly-increase suddenly,



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