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1、,2011.4.8,景观都市主义,Landscape Urbanism,Background,产生背景,于1748年雕刻的Nolli 地图,展现了一个易达、 清晰、开放而复杂的罗马公共空间网络。,景观都市主义的起源可追溯至20 世纪70 年代末后现代主义对现代主义建筑规划的批判阶段。查尔斯詹克斯于1977 年宣称,伴随着美国工业经济的不断衰退,“现代主义建筑的死亡”标志着市场向消费者选择多样化方向的转变。,Landscape urbanism can be traced back to the origin of the end of the 70s in the 20th century,

2、the stage when the post-modernism criticized the modernism architectural planning. Charles Jencks declared in 1977, along with the continuing industrial economy recession in the US, “the death of modern architecture,“ marks the transition of the markets to the consumer diversified choice.,在这种背景之下,景观

3、逐渐替代建筑,成为新一轮城市发展过程中刺激发展的最基本要素,成为重新组织城市发展空间的最重要手段。,景观是一个媒介,是唯一有能力对当今社会的快速发展、城市转型过程中的问题的模型。,In this context, the landscape gradually replace buildings, turn into the basic elements that stimulate the development in a new round of urban development process, become the most important means of re-organiz

4、ation of urban development space.,Landscape is a medium, and its also the model which can cope with the problems in the rapid development of todays society and in the urban transition.,景观都市主义旨在颠覆现代主义的规划风格。也许,景观都市主义应该被视作城市的生存策略 ,Landscape urbanism aims at overturning the modernism planning style. May

5、be, landscape urbanism should be regarded as cities survival strategy. .,Representative figure,代表人物,景观都市主义一词,由现任哈佛大学设计研究生院风景园林系系主任Charles Waldheim提出, 他与他的同事Alex Krieger和Mohsen Mostafavi, 以及宾夕法尼亚大学的James Corner一同致力于该概念的成形。,Representative figure,Representative figure,Charles Waldheim,Affiliations: Joh

6、n E. Irving professor and chair of landscape architecture, Harvard Graduate School of Design, to the present Principal, Urban Agency, to the present,Education: Master of Architecture, Paul Cret Medal, Melhorn Award (Graduate), University of Pennsylvania School of Design, to 1989,职位: John E. Irving教授

7、, 哈佛设计研究生学院景观建筑主席, 目前现任都市机构负责人,学历 : 建筑学硕士 ,以克瑞奖章,梅尔霍恩授予(研究生学位),宾夕法尼亚州大学设计学院,至1989年,Representative figure,Charles Waldheim,Intellectual positions: Landscape fills a professional void left by planners. Landscape is more efficient than urbanism at creating formal effects, and is more appropriate to dec

8、entralized urbanization. Landscape Urbanism is a more challenging and appropriate alternative to “nostalgic urban consumption“ and “public therapy.“ Postmodernism is “layered, non-hierarchical, flexible, and strategic.“ Sprawl need not be considered normative, but it must be accepted as the reality.

9、 The city is not in a dialectical relationship with nature. The image of untamed pastoral nature as an ideal is unrealistic in modern times.,立场: 景观弥补了规划师所留下的专业性的空白 景观比城市化更有效地引起正规的影响, 并且更合适用来分散城市化。 景观都市主义是 “依赖性城市消耗”和“公众疗法”的一个更有挑战性和更加合适的替代 。 后现代主义是“分层的,不分等级的、灵活的、有战略意义的。” 城市杂乱无序拓展的地区不需要被认为是规范的 ,但是必须作为现

10、实接受它。. 城市不是在与自然的辨证关系之中。 在现代,不受影响的田园自然的形象犹如一个理想一般,是不切实际的。,Representative figure,Alex Krieger,Alex Krieger, FAIA has combined a career of teaching and practice, dedicating himself in both to understanding how to improve the quality of place and life in our major urban areas.,Mr. Krieger is a professor

11、 at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, where he has taught since 1977 and is also Interim Chair of the department in 2009-2010. He served as Chair of the Department of Urban Planning and Design, 1998-2004, as Director of the Urban Design Program, 1990-2001, and as Associate Chairman of the Depar

12、tment of Architecture, 1984-1989.He currently teaches the Urban Design Proseminar.,克瑞格先生是哈佛设计研究生学院的教授,自1977年在此授课,并在2009到2010年任为临时系主任。1998年至2004年,他作为城市规划与设计的系主任。1990至2001年,他作为城市设计计划的负责人。并自1984至1989年,作为建筑系的副主席。他目前在教授城市设计讨论课。,美国建筑师协会会员,阿历克斯克瑞格 把教学生涯和实践相结合,把他的一生奉献给理解如何改善场所质量和在我们城市中的生活质量这两者。,Representati

13、ve figure,Mohsen Mostafavi,Mohsen Mostafavi has been named dean of the College of Architecture, Art and Planning, Cornell University President Jeffrey Lehman announced today. Mostafavi, a U.S. citizen who studied at Londons Architectural Association School of Architecture (AA) and at the University

14、of Cambridge, has served as chairman (equivalent to dean) of the AA since 1995. His Cornell appointment will begin July 1, 2004.,Mohsen Mostafavi 现在被康奈尔大学 校长宣布任为建筑,艺术和设计学院的院长。Mostafavi,美国公民,曾就读于伦敦建筑联盟学院和剑桥大学,自1995年起他作为建筑联盟学院的主席(相当于院长)。他在科内尔大学的任期将从2004年7月1日开始。,Representative figure,James Corner,基本上我们

15、斗试图说明景观设计不是一个在所有事情完成后仅仅去种一些树这样一种职业。这是个很大的问题。好的景观设计师应具有能够综合整个项目的能力。,Basically were trying to say that landscape architects arent just the professionals that come in after everything has been built just to plant some trees . This is a big problem . Good landscape architects have the capacity to synthe

16、size a whole project.,Basic concept,基本概念,Basic concept,基本概念,Reflection 对经典景观理论的反思,迄今为止,包括景观都市主义在内的景观实践还处于城市区域的边缘地带或一些“剩余”场地。于是引发了景观都市主义对景观的作用、意义和方法等内容的反思。同时,反思也对现代景观生态规划的理论和方法进行了重新评价,强调了艺术性、社会功能、文化认同和身份认同等内容。,So far, including landscape urbanism landscape, including the practice of urban areas is still in the periphery or some “residual“ venue. So the landscape led to the role o



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