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1、,next,previous,Rich Dad,Poor Dad,next,previous,Author,Robert T.Kiyosaki: Born and raised in Hawaii,Robert is fourth-generation Japanese american.He set up a company and began his own business in 1977,finally became a millionaire in 1985. Kiyosaki is the author of the Rich Dad series of books,an inve

2、stor,entrepreneur and educator. His perspectives in Rich Dad,Poor Dad have changed the way people think about money and investing.,next,previous,Kiyosaki wrote this book by narrating a story based on his real childhood experiences.Kiyosaki has two dads who have a big difference in education.Poor dad

3、 ,the one who was his biological father,was a government official,highly educated and intelligent.On the contrary ,rich dad,his fathers childhood friend, never finished the eighth grade in school but he devoted himself to investment. Kiyosaki followed his poor dad study hard in order to hunt a good

4、job until 1977, the poor dad was laid off and bothered by the money all the time,meanwhile,the other one became the richest man in Hawaii. At last, Kiyosaki determined to follow the rich dads step and start his own business. Base on his childhood experiences,this book showed totally different opinio

5、n on money and wealth between his two dads.Finally,he came to the conclusion,if you want to be a rich man,you must achieve your own financial freedom.,Brief introduction of story:,next,previous,Financial Freedom 财务自由,Financial Freedom:Passive IncomeExpense 财务自由:被动收入花销 Passive Income is also called u

6、nearned income,but is not working income,Liability 负债,next,previous,Asset 资产,KISS(keep it simple stupid),即傻瓜财务原则 通过这个原则我们可以轻松地判别出资产与负债,并去购买资产。,Liability 负债,next,previous,Asset 资产,The poor work for money,and the rich make money work for them. The rich is the property of buying out and the poor is onl

7、y of paying out. 穷人购买负债 富人购买资产,Liability 负债,next,previous,Asset 资产,KISS(keep it simple stupid),即傻瓜财务原则。 通过这个原则我们可以轻松地判别出资产与负债,并去购买资产,Liability 负债,next,previous,Asset 资产,“我们的周围也有许多穷人跟富人,穷人为钱而工作,他们起早贪黑,放弃休假,银行账户上不断增大的数字是他们唯一的安慰,他们一生都在为金钱为困惑,为生活奔波。而富人往往工作轻松,给人一种坐享其成的感觉。这是为什么呢?实现了财务自由。不当金钱的奴隶,就要学会各种投资,不

8、要妄图通过单纯的加薪来增加收入,要注重个人财富的保值增值,实现财务自由的最大化。”,next,previous,Act as a boss 老板心态,“Today, the most dangerous advice you can give a child is Go to school, get good grades and look for a safe secure job, “ “今天,一个人能够给孩子最危险的告诫就是“上学,争高分,找一份安全稳定的工作. “” The child may graduate with excellent grades but with a poor

9、 persons financial programming and mind-set.孩子可能以优秀的成绩毕业,但是只具有穷人的理财程式和心态。,next,previous,Act as a boss 老板心态,One dad recommended, “Study hard so you can find a good company to work for.“ The other recommended, “Study hard so you can find a good company to buy.”一个爸爸劝告说:“努力学习你就会找到一家公司去上班.”另一个则说:”努力学习你就能

10、找到一家好的公司可买.” His educated dad advised him to work for a corporation. His rich dad advised him to own the corporation.他那有学识的父亲教他为公司干.他那富爸爸教他拥有自己的公司.,next,previous,Be Adventurous 敢于冒险f28cebcdee0965c39b736b8ac92f8c5e_r,next,previous,Be Adventurous 敢于冒险f28cebcdee0965c39b736b8ac92f8c5e_r,One said, “When

11、it comes to money, play it safe, dont take risks.“ The other said, “Learn to manage risk.” 一个说:“涉及到钱,要图个安全,不要冒险.”另一个说: “学会应对风险.” “The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people fail many more times than unsuccessful people.“,next,previous,CASHFLOW 现金流游戏f28

12、cebcdee0965c39b736b8ac92f8c5e_r,next,previous,CASHFLOW 现金流游戏f28cebcdee0965c39b736b8ac92f8c5e_r,现金流游戏是最大限度的模拟人生,让人们在游戏中体味现实生活中的高风险投资,我们在现实生活中不敢去想的投资机会,在游戏中可以放松去做,通过游戏学习有价值的投资机会是什么。同时,也告诉我们真正的“富人”定义:有钱并且有时间,做自己喜欢做的事情。 他的主要目的在于,通过模仿我们的现实生活,来告诉游戏者如何识别和把握投资理财的机会;通过不断的游戏和训练以及学习游戏中所蕴含的富人的投资思维,来提高游戏者的财务智商,最终实现财务自由。,next,previous,Thanks for your watching,next,previous,next,previous,next,previous,next,previous,next,previous,nhbh,next,previous,Perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium.,next,previous,


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