江苏省淮安市2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练15 Unit 7(八下)练习 牛津版

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江苏省淮安市2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练15 Unit 7(八下)练习 牛津版_第1页
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江苏省淮安市2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练15 Unit 7(八下)练习 牛津版_第2页
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江苏省淮安市2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练15 Unit 7(八下)练习 牛津版_第3页
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江苏省淮安市2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练15 Unit 7(八下)练习 牛津版_第4页
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江苏省淮安市2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练15 Unit 7(八下)练习 牛津版_第5页
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《江苏省淮安市2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练15 Unit 7(八下)练习 牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省淮安市2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练15 Unit 7(八下)练习 牛津版(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课时训练(十五)Unit 7(八下)(限时:30分钟).单项选择1.Is Doctor Wang UNICEF volunteer?No, he is ORBIS doctor. He has worked for it for years.A.a; anB.an; a C.an; anD.a; a2.2017深圳 The scenery of Shenzhen is amazing, in spring.I think so. You can see green trees and flowers everywhere.A.exactlyB.especially C.actuallyD.pr

2、obably3.What do you want to do in the future, April?I want to a Hope School to help students who are unable to go to school.A.set outB.set off C.set upD.set into4.2019原创 Wu Dajing won the mens 500-meter speed skating at the 2018 Winter Olympics.Wonderful! We are him.A.afraid ofB.strict with C.proud

3、ofD.thankful to5.2018自贡 Did your father use to to work?Yes, but now he likes using public transportation. He is used to the bus.A.drive; taking B.driving; taking C.driving; take D.drive; take6.2018南京二模 The price of housing in Nanjing is so high that many people cant afford a flat.A.buyingB.to buyC.b

4、oughtD.buy7.2017西宁 Could you please teach me how to “red envelope”(红包) on WeChat?Sure. Let me show you.A.give awayB.give up C.give backD.give out8.2017鄂州 The dishes in this restaurant must be very expensive.Dont worry. You can enjoy yourself. Its my .A.timeB.treatC.taskD.taste9.2019原创 As President X

5、i said in the 2018 New Years speech, happiness through hard work.A.achieveB.is achieved C.has achievedD.achieved10.2018菏泽改编 It is believed that tea to Korea and Japan from China during the 6th and 7th centuries.A.brought B.was brought C.is broughtD.has brought .2017德阳 完形填空Today, I was sitting on a b

6、ench(长椅) at a subway station, eating candies. A woman came and sat next to me. She looked very 11. I said hello to her and 12her some of my candies. She 13 politely because she had just eaten something and she was 14. But the ice was broken and we 15 for about half an hour. She told me some16 things

7、 in her life. I understood her. But I tried to17 her to notice the good sides. And then she promised that she would often smile and feel hopeful about18. When we said goodbye, she was a 19 personHer tiredness seemed to be gone. She left with a20, thanking me for talking with her.A few minutes later,

8、 I saw a blind man coming. He walked21 with a stick in his right hand. I went to him and asked if I could help him and he agreed. 22 I walked on his left side so that he could catch my arm. We walked into the train and talked all the way to his 23. He gave me his name card before getting off the tra

9、in, and I promised to 24 him. I will and maybe we will meet and walk in the park one day.Today I brought smiles and an enjoyable 25 to two people, and for sure they also made my day brighter.11.A.excitedB.relaxed C.happyD.tired12.A.boughtB.offered C.leftD.lent13.A.refusedB.received C.agreedD.answere

10、d14.A.hungryB.luckyC.fullD.healthy15.A.talkedB.waited C.discussedD.sat16.A.goodB.unhappy C.strangeD.great17.A.allowB.expectC.helpD.make18.A.lifeB.workC.familyD.train19.A.badB.cuteC.differentD.difficult20.A.ticketB.card C.giftD.smile21.A.quicklyB.slowly C.quietlyD.suddenly22.A.ButB.OrC.AlsoD.So23.A.c

11、lassroomB.houseC.officeD.station24.A.callB.thankC.forgetD.teach25.A.storyB.timeC.meetingD.party.2018株洲 任务型阅读We live in Bedford, a town near London. My father is a hard-working pilot, so he doesnt have much time to look after us.When I was a kid, my mum liked to make breakfast food for dinner every n

12、ow and then. And I remember one night in particular, when she had made breakfast food after a long, hard day at hospital.On that evening so long ago, my mum placed a plate of eggs, sausage and terribly burnt biscuits in front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed. Yet all my dad did

13、 was reach for a biscuit, smile at my mum and ask my brother and me how we had been doing at school. I dont remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him put butter and jelly(果酱) on that biscuit and eat every bite!When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my

14、 mum apologize(道歉)to my dad for burning the biscuits. And I will never forget what he said, “Honey, I love burnt biscuits.”Later that night, I went to kiss my dad good night and I asked him if he really liked his biscuits burnt. He wrapped me in his arms and said, “Your mum is really tired after a h

15、ard days work. Besides, a little burnt biscuit could never hurt anyone. We have been married for 17 years. She always cooks for me. Dont put the key to your happiness in someone elses pocket but into your own.”根据上面短文的内容回答问题(每个小题答案不超过6个单词)。26.What is the father? 27.Where does the mother work? 28.How many people are there i


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