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1、第一篇 组织中的个体行为,个体传记特征 我们是如何感知世界 个体决策 个性 能力、情感 价值观、态度和工作满意度 激励的概念和理论 激励:从观念的应用,一、个体传记特征,传记特点 年龄 性别 婚姻状况 任职时间 出身 抚养人数,年龄与因变量的相关性,年龄与因变量,年 龄,离职率,缺勤率,生产率,工作 满意度,组织公民 行为,-,?,或U,+,+,年 龄,年 龄,-,可避免 缺勤,不可避 免缺勤,+,专业人员 的满意度,非专业人员 的满意度,U,+,先降低,至中年后提高,性别与因变量的相关性,性 别,离职率,缺勤率,生产率,工作满意度,组织公民 行为,?,女男,?,?,婚姻与因变量的相关性,婚

2、姻,离职率,缺勤率,生产率,工作满意度,组织公民 行为,已婚未婚,已婚未婚,?,已婚未婚,已婚未婚 ?,任职时间与因变量的相关性,任 职 时 间,离职率,缺勤率,生产率,工作满意度,组织公民 行为, ?,二、知觉,知觉 (perception) 个体为了对自己所处环境赋予意义而解释感觉印象的过程。(在感觉 的基础上,个体感官直接作用于事物,而形成对事物的整体反映。) 知觉的特性与分类 影响知觉的因素 有关知觉的理论 知觉偏差及其应用,感觉,感觉Sensation:个体对客观事物认识的起点,对象直接作用于感官而在人脑中产生的反映。知觉则表现为感觉的集合,即对象作用于感官而在人脑形成的整体反映。感

3、觉是知觉的基础和前提。,感觉类别,感觉的分类: Visual sense; Auditory sense; Smell; Taste; Skin sense(sense of touch ;sense of pain;sense of warmth and sense of cold) Other sense:Kinesthesis; Equilibratory,感觉的特性,the Absolute Threshold & the Different Threshold sensory adaptation Interaction Contrast,知觉的特征和分类,知觉的基本特征,Proje

4、ction,Entirety,Selectivity,Constancy,Space Perception,Time Perception,Motion Perception,Social Perception,知觉的分类,Target,Perceivers,Situation,Expectation,Organizing,Closure principle,Proximity principle,Similarity principle,Continuity principle,Experience.,Personality,Physical features,Novel,motion,so

5、und,size,Social Meanings,Gestalt Law,Time,Environment,影响知觉的因素,Closure principle,Proximity principle,Similarity principle,Continuity principle,组合原则,Social Cognition (Perception),Social Cognition,Perceiving People,Cognition for Others,Self-cognition,Interpersonal cognition,Role-cognition,Attribution T

6、heory,H. Kelly,The Theory of B. Wieners Attribution,internal,stable,external,stability,Attribution of Cause,ability,difficulty,effort,unstable,luck,Frequently Used Shortcuts in Judging Others,Selective Perception Halo Effect Contrast Effects Projection Stereotyping,解释常见的偏差,组织中的具体应用,Specific Applicat

7、ions in Organizations,Employment interview Performance expectations Performance evaluation Employee effort Employee loyalty,三、个体决策,个体决策模型 理性决策模型 有限理性决策模型 决策中的问题 决策风格,A rational decision-making mode that describe how individual should behaves in order to maximize some outcome.,Rational Decision-Makin

8、g Model,理性决策模型,The Six-Step Rational Decision-Making Model,Define the problem Identify decision criteria Weight the criteria Generate alternatives Rate each alternative on each criterion Compute the optimal decision,Assumptions of the Model,Problem clarity Known options Clear preferences Constant pr

9、eferences No time or cost constraints Maximum payoff,Due to the limited capacity of the human mind to meet the requirements of being fully rational; constructing simplified models that extract the essential features from complex problems without capturing all of their complexity.,Bounded Rationality

10、,有限理性决策,Typical Use of Bounded Rationality,Limited list of criteria based on most conspicuous choices Review of alternatives only until one seems “good enough” Final solution represents a satisficing choice, not an optimum one The satisficing choice may be the first acceptable one encountered,Uncons

11、cious process created out of distilled experience; resulting in a rapid decision with what appears to be very limited information,Intuitive Decision Making,直觉决策,Intuitive Decision Making,High uncertainty levels Little precedent Hard to predictable variables Limited facts Unclear sense of direction A

12、nalytical data is of little use Several plausible alternatives Time constraints,Cont.,A decision-making model where the decision maker implicitly selects a preferred alternative early in the decision process and biases the evaluation of all other choices.,Implicit Favorite Model,隐含偏爱模型,Identifying V

13、isible Problems,Easier to recognize obvious problems Desire to appear competent and “on top of problems” Self-interest to attack high-profile problems Evaluators rate highly an aggressive attack on visible problems,Developing Limited Alternatives,More complex search for creative alternatives happens

14、 only when a simple search fails Rarely formulate new and unique problem definitions and alternatives Decisions are made and remade endlessly in small comparisons between narrow choices,Making Biased Choices,Availability Heuristic Basing judgment on information readily available Representative Heuri

15、stic Assessing the likelihood of an occurrence by matching it to a pre-existing category Escalation of Commitment Increased commitment to a previous decision in spite of negative information When one might appear responsible for the failure Trying to appear to be consistent,Decision-Style Model,Conc

16、eptual,Behavioral,Analytical,Directive,Way of Thinking,Tolerance for Ambiguity,High,Low,Rational,Intuitive,Stages of Moral Development,Principled,Conventional,Pre-conventional,Three Different Criteria in Making Ethical Choices,Utilitarian Criterion - made solely on basis of outcomes or consequences Focus on Rights - made consistently with fundament



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