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1、India,View,Food,Custom,Dance,Clothes,.,郭俊蒙 王彗灵 王静 陈喆 邬惠娟,India is a large country in South Asia. More than one billion people live in India.,You could spend a lifetime trying to get to know India as a tourist. Its cities have noise and chaos, and its lands are filled with beautiful, ancient scenery.

2、,India has also constructed some fantastic buildings like the legendary Taj Mahal. This beautiful tomb is regarded by many as a symbol of eternal love. 印度也曾兴建一些相当了不起的建筑,例如泰姬玛哈陵。这座美丽的墓塚被许多人视为是永恆的爱情象徵,The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum located in Agra, India, built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of

3、his favorite wife, Mumtaz Mahal.,泰姬陵是印度知名度最高的古迹之一,处于北方邦阿格拉,是莫卧儿王朝第5代皇帝沙贾汗为了纪念他已故皇后姬蔓芭奴而建立的陵墓。,The Taj Mahal is considered the finest example of Mughal architecture, a style that combines elements from Islamic, Indian and Persian architectural styles.,泰姬陵是莫卧儿王朝体系结构中,结合了来自伊斯兰、 印度和波斯建筑风格元素的样式的最好例子。,In

4、1983, the Taj Mahal became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 在 1983 年,泰姬陵成为了教科文组织世界文化遗产。,The Red Fort is a 17th century fort complex constructed by the Mughal emperor Shah jahan in the walled city of Old Delhi.,阿拉格红堡17世纪Mughal皇帝修建在老德里城市墙中的堡垒复合体。,它现在是一个普遍的旅游胜地,并且印度的主权的一个强有力的标志。它被选定了科教文组织世界遗产站点。,It is now

5、 a popular tourist site, as well as a powerful symbol of Indias sovereigntyIt was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.,The Bah House of Worship in Delhi, India, popularly known as the Lotus Temple due to its flowerlike shape, is a Bah House of Worship and also a prominent attraction in Delhi. It

6、 was completed in 1986 and serves as the Mother Temple of the Indian subcontinent. It has won numerous architectural awards and been featured in hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles. 莲花庙位于德里的东南部,是一座风格别致的建筑,它既不同于印度教庙,也不同于伊斯兰教清真寺,甚至同印度其他比较大的教派的教庙也无一点相像。它建成于1986年,是崇尚人类同源、世界同一的大同教的教庙。,India has i

7、t all from the beaches of Goa to the movie industry of Bollywood in Mumbai, the cultural center of Kolkata, and its modern capital1 of New Delhi. 从果阿的海滩到孟买的宝莱坞电影工业,还有文化重镇加尔各答以及现代化首都新里,印度可说是拥有了一切。,As for Indias natural attractions, visitors should make time to visit the Ganges River and the Himalayas

8、. 至于印度的自然美景,游客应该抽出时间去造访恆河和喜马拉雅山。,Then, of course, there are the people and festivals like the fun and exciting Holi. India is definitely an ancient world waiting to be discovered. 当然,这裡还有各形各色的老百姓,以及像是胡里节这种有趣又令人兴奋的节庆。印度着实是个等着被人好好探索的古老世界,你只闻到我的香水,却没看到我的汗水。 你否定我的现在,我决定我的未来! 你嘲笑我一无所有,不配去爱,我可怜你总是等待。 你可以轻视我们的年轻,我们会证明这是谁的时代。 梦想是注定孤独的旅行,路上少不了质疑和嘲笑, 但那又怎样? 哪怕遍体鳞伤,也要活得漂亮!,



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