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1、河南科技大学 硕士学位论文 中英文新闻标题的象似性分析 姓名:谢国静 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:外国语言学及应用语言学 指导教师:张喆 20080601 摘 要 I 论文题目: 中英文新闻标题的象似性分析 论文题目: 中英文新闻标题的象似性分析 专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学 专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学 研 究 生: 谢 国 静 研 究 生: 谢 国 静 指导教师: 张 喆 指导教师: 张 喆 摘 要摘 要 语言符号的象似性,是认知语言学研究的一个重要部分,指的是语言符号的 能指和所指之间的关系不是任意的,而是存在某种映照性相似的特点。报纸新闻 标题是一篇新闻的重要组成部分,是新闻的灵

2、魂。本论文研究新闻标题中的象似 性现象,运用象似性的几条主要原则,分析了新闻标题在音、形、结构等方面的 象似性,并试图挖掘新闻标题中形式和意义之间更深层的关系。 语言符号的象似性广泛存在于各种文体中。近年来,国内外很多学者都对象 似性理论作过深入的探讨,如运用象似性原则分析诗歌、小说、广告等。但是, 运用该理论对新闻语篇,特别是新闻标题的研究还不够充分,在此基础上,提出 了运用象似性分析新闻标题的可行性。 本论文就是在收集大量中英文新闻标题的基础上,运用象似性理论的三条主 要原则映象象似、拟象象似和隐喻象似对新闻标题进行了分析。 映象象似在新闻标题中主要体现在两个方面:语音象似和视觉象似。语音

3、象 似又可分为直接语音象似和间接语音象似;视觉象似在新闻标题的排版、字体和 颜色上都有体现。这些象似性的运用对新闻标题的制作和解读都有重要作用,如 运用语音象似,可以使读者产生如闻其声、如临其境之感,从而增强新闻的生动 性和直观性;视觉象似的运用可在很大程度上丰富新闻标题的内容等。 拟象象似主要有以下四种:距离象似、顺序象似、数量象似以及标记象似。 距离象似在新闻标题中主要通过使用一般现在时、省略和标点等方面实现;顺序 象似在新闻标题中的体现可分为自然顺序象似和语用顺序象似;数量象似在新闻 标题中通过反复、双关、缩略等方式体现;标记象似性则体现在特殊标点符号、 特殊排版方式及特殊语言表达等的使

4、用,它们在总结新闻内容、吸引读者注意、 表达观点、美化页面等方面均有积极作用。这些象似性原则的运用能够突出新闻 标题的特点,如距离象似性可从主观上拉近读者和新闻事件、新闻中主语和宾语 等之间的距离,从而增强其时效性。 隐喻象似性可简单概括为:在人们认知经验的基础上,如果两种概念存在相 摘 要 II 似之处,人们可以用一种概念来表达另一种概念,从而达到隐喻的效果。在新闻 标题的制作过程中,如果新闻工作者能够善于运用隐喻象似,会达到更引人注 目、发人深思的效果。 在中英文新闻标题的制作和解读过程中存在大量的象似性现象,在新闻标题 中,象似性既可作为语言的一个自然属性,又可视为一种修辞手段。但应该注

5、意 的是,语言符号的结构往往受到任意性和主观选择的影响,并不是所有的语言现 象都能用象似性理论来解释。理解新闻标题中的象似性,在很大程度上依赖于读 者的解读,而读者的解读又受年龄、文化差异等的限制,这些因素如何影响新闻 标题的象似性分析是今后努力的方向之一。 关 键 词:关 键 词:新闻标题,映象象似,拟象象似,隐喻象似 论文类型: 论文类型:应用研究 Abstract III Subject: Analysis of Chinese and English Newspaper Headlines from the Perspective of Language Iconicity Speci

6、alty: Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Name: Xie Guojing Supervisor: Zhang Zhe Abstract Language iconicity, which is considered as one of the most important elements in cognitive linguistics, means that the relationship between language form and the meaning it conveys is motivated rather

7、than arbitrary. As one of the main elements of newspaper, newspaper headline can be seen as the soul of a piece of news. By analyzing, this thesis attempts, on the basis of the theories of language iconicity, on the one hand, to show that the principles of iconicity are embodied in different levels

8、of newspaper headlines such as in the phonological, morphological and structural level; on the other hand, to dig out some deeper motivation between the form of a piece of news and the meaning the headline refers to. Principles of iconicity embodies in different styles of language. Many scholars in

9、and abroad have made many contributions in this field. For example, in using iconicity to analyze poems, fictions and adverticements, etc. But studies in using iconcity to analyze language of news, especially in newspaper headlines are not so sufficient. Basing on these theories, the author conclude

10、s the possibility of using the theories of iconicity to analyze newspaper headlines. Basing on the basic theory and the analytical framework, this thesis tries to give an in-depth analysis about the newspaper headlines by using the principles of language iconicity: the imagic iconicity, the diagramm

11、atic iconicity and the metaphorical iconicity. Two sub principles are embodied in imagic iconicity: the phonological iconicity and the visual type of imagic iconicity. The former one can also be classified as the direct phonological and the indirect phonological iconicity while the later one embodie

12、s in newspaper headlines mainly according to typesetting, typeface and coloring, etc. These principles of iconicity applying in newspaper headlines have several effects. For example, phonological iconicity can strengthen the vividness and Abstract IV lifelines of a newspaper headline; and graphologi

13、cal iconicity in a newspaper headline may help to attract the readers attention and to get the message across as effective as possible. There are four main sub principles of diagrammatic iconicity: the principle of distance iconicity, order iconicity, quantity iconicity as well as marked iconicity.

14、Distance iconicity in newspaper headlines can be found in the use of present tense, omission and punctuation; order iconicity in newspaper headlines can be analyzed from two perspectives: the natural order and the pragmatic order; repetition, pun and abbreviation etc. in newspaper headlines are the

15、embodiment of quantity iconicity; the iconicity of markedness embodies in newspaper headlines from three aspects: use of the special punctuations, special typeface designs and special expressions. These principles of iconicity are fit in with the characteristics of newspaper headlines. For example,

16、using distance iconicity can subjectively denote particular perceptions and generalized events. Metaphorical iconicity can be understood under cognitive structure: people usually express one concept which is similar to another one if two of them have similarity, thus make the expression get the effect of



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