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1、外研社小学英语四年级上期期末试题一、从下列各组词中找出不同类的词,填序号。(共5分)( ) 1.A.draw B.make C.play D.dragon ( ) 2.A.bike B.wash C.plane D.train ( ) 3.A.May B.April C.England D.March ( ) 4.A.sixteen B.fruit C.twenty D.fourteen ( ) 5.A.cook B.biscuit C.bread D.cake 二、单项选择.将正确答案的序号填入题前括号内.(10分)( )1. What are they doing now? A.Theyr

2、e playing chess. B.He is flying a kite. C.Shes dancing.( )2.Look,this is swimsuit.A.Xiaohong. B.Xiaohongs C.she( )3. Can you play flute.Sam? No .I_ A.a,can B.the, cant C./,dont( )4.Christmas is in .A.October B.November C.December( )5.-Can I have some sweets? - A.Yes, I can. B.No, Im not. C.Sorry,you

3、 cant.( ) 6. she is going to_her teacher. A .look B.see C.visit( )7.There are 28 or 29 days in 。A.March B.February C.April( )8. Amy , can you _fast? A. running B. runs C. run( )9. were going _plane. A.by B.on C.in( )10. .were going to have a_ A.Sports day B.sport day C.sports day( )6.she is going to

4、_her teacher. A .look B.see C.visit三、情景会话,根据图片选择正确答案。(10分)( )1.-Whats the girl doing ? - A.She is taking pictures.B.She is watching TV.( ) 2.- -No, I cant.A.Can you draw a dragon?B.Can you jump far?( ) 3.-What are you going to do for Sports Day? - A.Im going to play football.B.Shes playing football.

5、( )4. -Wheres the school, please?- A. Turn left. B. Go straight on.( ) 5.-Have you got an elephant ? - A.No,I havent. B.No,I have.四、连词成句。(10分)1. like hats these I (.) 2. sports Sam is playing (.) 3. high going jump to am I (.) 4. are five in July there birthdays(.) 5. at men under the tree look the

6、(.) 五、读一读,写一写,画一画。(20分)1.- Can you ? -Yes, I can. Im the winner.2. Nineteen and one . 3.Do you want ?Yes, please.4.What are they doing ?They are .六、画龙点睛,用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. Can I _(have)some bread?2. Hes hungry.he wants some_(sweet)3. I dont like January and February.its cold and there_(be) snow.4.

7、 Im_(go)to go to Hongkong in July 5. He_(love) February.七从B栏中选出与A栏对应的答句(10分)A B ( )1.Do you want some soup? A.Im going to swim.( )2.What is Daming doing? B.Its at the station( ) 3.Where is the bus? C.Yes ,please.( )4.Where are you going to do? D.He is playing basketball.( ) 5.How many girls? E.Twent

8、y-nine.八完形填空(25分)A:Excuse me. _1_ the park,please?B:The park? Oh, its _2_a station.A:And where is the station?B:_3_over there. Its _4_a supermarket.A:Oh, thank you very much.B:_5_1.A.Whats B.Wheres C.When2.A.next to B.turn to C.go to3.A.This is B.That is C.It is4.A.next B.near C.near to5.No,thank you B.Sorry C.You re welcomeModule 10familyfmli dinnerdinr yearji(r)New YearChinesetainizfestivalfestivlthe spring festivalI see peanutpint merrymeriChristmaskrismsMerry Christmas!


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