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1、However,although,but,while都可以表示转折关系,但它们的词性、用法各有不同。 一、however however adv.然而,不过。它的语气比but 的弱,不直接引出相反的意见,可放于句首和句中,且通常用逗号与句子其他成分隔开。,Module2 Developing and Developed Countries Period Four Grammar:Link words 课件(外研版必修3,课标通用),You will be lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However,this does not always

2、 happen. 他如果不给你一个违章通知单就放你走,那是你运气好。不过,这种事不是常有的。 Id like to go with you; however,my hands are full. 我很想和你一块儿去,可是我很忙。,although 与though 这两个词意思相同,通常可以换用,但although语气较重,通常放在句首,并用于正式场合。 Id quite like to go out,(al)though it is raining. 我很想出去,虽然正下着小雨。 Although it was snowing,it was not very cold. 虽然下着雪,但并不是很

3、冷。,二、,1,though作“尽管”讲,引导让步状语从句可以倒装,但although 没有这种用法。as引导的让步状语从句必须倒装。 Poor though/as he is,he is happy. 虽然穷但他过得很开心。 Child though/as she was,the actress was drawing wide audience. 尽管这个女演员还是个孩子,却吸引着很多观众。(child前不用冠词a),2,although 只用作连词,而though 除作连词外,还可用作副词,常置于句末,句子较长时,也可置于句中。 Its hard work. I enjoyed it t

4、hough. 这是苦差事,可我干得颇有乐趣。 Theres no excuse, though, for hurting her feelings. 伤到她的感情一事,还是不可原谅。 although 和though 用作连词时不能和but 连用,但可以和yet,still 等连用。 Although he lives alone,yet he is happy. He lives alone,but he is happy. 虽然独自生活,但他很开心。,3,4,but but是连词,意为“但是”,用来引出较弱的相反意见,常用于口语中。 I was going to write,but I l

5、ost your address. 我本来要写信的,可我把你的地址弄丢了。,三、,while while是连词,意为“但,却,然而”。while 表示对比或用于引出相反的情况。 You like tennis while Id rather read. 你爱打网球,但我爱看书。 I drink black coffee while he prefers it with milk.,四、,however/while/but的区别 这三个词都有“然而”的意思,但用法上有一定的区别: however在句中的位置比较灵活,且通常用逗号与句子其他成分隔开。 I did not expect you wo

6、uld come; however,I am very pleased to see you. 我没有想到你会来,但我还是很高兴见到你。,五、,1,while多用于表对比,而且前后两个分句在结构上对称。 Some people are rich while others are poor. 有些人富,(而)有些人穷。 but是常用词,表示语意上的转折关系。 Id asked everybody but only two people came. 每个人我都请了,可是只来了两个。,2,3,We had to wait half an hour_we had already booked a ta

7、ble. Asince Balthough Cuntil Dbefore 解析 although 引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然”。句意:虽然我们订了座位,但是我们不得不等半小时。since 意为“自从”;until 意为“直到”;before 意为“在之前”。 答案 B,【单项填空】,1,Although badly hurt in the accident,the driver was_able to make a phone call. Astill Beven Calso Dever 解析 句意: 尽管在事故中受重伤,但司机还能打电话。although.yet/still.用以表达“尽管

8、,但还是”,属于让步状语从句的范畴。 答案 A,2,Playing on a frozen sports field sounds like a lot of fun. Isnt it rather risky,_? Athough Balso Ceither Dtoo 解析 句意:在冰冷的体育场上玩耍听起来很有趣,不过,难道不很冒险吗?though尽管;然而;also也,用于肯定句中;either也(不);too也,用于肯定句中。由句意和四个词的基本用法可知选A,though 用作副词时表示转折。 答案 A,3,假如你是李华,现在在美国学习。请根据下表的提示给某英文报社写篇文章,介绍你在美国

9、学习的感受。,对比类文章,【写作任务】,第一步:认真审题 本单元的写作话题是写一篇对比类文章。实际上是让学生对对比的地点、事物等进行描写、说明。写对比性的文章把两个事物描述清楚即可,但是需要注意描写的顺序。一般来说有两种顺序:第一种是分开描述两个事物,把其中一个写完之后,再写另一个;第二种是同时描述两个事物,就某一方面进行对比。,【写作分析】,1对所给的要点不要简单翻译,要有适当发挥; 2词数:120左右。,【写作要求】,细心审题,提炼主题。首先应认真阅读写作提示或说明,围绕被比较的内容,提炼出主题。 认真思考,得出结论。事物对比不能仅停留在就事论事的层面上,要通过比较,得出一个结论或说明一个

10、主题。 逻辑合理,语言流畅。在事物的对比中,通常用到下列过渡词:while,and,on the other hand,though(although),on the contrary等。,1,2,3,写此类文章时应注意以下几点:,第二步:提炼要点 1enjoy living in America 2be responsible for 3be different from 4in my country,dont worry about your educational plan 5Learning is my own business here 6do everything such as

11、shopping, cooking,washing, cleaning etc. 7make a plan and have good schedules 8cant rely on parents,第三步:扩点成句 1Since I came to America,I really have enjoyed living here,for I am responsible for everything myself and able to push myself forward. 2The life here is very different from that in my country

12、. 3In my country,you dont have to worry about your educational plan,for teachers are always concerned about your future.,4Learning is my own business here. Everything is controlled by myself,if I want to get a good job. 5I should spare time to do something such as going to supermarkets to buy some f

13、ood. And I have to deal with my lunch and dinner in my daily life. I should wash my clothes and clear up my room. 6I have to make a plan and have good schedules every day. 7I cant rely on my mother or my father. I have to do my part.,【参考范文】 Since I came to America,I really have enjoyed living here,f

14、or I am responsible for everything myself and able to push myself forward. Actually,the life here is very different from that in my country. Firstly,in my country,you dont have to worry about your educational plan,for teachers are always concerned about your future. However,learning is my own busine

15、ss here. Everything is controlled by myself,if I want to get a good job.,Secondly,I should spare time to do something such as going to supermarkets to buy some food. And I have to deal with my lunch and dinner in my daily life. Furthermore,I should wash my clothes and clear up my room. So I have to

16、make a plan and have good schedules every day. On the other hand,I cant rely on my mother or my father. I have to do my part.,短文简明扼要,引出主题。由于文化的差异,导致教育方式及目的等有明显差别。文章言简意赅,就学校学习及生活进行了很清晰的对比,充分体现了作者驾驭语言的能力。 运用了一些过渡词(firstly,secondly,furthermore,on the other hand等等),从而显得文章连贯性很强。,【亮点展示】,1,2,对比类写作的常用类型: (1)今昔对比:文章通常用一般现在时和一般过去时。 写作格式:主题句对过去情况的描述对现在情况的描述总结句。 (2)正反观点对比:文章通常采


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