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1、第四节 室内空气污染对健康的影响及其卫生要求,第八章 住宅与办公场所卫生,The 20th century outdoor air pollution focus of public health concern The 20th century ends indoor air pollution significant public health problem,会议指出: 近20多年来,许多国家的室内空气品质不容乐观,室内空气污染引发了以下三种病症:病态建筑综合症、与建筑有关的疾病,以及多种化学污染物过敏症。 美国环境保护署(EPA)历时5年的调查结果显示,许多民用和商用建筑内的空气污染程

2、度是室外空气污染数倍至数十倍,有的甚至超过100倍。 与发达国家相比,我国室内空气污染问题更为严重。据统计,我国每年由室内空气污染引起的超额死亡数达11.1万人。严重的室内环境污染也造成了巨大经济损失,仅1995年我国因室内环境污染危害健康所导致的经济损失就高达107亿美元。,2005年4月1921日在北京召开了以“室内空气质量和污染物控制”为主题的香山科学会议。,在世界卫生组织公布的2002年世界卫生报告中,室内烟尘与高血压、胆固醇过高症及肥胖症等被共同列为人类健康的10大威胁。报告指出,尽管空气污染物主要存在于室外,但是人们长期生活在室内,因此人们受到的空气污染主要来源于室内空气污染。,S

3、ource and character Health effects Indoor air quality assessment,Indoor Air Pollution,一、室内空气污染的来源和特点 Source and character of indoor air pollution,1、室外来源 室外空气 建筑材料 人为带入室内 生活用水污染 2、室内来源 燃料燃烧 人在室内的活动(吸烟) 室内建筑和装饰材料 室内生物性污染 家用电器,来 源,1. Sources of Indoor Air Pollutants,Combustion or Cooking Construction a

4、nd decorative material Indoor human activities Indoor biological contamination Home electronic equipment Outdoor pollution,Tobacco smoking Fuel combustion Cooking smoking,Combustion or Cooking (燃烧或加热),Tobacco smoking(香烟烟雾) Vapor phase (90%): carbon monoxide (CO) carbon dioxide (CO2) nitrosamines for

5、maldehyde(甲醛) Particulate matter (8%): nicotine tar(焦油) (Carcinogenic PAHs) Metals: cadmium, lead,More than 4,500 compounds have been identified from burning tobacco.,Most solid fuels contain impurities that may result in emission of,- fluoride - metals (arsenic) - particles - sulfur oxides,Combusti

6、on sources burn at high temperature to produce:,- CO - nitrogen- and sulfur dioxide - particles - polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs),Fuel combustion(燃料燃烧),Cooking at high oil temperature can produce a series of complex pollutants. More than 200 compounds have been identified from cooking smoking. 主要有醛

7、、酮、烃、脂肪酸、 醇、芳香族化合物、酯、内酯、 杂环化合物等。在烹调油烟中 还发现挥发性亚硝胺等已知 突变致癌物。,Cooking smoking(烹调油烟),VOCs Formaldehyde Radon,Construction and decorative material (建筑装饰材料),VOCs: volatile organic compounds 挥发性有机污染物,主要来源于各种溶剂、粘合剂等化工产品,还来源于清洁剂、杀虫剂、办公设备 (传真机、电脑、打印机等)等。,挥发性有机化合物是一类重要的室内空气污染物,目前已鉴定出500多种(醇、醛、酮、苯、芳香烃等),它们各自的浓度

8、并不高,但若干种VOCS共同存在于室内时,其联合作用是不可忽视的,由于它们单独的浓度低,但种类多,故总称为VOCs,不予逐个分别表示,以TVOC表示其总量。,Formaldehyde 甲醛,One of the most ubiquitous indoor organic pollutant. Used in hundreds of products 油漆、塑胶、压缩木、夾板及醛泡沫树脂保 暖材料等 As a preservative (added to medicines, cosmetics, textiles, and to some food containers).,甲醛是一种挥发性

9、有机化合物; 大量存在于多种装饰材料中,也可来自建筑材料; 甲醛还可来自化妆品、清洁剂、杀虫剂、消毒剂、防腐剂、印刷油墨、纸张、纺织纤维等; 一般住宅在新装饰后的峰值约为0.2 mg/m3,个别可达0.87mg/m3,使用一段时间后下降至0.04mg/m3或更低。,Radon 氡,- soil toft(土壤地基) - building materials,Source,居室氡中的来源是多途径的,但主要是从房屋底下的岩石(土壤)等地质背景和墙地砖等建筑材料来的,其次是水源、煤气(天然气),五花八门的生活用具和室外更高氡浓度的地方传入。 室外空气中氡的年平均浓度约在0.1-10Bq/m3之间。室

10、内空气中约在5-100Bq/m3,甚至更高。 我国2002年发布的室内空气质量标准采取ICRP建议的中值(400Bq /m3)作为我国室内氡浓度的控制上限。,我国部分地区室内和地下建筑中氡浓度(Bq/m3),Saliva of patient and carrier Bacteria: - tubercle bacillus, - streptococcus Viruses: - influenza virus - hepatitis virus Cigarette smoking Exhalation (CO2, ammoniate),Indoor human activities,Indo

11、or biological contamination,Animals (dogs, cats, rabbits, mice) dander, saliva, excreta 有宠物房屋内变应原的浓度可以是无宠物房屋内的3-10倍。据调查,普通人群中对猫、狗的变态反应原有过敏反应的大约有15%。 Dust mite (尘螨) dust mite excreta,具有强烈的变态反应原性。 室内空气中尘螨的数量与室内的温度、湿度和清洁程度相关。,军团菌(legionella),主要存在于现代建筑物贮水器的水中,如冷却塔水、冷凝水、温水箱水、制冰机用水、温水游泳池水、浴池水、以及水龙头、淋浴喷头、医

12、用喷雾器和空气调湿器的水中 其中空调系统(主要通过冷却塔水)带菌是引起军团菌病流行的常见原因。该病菌主要通过室内空气传播。,Home electronic equipment,Electromagnetic radiation(电磁辐射),television computer mobile phone microwave oven,Sources:,Outdoor pollution,Outdoor air pollution,Domestic water,Soil toft,- industry - traffic - plant pollen,- pathogenic bacterial

13、 - chemical pollutant,Legionella,- volatile compounds - off-gassing,2. Character of indoor air pollution,Indoor air can become contaminated from numerous sources. Indoor air can have significantly higher concentrations of air toxics than outdoor air.,Sources of PAH in indoor air,Environmental Tobacc

14、o Smoke (ETS),Building materials (parquet glues),Cooking with coal, fuel, wood (fossile energies),Other processes of combustions,Impact of outdoor pollution (industry, traffic),Impact of outdoor pollution (2) Tobacco smoking (3) Modern building materials (4) Air condition,industry, traffic, plant po

15、llen,formaldehyde, radon,various poisons,new health problem,Air condition,legionnaires disease, (军团菌病) Sick building syndrome, SBS (病态建筑物综合症) Building related illness, BRI (与建筑物有关的疾病),New health problem,Lack of optimal ventilation and air purification,二、室内空气主要污染物的危害Adverse health effect of indoor ai

16、r pollutant,Air pollutants responsible for health effects,Indoor,Bioaerosols (and allergens) Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) Microbiological volatile organic compounds (MVOC) Semivolatile organic compounds (SVOV) (i.e. PCB, phthalates, pesticides) (Very) Volatile organic compounds (V)VOC Radon particles CO and CO2 fragrances Flame retardants,Outdoor,Chemical pollutant Biologic pollutant Physical pollution,Combustion products,- C



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