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1、political advocates, and struggle target, and organization principles, and excellent style and on members of basic requirements, further clear do qualified members of standard, upgrade respected, and fear and comply with Constitution Party rules of thought consciously, lane clear the do what, and sh

2、ouldnt do what, can do what, and cannot do what, keep live Communist is work of benchmark and bottom line. Party members and leading cadres above the county level to local party committees for further study work and party work, selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres work rules

3、and other regulations in the party, Required for the efforts to improve the leadership level of political literacy and policy. XI series important speech, General Secretary, the latest achievement is the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen party ideological theor

4、y, the most important is the spiritual unity, armed with a series of important speech. Party members to thoroughly understand the XI series of the basic spirit of the important speech by General Secretary, learn to understand new ideas new ideas and new central governance the basic elements of the s

5、trategy, understanding enhance party spirit, fulfills the purpose concepts, self-restraint and moral character, and other basic requirements. Party members and leading cadres above the county level to learn the original, read, enlightenment principles, understand speech of rich content and core esse

6、nce, master Marxist positions the method through which, knowing that good talk show a strong belief in pursuit, history as spirit, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thinking, better guide and promote career development. Meanwhile, in accordance with provincial requirements, continu

7、ous learning, XI , the important speech of General Secretary of Henan work research guide, in preparation for the Party Committee in the general process of cadres with the important speeches and instructions to lead practice, planning development; XI , in accordance with the spirit of the important

8、instructions, General Secretary, Comrade Mao Zedong, the Party Committees working methods into learning content and improve the scientific level of party committees at all levels. Two innovative learning method. Focused learning and self-study combined combined, learning to read and discuss, organiz

9、e the vast numbers of party members plan, in thematic studies. Full use of the resources, primary contact point, education in party spirit and the warning education bases, revolutionary tradition and warning education, experiential education. Powerful hand give a Party lecture as enhancing the effec

10、tiveness of learning, 71 before and after each branch set to arrange a party lecture, leading cadres must give a Party lecture as an important responsibility, leading in the branch give a Party lecture, to the rural, communities, businesses, schools and other grass-roots party branch give a Party le

11、cture. Give full play to the theorists, practitioners, outstanding party members, members of grass-roots party研究生学位论文格式规范广东外语外贸大学研究生学位论文格式规范(适用英语语言学类专业)分类号 密级 公开 UDC 编号 学号 (1) 本样式中,黑色字符部分不得更改。(2) 字体、字号及是否加黑,行距、段前段后间距、缩进、对齐方式等格式均以本样式的实例为准。(3) 送审稿中不出现作者及导师的姓名,不含“致谢”页和“在学期间发表论文”页。(4) 印刷要求:送审稿可以单面,终稿双面。

12、硕士学位论文论文中文题目“导师姓名”和“职称”之间隔开一个汉字距离申 请 人 姓 名 姓名 导师姓名及职称 姓名副教授 申请学位类别 文学 学科专业名称 外国语言学及应用语言学 培 养 单 位 英语语言文化学院 学位授予单位 广东外语外贸大学 20xx 年x月x日分类号 _ 密级 _公开_UDC _ 编号 学号 广东外语外贸大学硕士学位论文Thesis Title论文中文题目导师 “姓名”和“职称”之间隔开一个汉字距离申 请 人 姓 名 姓名 导师姓名及职称 姓名副教授 申请学位类别 文学 学科专业名称 外国语言学及应用语言学 论文提交日期 20xx年4月25日 论文答辩日期 20xx年6月x

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