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1、项目管理培训,乔东 2001年10月,目录,项目管理概览 项目管理过程介绍 项目管理知识领域介绍 PROJECT软件入门 测验 案例分析,发达国家对项目管理的认识已经相当成熟,项目管理具有普遍性 项目管理对项目的成功具有重要作用 项目管理需要特殊的管理方法 项目管理已经发展成为一门管理科学 越来越多的组织、企业开始重视项目管理 据Fortune预测,项目经理将成为21世纪年轻人的首选职业,相关组织和知识体系,PMI( Project Management Institute) PMBOK(Project Management Body Of Knowledge) PMP(Project Man

2、agement Professional) PMP认证考试,项目的定义,PROJECT is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service. Operation v.s. Project Temporary & Unique & Progressive Elaboration,项目管理的定义,PROJECT MANAGEMENT is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to

3、 meet project requirements Scope, time, cost, and quality Stakeholders with differing needs and expectations Identified requirements (needs) and unidentified requirements (expectations),项目管理的相关知识结构,常见的项目管理知识与实践,一般的管理知识和实践,应用领域的知识与实践,项目的利益相关者(Stakeholders),积极参与项目,或其利益受到项目执行过程或项目成功完成的影响的个人和组织。 项目经理 客户

4、 运营中的组织 出资人,外部影响,标准 法规 国际化 文化 社会、经济、环境,项目阶段的划分,Each project phase is marked by completion of one or more deliverables. Deliverable: tangible, verifiable work product Phase end review: determine if the project should continue into its next phase detect and correct errors cost effectively,项目生命周期,Proje

5、ct life cycle serves to define the beginning and the end of a project. Project life cycle V.S. Product life cycle program subproject,项目组织,职能式 矩阵式 弱矩阵 平衡矩阵 强矩阵 项目式,项目经理职责 项目经理授权 项目经理时间 项目协调力度,项目管理五大阶段,Initiating processes Planning Processes Executing Processes Controlling Processes Closing Processes,

6、项目管理过程,Initiating Processes,Planning Processes,Controlling Processes,Executing Processes,Closing Processes,项目管理九大知识领域,Project Integration Management Project Scope Management Project Time Management Project Cost Management Project Quality Management Project Human Resource Management Project Communica

7、tions Management Project Risk Management Project Procurement Management,Project Integration Management,项目计划、执行和控制的不同过程的综合集成 项目管理与企业日常运营的集成 产品范围与项目范围的集成 不同职能部门的成果的集成 项目中各约束条件的集成,Project Scope Management,Product scope v.s. Project scope,Initiation,Outputs: Project charter Project manager identified/as

8、signed Constraints Assumptions,Scope Planning,Output: Scope statement Supporting detail Scope management,Scope Definition,目的: 提高估算成本、时间、资源的准确度 定义 衡量和控制项目绩效的基线 明确职责的分派 Output: Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 正确的范围定义是项目成功的关键,Scope Verification,Scope verification v.s. quality control,Scope Change Contro

9、l,目的: 影响产生范围变化的因素,以保证变化是有益的 确定范围的变化会发生 对变化是否已经发生和发生的时间进行管理,产生变化的主要原因,一个外部事件(如政府法规的改变) 在产品范围定义中发生的失误 在项目范围定义中发生的失误 增值引起的变化(如新技术的引入),Project Time Management,Activity Definition activity v.s. deliverable Activity Duration Estimating resource requirements resource capabilities elapsed time,Activity Sequ

10、encing,Dependencies Mandatory, Discretionary, External PDM(AON): FS, FF, SS, SF ADM(AOA): FS GERT: Loop or conditional branches,Schedule Development,考虑因素: 项目网络图(活动顺序) 活动时间估计 资源需求 可获得资源 日历(项目、资源) 限制条件 假设前提 活动的时间间隔,Schedule Development,几种常见的表示方法 压缩时间的方法 CPM Crashing Fast tracking Resource leveling,Sch

11、edule Control,关键路径法 最早启动时间(ES) 最迟启动时间(LS) Float 举例,Project Cost Management,Resource Planning Cost Estimating Cost Budgeting Cost Control,常用术语,PV: Present Value PV = FV / (1+r)n NPV: Net Present Value NPV = PV BCWS: Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled ACWP: Actual Cost of Work Performed,Project Quality M

12、anagement,Quality policy Project & Product Quality v.s. Grade Benefit v.s. Cost Prevention over inspection Planned in v.s. Inspected in Management responsibility PDCA with phases,Project Quality Management,Quality Planning Quality Assurance Quality Control,Cost of Quality,Prevention Costs Appraisal

13、Costs Failure Costs Internal External,Quality Control,Checklist Pareto diagrams Cause-and-Effect diagram,Pareto Diagram Sample,Quality Control,Outputs: Acceptance decisions Rework Quality improvement Process adjustments,Project Human Resource Management,项目的临时的特点,必然导致人员和组织的关系总是不断改变和具有临时性。 企业中的人力资源管理一

14、般都不是项目管理者的直接责任,但作为项目的管理者,必须充分意识到这方面的管理要求对完成项目的保证作用。 与沟通管理密切相关,Organizational Planning,Identifying, documenting, assigning roles, responsibilities, reporting relationships RAM,RAEW,团队能力组合,专业知识,组织协调能力,操作型,专家型,协调型,决策型,Staff Acquisition,与职能部门或其他项目的经理谈判 预先指定的 从外部获得(采购),Team Development,Both enhancing the

15、 ability of stakeholders to contribute as individuals as well as enhancing the ability of the team to function as a team.,Project Communications Management,典型的项目经理有75% - 90%的时间用于沟通 Communications Planning Communications Distribution Performance Reporting Administrative Closure,沟通的规模,项目经理的基本职责,Planni

16、ng Organizing Leadership Control 项目经理有75% - 90%的时间用于沟通,项目经理权威的来源,正式任命 奖励 惩罚 专业能力 人格魅力,X - Y 理论,X理论:认为一般情况下工人都是懒惰的,需要监管 Y理论:假设工人们不受到监管时也都愿意工作,Conflict Management,Withdrawing Lose-lose Smoothing Lose-lose Compromising Lose-lose Problem Solving win-win Forcing win-lose,Performance Reporting,Status reporting Progress reporting Forecasting,Performance Reporting,BCWS: Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled ACWP: Actual Cost of Work Performed BCWP(EV): Budgeted Cost of Work Performed C



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