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1、四六级备考语法,第七讲 主谓一致,倒装,其它考点,主谓一致是指句子的主语和谓语动词在人称或数方面必须保持一致。一致的原则有三条:语法一致;意义一致;就近原则。,1. 某些名词、代词或词组等作主语时 (1)主语是a kind/sort/type of, a series of, an amount of, a portion of等加名词时,其主谓关系一般遵循语法一致原则,即不管名词是单数还是复数,动词均用单数形式。 eg. This sort of oranges is highly priced. = Oranges of this sort are highly priced.,(2)主语

2、是a number of, a variety of, a group of等加名词时,谓语动词通常用复数形式。但主语若是the number of加名词时,谓语动词则用单数形式。 eg. A number of contracts were signed at the conference. The number of absent students has dropped a lot.,(3)主语由more than one, many a(n), a(n)/one.and a half加名词或词组,谓语动词采用单数形式。如果主语是more + 名词(复数)+ than one时,谓语动词

3、需用复数形式。 eg. More than one factor was involved in the decision. More documents than one are missing.,(4)主语带有all, most, half, some, none, plenty of, part of, a lot of, the majority/minority of, the rest, the remainder, the last, one third of, x% of等时,其主谓关系一般遵循意义一致原则。如果主语是一个整体,动词用单数形式;如果主语有复数意义,指的是由个体组

4、成的整体,动词用复数形式。 eg. Most of the boys are playing card; the rest are playing chess. Most of the lecture is OK; the rest is dull.,(5)主语是集合名词,如 association, audience, board, class, club, crew, family, firm, generation, government, jury, public, staff, team, union等。如果表示一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式;如果表示整体中的每个成员,谓语动词则用复数

5、形式。 eg. The audience is requested to be in its seat by 7 p.m. The audience are requested to be in their seats by 7 p.m.,(6)主语是不定式、动名词或从句时,谓语动词通常用单数。 eg. How close parents are to their children has a strong influence on the character of the children. (7)表示时间、距离、重量或金额等复数名词作主语时,常看作是一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式。 eg.

6、Forty miles on that road seems like two hundred!,2. 并列或复合主语与谓语动词的一致 (1)由and连接的并列或复合主语与谓语动词一致应注意以下四点: 非同位语等立关系的,动词用复数形式。 eg. Both Chinese and Japanese silk are much better than Italian. 表示的是单一概念或同一事物,其谓语动词用单数形式。 eg. The director and chief engineer is an experienced person. (指一个人) The director and the

7、 chief engineer are experienced persons. (指两个人),由两个部分组成的物品也被视为单数概念。 eg. Salt and water is available. (盐开水) each.and (each).或every. and (every). 或no.and (no).等之后通常用动词的单数形式。 eg. Each boy and (each) girl was congratulated. (2)由 or, either.or, neither.nor连接复合主语,主谓关系通常按照就近原则。 eg. Neither the prices nor t

8、he quality has changed.,(3)由not.but 或not only.but also 或.not.等连接的复合主语,其中一个是肯定形式,另一个是否定形式,它们的谓语动词须与肯定的主语在人称上保持一致。 eg. It is not you but he who is to blame. I, not you, am the right person to carry out the task. (4)某些连接词,如:as well as, rather than, with, along with, together with, in addition to, inclu

9、ding, in company with, more than, no less than, let alone等,连接的成分把主语和谓语隔开,但谓语动词须与真正的主语在人称和数上保持一致。 eg. John, together with his brothers, has gone to the party. I as well as he am responsible for the accident.,倒装是一种语法手段,可起到强调句子某一成分的作用。可分为全部倒装:即把整个谓语动词置于主语之前;部分倒装:只把谓语动词的部分(即助动词或情态动词)置于主语之前。,部分倒装:强调部分 +

10、助动词或情态动词 + 主语 + 谓语 (1)句首为否定意义的副词,如:never, little, seldom, hardly, nowhere, scarcely等。 eg. Seldom do they watch TV during the day.,(2)某些连词开首的句子,如:no sooner.than, scarcely/hardly.when, not only.but also, neither.nor, not until等。 no sooner.than, scarcely/hardly.when的结构中,句首的分句用倒装,其谓语动词通常用过去完成时,其后的主句用一般过

11、去时。 eg. No sooner had they finished the work than they started back.,not only.but also的用法要注意以下三点:a)连接的两个分句主语是同一个人时,第一个分句用倒装语序;b)连接的两个分句的主语是不同的人时,不用倒装;c)连接的是两个并列主语时,也不能用倒装。 eg. a) Not only is he a teacher, but he is a writer. b) Not only he is a teacher, but his brother. c) Not only he but also his b

12、rother is ill.,not until.的结构中,主句用倒装。 eg. Not until the guest left was he back at the room. = He was not back at the room until the guest left.,(3)含有no的介词短语开首的句子,如: in no case, in/under no circumstances, in no way, on no account, by no means, at no time等。 eg. On no account are visitors allowed to fee

13、d the animals. In no case shall we give up our plan.,(4)Only + 状语开首的句子 eg. Only then did I understand what she meant. Only after you have done the experiment can you understand the theory better.,(5)so + 形容词/副词 + that 开首的句子 eg. So fast does light travel that it is difficult to imagine its speed. So

14、honest is he that he will not accept a bribe.,(6)省略了if的虚拟条件句中。如果在if虚拟条件句中有动词were, had, should,可省略而须用倒装。 eg. Were Tom to resign, it would be difficult to replace him. Had the captain been more careful, his ship would not have been sunk. Should the weather be wet, the meeting would not be held.,Practi

15、ce,1. Neither of the boys who have been helping us _ when this game is over. a. know b. knows c. is known d. are known 2. Every success and failure _ to an individuals growth and maturity. a. contribute b. contributes c. are contributing d. is contributed,3. The kind of books an author writes _ on t

16、he kind of man he is. a. depend b. is depending c. depends d. are depending 4. John is the only one of the staff members who _ going to be transferred. a. are b. is c. has been d. was,5. When the bell rang, a few _ on the test. a. have still worked b. still worked c. were still working d. was still working 6. The number of employees at the factory _to a bare minimum so as to lower production costs. a. has been cut b. have been cut c. has cut d. have c



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