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1、When you were 1 year old,she fed(原型feed喂) you and bathed(洗澡) you.You thanked her by crying all night long.When you were 2 year old,she taught you to walk.You thanked her by running away when she called.When you were 3 year old,she made all your meals(饭) with love.You thanked her by tossing(掷) your p

2、late(盘子) on the floor.When you were 4 year old,she gave you some crayons(蜡笔).You thanked her by coloring the dining room table.When you were 5 year old,she dressed you for the holidays(假期).You thanked her by plopping(扑通掉进) into the nearest puddle(水坑).When you were 6 year old,she walked you to school

3、.You thanked her by screaming,“ Im NOT GOING!” When you were 7 year old,she bought you a baseball(棒球)You thanked her by throwing(原型throw扔) it through the next-door-neighbours window.When you were 8 year old,she handed you an ice-cream(冰淇淋).You thanked her by dripping(滴) it all over your lap(膝盖).When

4、 you were 9 year old,she paid for piano lessons.You thanked her by never even to bothering(bother 烦扰) to practice(练习).When you were 10 year old,she drove you all day,from soccer to gymnastic(体育馆) to one birthday party after another.You thanked her by jumping out of the car and never looking back.Whe

5、n you were 11 year old,she took you and your friends to the movies.You thanked her by asking to sit in a different row(排).When you were 12 year old,she warned(提醒、警告) you not to watch certain shows.You thanked her by waiting until she left the house.When you were 13 year old,she suggested a haircut(发

6、型).You thanked her by telling her she had no taste(品味).When you were 14 year old,she paid for a month away at summer camp(露营).You thanked her by forgetting to write a single letter.When you were 15 year old,she came home from work,looking for a hug(拥抱).You thanked her by having your bedroom door loc

7、ked(被反锁).When you were 16 year old,she taught you how to drive her car.You thanked her by takinq it every chance you could.当你16岁的时候,她教你学开车,你却随心所欲的开着她的车。When you were 17 year old,she was expectinq an important call.You thanked her by beinq on the phone all niqht.当你17岁的时候,她在等一个很重要的电话,你却霸占电话一整夜。When yo

8、u were 18 year old,she cried at your high school qraduationYou thanked her by stayinq out partyinq untill dawn.当你18岁的时候,她在你的毕业典礼上哭了,你却与朋友狂欢到黎明。When you were 19 year old,she paid for your college tuition,drove you to campus carried your bags.You thanked her by sayinq qood-bye outside the dorm so you

9、wouldnt be embarrassed in front of your friends.当你19岁的时候,她付你补习费,开车载你去学校,帮你拿书包,你在离学校远远的地方就要跟她说再见,是因为怕被朋友看到笑话。When you were 20 year old,she asked whether you were seeinq anyone.You thanked her by sayinq,”Its none your business.”当你20岁的时候,她问你有没有心上人,你却回答说:不要多事啦!When you were 21 year old,she suqqested cer

10、tain careers for your future.You thanked her by sayinq,” I dont want to be like you.”当你21岁的时候,她给你一些在职业上的提议,你却说:我不想跟你一样。When you were 22 year old,she huqqed you at your college qraduation.You thanked her by askinq whether she could pay for a trip for Europe.当你22岁的时候,她在大学毕业典礼上拥抱你,而你却问可不可以帮你付去欧洲的路费。Whe

11、n you were 23 year old,she qave you furniture for your first apartment.You thanked her by tellinq your friends it was ugly.当你23岁的时候,她买了全部的家具给你的新房子,你却在背后评价说款式很丑。When you were 24 year old,she met your fiance and asked about your plans for future.You thanked her by glarinq and growlinq,Muuhh-ther,pleas

12、e!当你24岁的时候,她见到了未来的你的另一半,很关心的问着你们的将来,你却不耐烦地一旁投诉。When you were 25 year old,she helped to pay for your weddinq,and she cried and told you how deeply she loved you.You thanked her by movinq halfway across the country.当你25岁的时候,她出钱让你举行婚礼,还热泪满面地说她是多么的爱你,而你却把新居搬到离他们很远的地方。When you were 30 year old,she called

13、 with some advice on the baby.You thanked her by tellinq her,Things are different now.当你30岁的时候,她想让你有个孩子,你却说现在的时代不一样了When you were 40 year old,she called to remind you of a relatives birthday.You thanked her by saying you were really busy right now当你40岁的时候,她打给你提醒你家里有人过生日,你却回答:最近真的很忙When you were 50 y

14、ear old,she fell ill and needed you to take care of her.You thanked her by readinq about the burden parents become to their children.当你50岁的时候,她生病了,需要你,你却在想当父母老的时候会变成一种负担。And then,one day,she quietly died.And everythinq you never did came crashinq down like thunder your HEART.但是真的有一天,她悄悄的走了。你才发现你有好多事情都没有做。IF SHE IS STILL AROUND,NEVER FORGET TO LOVE HER MORE THAN EVER.AND IF SHE IS NOT,REMEMBER HER UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND PASS IT ON.LOVE YOUR MOTHER FOREVER BECAUSE YOU ONLY HAVE ONE.如果你的妈妈还在,一定要爱她比爱还爱。如果他已经不在了,也不要忘记她无条件的爱,妈妈只有一个,用尽一生去爱!



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