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1、,Revision Unit 1 the world of our senses,短语复习,observe sb. doing sth. 注意到某人(正在)做某事 observe sb. do sth./be observed to do sth. 注意/被注意到某人做某事 in sight /out of sight在视线内 /外 at the sight of 一看见 catch sight of 发现 make (no) sense 有(没有)意义 make sense of 理解 come to ones senses/oneself 苏醒过来 glance at 瞥一眼,扫一眼 gl

2、are at 怒目而视 stare at 盯着看,凝视 ,step out into the fog 走进雾里 be related to /be linked to/be connected with/be associated with和有联系/有关系 Its likely+ that 从句= sb/sth be likely to do 某人很有可能做某事 in the distance 在远处 avoid doing sth. 避免做某事 set off /set out出发,动身 stare up at 抬头凝视 be frozen with由而吓(惊)呆 cant help doi

3、ng sth. 忍不住/禁不住做某事,make the most of 充分利用 ring out (铃声,枪声等)突然响起 feed on以为食 live on 以为生 that/this far=so far 那么远 find sb./oneself doing sth. 发现正在做什么 a fresh wound 新伤 sense/realize that意识到,hold sb./oneself still 使某人不动 make great achievements 取得巨大成就 one another 互相,彼此 have sth./nothing in common 与有/没有共同之

4、处 in common 共同,共有 weather forecast 天气预报 wish for 盼望,企盼 reach out for sth. 伸出(手),later on 后来,以后 have high blood pressure 高血压 all of a sudden 突然 fall asleep 入睡 go hungry 饿了 for fear of sth/doing /that 唯恐,以免 in fear of 害怕 rather than 宁可,而不是,other than 除了之外 set about doing sth./set out to do sth. 开始着手做某

5、事 get on a lifeboat 上救生艇 enable sb. to do sth. 使某人能够做某事 watch out for /look out for 小心 freezing cold 冰冷,极冷 personally /in person be ignorant of 对一无所知 bang into (不小心)撞着某物,Dictation,1.家长们可能会被邀请参加今年的新年的晚会. Parents _to this New Years party. 2.海伦每天早晨出门慢跑,她的狗就跟在他的身后跑. Every morning Helen _ ,with her dog _

6、. 3. 现实情况是雾太大了,公交车开不了那么远. The truth is _ the fog is _. 4.不要惧怕鲨鱼,因为人类被闪电击中的几率要比鲨鱼攻击的几率大30倍。 Dont be frightened by sharks as there is 30 times _ _ of _ _ by lightening than being attacked by a shark.,1.家长们可能会被邀请参加今年的新年的晚会. Parents are likely to be invited to this New Years party. 2.海伦每天早晨出门慢跑,她的狗就跟在他的

7、身后跑. Every morning Helen goes out for a jog, with her dog running after her. 3. 现实情况是雾太大了,公交车开不了那么远. The truth is that the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far. 4.不要惧怕鲨鱼,因为人类被闪电击中的几率要比鲨鱼攻击的几率大30倍。 Dont be frightened by sharks as there is 30 times greater chance of being hit by lightening tha

8、n being attacked by a shark.,Words,deserted confidently personally truth nowhere fear observe beat sense affect stressed misuse ignore enjoyable,空无一人的;被抛弃的 自信地 亲自地 事实,真相 无处 害怕 观察,注意 跳动,击败 感觉,意义 影响 有压力的 误用 忽视,不理睬 令人感到愉快的,fear n. 害怕,恐惧 固定词组: for fear that 唯恐,以防,1. sense a. 感官(可数名词) My sense of sight i

9、s not so good as it used to be. touch / smell / sight / hearing / taste b. 感觉(不可数名词),意义 He has no sense of time. She has a lively sense of humor. c. 感到,察觉到(动词) I sensed that I was not welcome. 相关的词组及句型: in a sense make sense make no sense make sense of common sense There is no sense in doing sth.,be

10、atbeatbeaten 1)连续不断的跳动,敲击 His heart beats very fast. The rain beat against the windows. 2)打败 He beat me at chess.,1. sight Look! The ship is in / out of sight. The boy fell in puppys love with her at first sight. Entering the room, I caught sight of the man. After that, we lost sight of the lady. Af

11、ter his fever, he lost his sight. Out of sight, out of mind.,看见/ 看不见,对一见钟情,发现,不再看到; 忽略,失明,Phrases,踏进之中 那样远 扫视 盯着;瞪着 在视线之内 动身;出发 盼望; 伸出来 当心 听从某人意见 由于。呆住,step out into that far glance at stare at in sight set off wish for reach out watch out for follow ones advice be frozen with,Phrases in reading,Wor

12、ds & phrases in grammar,吸入 忍受痛苦 与.有关 充分地利用 而不是 艰难地前进 看不见 从后面 突然 禁不住作某事,breathe in take the pain be related to be linked to have something to do with make the most of rather than make ones way lose sight of from behind all of a sudden cant help doing,另外两种鲨鱼 与相比 以.为食 发现,查出 很有可能做某事 被吸引到 击打鲨鱼的鼻子 做 的可能 在

13、艰苦的环境中幸存 还没有愈合的伤口,two other sharks compare to/ with feed on find out be likely to be attracted to hit the shark on the nose chances of doing sth survive hard environment fresh wound,Sentences,1.一到街上,波莉就急匆匆地向往常乘车的车站走去. Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop. 2.现实情况是雾太大了

14、,公交车开不了那么远. The truth is that the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far. 3.她能感到由于害怕自己的心脏在砰砰乱跳. She could feel her heart beating with fear. 4.波莉发现自己身边站着一个男人,他的手搭在她的胳膊上. Polly found herself staring up at a man standing with his hand resting on her arm. 5.不要惧怕鲨鱼,因为人类被闪电击中的几率要比鲨鱼攻击的几率大30倍。 Dont b

15、e frightened by sharks as there is 30 times greater chance of being hit by lightening than being attacked by a shark.,Grammar Noun clauses,名词性从句,Noun Clauses,1.When we will start is not clear. 2.Mrs Black wont believe that her son has becom a thief. 3. My idea is that we should do it right now. 4.I

16、had no idea that you were her friend. 5.Although there was danger,he rushed out to carry the boy to safety 6.The reason why he has to go is that his mother is ill in bed.,主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,从句的种类,状语从句,定语从句,表语从句,从句的种类,1. 名词性从句,2. 定语从句,3. 状语从句,主语从句 (subject clause),宾语从句 (object clause),表语从句 (predicati


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