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1、商教學會英語能力檢定四級單字A序號字彙及音標例 句1able eb9 (adj.)有能力的 abilityDb0lDt0 (n.)能力He said that he had financial difficulties and wasnt able to pay his bills. 他說他財務有困難,所以繳不起帳單。2aboutDba?t (prep.)關於(adv.)大約I know all about Jenny because she is my best friend. 我知道一切有關珍妮的事,因為她是我最要好的朋友。It is about twelve oclock now. It

2、s time for lunch.現在大約是十二點鐘了,是吃午餐的時候了。 3aboveDbKv(prep.)在之上;超過 (adv.)在上方The department store is above the supermarket.百貨公司位在超級市場上方。She lives in the room above. 她住在樓上的房間。4accept0ksGpt,$k# (v.)接受acceptableDksGptDb9(adj.)可接受的acceptanceDksGptDns (n.)接受This gift is too expensive; I cannot accept it.這禮物太貴重

3、了,我不能接受。5accident$ksDdDnt(n.)意外事件accidental$ksDdGnt9(adj.)意外的;偶然的accidentally$ksDdGnt90(adv.)意外地After my little accident with the motorcycle, Ive not been allowed to ride it again.自從我騎機車發生小意外後,我就不被允許再騎了。6acheek(v. n.)疼痛When you get older, you have all sorts of aches and pains.當你變老了,就會有各種的大小疼痛。7acros

4、sDkrCs(prep. adv.)橫過The river is too deep but you can swim across it.河流太深了,但是你可以游過去。8action$kNDn (n.)動作;行為act$kt (n. v.)行為;舉止activate$ktQvet (v.)使活動People should be judged by their actions, not by what they say.判斷人要根據他們的行動,而非他們所說的話。We must take action before it is too late.我們必須在太遲之前就採取行動。9activity$k

5、t0vDt0 (n.)活動active$kt0v (adj.)主動的actively$kt0vl0 (adv.)積極地His spare-time activities include watching movies, listening to music and climbing mountains.他的休閒活動包括了看電影、聽音樂和爬山。10actor$ktQ (n.)男演員actress$ktr0s (n.)女演員His father is a famous actor; he has acted in many films.他的父親是個很有名的演員,曾經演過許多電影。序號字彙及音標例

6、句11affectDfGkt (v.)影響 affectedDfGkt0d (adj.)受影響的The rain affected the teams performance.那場雨影響了隊上的表現。She was deeply affected by the news of his death.她深受到他死訊的影響。12afraidDfred(adj.)害怕的;擔憂的;恐怕的Im afraid of snakes. 我怕蛇。Im afraid that I cannot go with you.我恐怕不能和你一起去了。13after$ftQ(prep. conj.)在之後Autumn com

7、es after summer. 秋季在夏季之後。After he left, I got a phone call from his mother.他離開之後,我就接到他母親打來的電話。14afternoon$ftQnun(n.)下午;午後He told us he would arrive tomorrow afternoon.他告訴我們,他將在明天下午抵達。15againDgGn;Dgen(adv.)再一次;又一次I cant hear you. Could you say that again, please?我聽不到你說的話,可以請你再說一次嗎?16againstDgGnst;Dge

8、nst (prep.)對抗;靠She sold the house even though it was against her husbands wishes.儘管有違她先生的意願,她還是將房子賣掉了。We will fight against the enemy.我們將要對敵作戰。17ageedI(n.)年齡;時代You look much younger than your age.你看起來比實際年齡年輕許多。18agoDgo(adv.)(距今)以前I saw him in the park a few days ago.幾天前我在公園有看到他。I couldnt remember th

9、at. That was a long time ago.我無法想起來,那是很久以前的事了。19agreeDgri (v.)同意agreeableDgriDbDl (a)贊成的;適合的agreementDgrimDnt(n.)同意;協議disagreed0sDgri (v.)不同意We agree that smoking is harmful to our health. 大家都贊同吸煙是有害健康的。20aheadDhGd(adv.)在前的Although I left home later than Jane did, I arrived at the party ahead of her

10、.雖然我比珍還要晚離開家裡,但是我卻比她早抵達舞會。21airGr;$r(n.)空氣;天空;氣氛We cannot live without air.沒有空氣,我們就無法存活。We saw the birds flying through the air.我們看到鳥兒飛過天空。序號字彙及音標例 句22airplaneGrplen(n.)飛機Even though it is expensive to go to Taipei by airplane, it can save much time.雖然搭飛機到台北很貴,但是卻能省下很多的時間。23airportGrport (n.)飛機場I we

11、nt to the CKS Airport to see my friend off; she went to the United States to study.我去中正國際機場為我朋友送行,她要到美國讀書。24allCl (adj.)所有的;全部的(n.)全部;一切All men are equal. 凡人皆平等。All of us enjoyed the trip to Europe very much.對於這趟歐洲之旅,我們所有的人都非常盡興。25almostClmost (adv.)幾乎The town was almost entirely destroyed during th

12、e war.這個小鎮在戰爭的時候幾乎已經全毀了。26aloneDlon (adj.)獨自的Its so dark here; dont leave me alone.這裡好暗啊,別留下我獨自一人。27alongDlCH (prep.)沿著I was walking along the street when the accident happened. 意外發生的當時,我正沿街道走著。28alreadyClrGd0 (adv.)已經We can go home now; Ive already done my work today.我們現在可以回家了,我已經將我今天的工作完成了。29alsoC

13、lso (adv.)也;並且He can speak not only Chinese but also English.他不僅會說中文,也會說英語。30althoughClMo (conj.)雖然Although shes only three, she can speak Chinese, Japanese and English.他雖然只有三歲,但卻已經會說中文、日文和英文了。31alwaysClw0z (adv.)總是Weve always done it this way. In fact, weve never done it any other way.我們總是以這個方式來做;事

14、實上,我們還沒用其它的方法做過。32AmericaDmGrDkD;DmGr0kD(n.)美國;美洲AmericanDmGrDkDn;DmGr0kDn(n.)美國人(adj.)美國(人)的;美洲的Ive been to America many times. 我去過美國很多次了。He married an American woman.他娶了一個美國人。33andDnd;Gnd (conj.)和;及;與;就My brother kept a black and white dog.我哥哥養了一隻黑白相間的狗。They came into the waiting room and sat down.他們走進等候室然後坐了下來。34angry$HEr0 (adj.)生氣的anger$HEQ (n.)憤怒 (v.)使發怒Shes angry with me because I didnt follow her instructions. 因為我沒有遵照她的指示,她在生我的氣。序號字彙及音標例 句35animal$nDm9 (n.)動物Snakes, f



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