安徽省2019年中考英语总复习语法专项复习语法二 介词和介词短语六年真题回顾

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安徽省2019年中考英语总复习语法专项复习语法二 介词和介词短语六年真题回顾_第1页
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《安徽省2019年中考英语总复习语法专项复习语法二 介词和介词短语六年真题回顾》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《安徽省2019年中考英语总复习语法专项复习语法二 介词和介词短语六年真题回顾(1页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、语法二 介词和介词短语六年真题回顾1(2018安徽中考)Our class is much sure to win the basketball game Class Three.Aof BinCagainst Dfrom2(2017安徽中考)To my pleasure, my family is always me whatever I decide to do.Aabove BbehindCfrom Dthrough3(2016安徽中考)Many wild animals are , and its time for us to do whatever we can to protect

2、 them.Aon duty Bon showCin order Din danger4(2015安徽中考)The Dragon Boat Festival this year will come four days.Aafter Bfor Cduring Din5(2014安徽中考) the exam, well say goodbye to our dear teachers, classmates as well as our beautiful school.AIn BForCAfter DThrough6(2013安徽中考)Mrs. King put a coat the sleeping girl to keep her warm.Aover BwithCbehind Dbeside参考答案16 CBDDCA一元线性回归模型的基本出发点就是两个变量之间存在因果关系,认为解释变量是影响被解释变量变化的主要因素,而这种变量关系是否确实存在或者是否明显,会在回归系数1的估计值中反映出来。1


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