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1、Unit 1 第 4 课时.单词拼写1I managed to find a _(停车)space.2It was o_ to everyone that the child has been badly treated.3_(提醒)me to phone Alan before I go out.4We should like to offer our_for the delay to your flight today.5_(原谅)me for interrupting but I really dont agree with that.答案:1parking译文:我终于找到了一个停车位。

2、2obvious译文:人人一看便知,那个孩子受过虐待。3Remind译文:提醒我在出去之前给艾伦打电话。4apologies译文:今天航班误点,敬请原谅。5Forgive译文:请原谅我打岔,不过我确实不同意那一点。.选词填空(如遇动词,用其合适的语态或非谓语形式,使语法正确)take place, in memory of, dress up, look forward to, day and night, as though, have fun with, turn up, keep ones word, hold ones breath1The Welsh diver can_for si

3、x minutes.2Mary_at her own wedding dressed not as the bride but as the brides mother.3They looked_they had been good friends for many years.4Although I am also a Fireworks(网页图像处理软件)user, I am not_learning Photoshop over again.5It was a war that_almost entirely in the air.6I dont think she cares for

4、money, but she will probably_.7At his birthday party, we danced, ate and _each other.8Hey, you have been working_. Have a rest, please!9She likes to _for a party.10In the city there will be a great activity_the great singer.答案:1.hold his/her breath2.turned up3.as though4.looking forward to5.took pla

5、ce6.keep her word7.had fun with8.day and night9.dress up10.in memory of.完成句子1Was there anybody passing by _ _ _ _ _(当事故发生时)?2I am afraid it will _ _ _ _ _(这样做弊多利少) 3Do you see the path on your right?_ _ _ _ _ _ _(它通向那个小山村 )4The writer wrote a long poem, _ _ _ _ _ _(纪念他的女友)5The clouds are gathering;

6、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(好像天要下雨了 )6He acts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(好像他对这件事一点也不知晓 )7You cant recognize them _ _ _ _ _(因为他们都化了妆) 8_ _ _( 显然)that the announcer has made a serious mistake.9He apologized to me _ _ _ _ _ _(因为没有信守诺言)10She admires the film star so much that she is _ _ _ _ _(盼望见到她)答案:1.when the accident took

7、 place2do more harm than good3It leads to the small mountain village4in memory of his girl friend5it seems as though/as if its going to rain6as though he didnt know anything about it7because they have dressed up8It is obvious9for not having kept his word10looking forward to meeting her.单项填空1The Unit

8、ed Kingdom, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand are all _countries.AEnglishspoken BEnglishspeakingCspokenEnglish DspeakingEnglish答案:B句意:英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰都是说英语的国家。Englishspeaking 意为“说英语的” 。2I feel really disappointed not to have got that job.Dont worry. Maybe something better will_.Ago by Btake o

9、nCturn up Dfall down答案:C句意:“没有得到那份工作,我真的感到非常失望。 ”“不要担心。或许更好的事会出现的。 ”go by“经过;(时间) 逝去” ;take on“呈现;雇用” ;turn up“出现;调大” ;fall down “跌落” 。3The further falling of the stock market as reported today has_a fresh wave of selling.Aset off Bgiven offCput off Dgot off答案:A句意:据今天的报道,股市的进一步下跌引起了新一轮抛售潮。set off“引发

10、;激起” ;give off“发出” ;put off“推迟” ;get off“下车;免受追究” 。4I must_your promise_you wont be late again.Aremind you for; why Bremind you to; in whichCremind you of; that Dremind you; which答案:C句意:我必须提醒你一下,你曾许诺过你不会再迟到了。remind sb of sth“提醒某人某事” ;that 引导同位语从句,对 promise 的内容进行解释。5Our teacher often asks us to retel

11、l stories_our own words.Ain BatCon Dto答案:A考查介词的用法,句意:我们的老师经常让我们用自己的话复述故事。in ones own words“用某人自己的话” 。6(2010湖北省重点中学高一下期中联考)Suffering from depression, he often_his sorrows in drink.Aswallows BdrownsCsinks Dburies答案:B考查动词。句意:患了抑郁症,他经常借酒浇愁。drown ones sorrows in drink“借酒浇愁” 。7(2010温州市省一级重点中学期末统测) The mee

12、ting started at ten oclock, but the chairman has not_yet.Aturned up Bturned down Cturned out Dturned off答案:A考查动词短语。句意:会议十点开始,但是大会主席还没到场。turn up“出现,到场”符合句意;turn down“调低,拒绝” ;turn out“生产,结果证明” ;turn off“关掉” 。8How about my food? I_here for almost half an hour.Im sorry, sir. It must be ready by now.Ahav

13、e been sitting Bam sittingChad been sitting Dwas sitting答案:A考查时态。根据句中 for 引导的时间状语可知需要使用现在完成时,选项A 是现在完成进行时,可以更好地强调 “我一直坐在这” ,因此为最佳选项。9I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please_? Aturn it on Bturn it downCturn it up Dturn it off答案:C句意:我几乎听不到收音机的响声。能放大点声吗?10Id like_information about the management of your hotel, please.Well, you could have_word with the manager. He might be helpful.Asome;a Ban ;someCsome;some Dan;a答案:A句意:“哎,好吧,你可以和经理谈一谈。他对你或许有所帮助” 。information 为不可数名词,不和不定冠词 a 连用,在肯定句中与 some 连用;此外,have a word/talk with sb 表示“和某人谈一谈” ,为习惯表达。.完形填空阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项



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