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1、高一英语必修 2 第三单元短语和知识点归纳和总结一、重点短语归纳和总结1. have something in _ 和有共同之处2. comman _ 惯例3. from _ on 从现在起4. from _ on 从那时起5. as a _ of 作为的结果6. with the _ that 结果是7. result _ 由造成;因而产生8. result _ 引起(某种结果) ;使获得(某种结果)9. solve a _ 猜字谜10. reach a goal =_ a goal = _ a goal 实现目标11.be of great value= be very _ be of n

2、o value= be _be of great use = be very _ be of no use =be _be of great interest = be very _ be of no interest = be _12. make the best of =make the _ of 充分利用= take full _ of13. come _ 实现;成为现实14. give _ (to sb. ) 成交; 交上; 屈服; 让步15. give _ 分发; 发出气味热等;发表公布;耗尽;筋疲力尽16. give _ doing sth. 放弃;不再做17. in the wa

3、y= in _ way 挡道;妨碍18. in _ way 用这种方法19. in _ way 绝不20. by _ of 经由; 通过方式21. by the _ 顺便提一下; 另外22. with one help = with _ _ of 在的帮助下23. do with 常与连接代词_ 连用; deal with 常与连接副词_ 连用。24. watch _ 期待;等候25. _ out 注意;小心(用于提醒某人)26. go _ 走过;经过27. so _ 如此;以至于28. _ sth. with sb. 与某人分享某物29. as _ as 也;和;既又30. _ high q

4、uality 高质量的31. human _ 人类32. _ fact 事实上; 实际上33. _ a way 在某种程度上34. _ all 毕竟35. deal _ 处理; 对付36. watch _ 看守;监视答案:1. common 2. practice 3. now 4. then 5. result 6. result 7. from 8. in 9. puzzle 10. obtain=achieve 11. valuable valueless useful useless interesting uninteresting 12. most advantage 13. tr

5、ue 14. in 15. out 16. up 17. ones 18. this 19. no 20. way 21. way 22. the help 23. what how 24. for 25. watch 26. by 27. that 28. share 29. well 30. of 31. race 32. in 33. in 34. after 35. with 36. over二、课本知识点归纳和总结1. look after 照顾,照料=care for2. need=want=require 需要 need doing =need to be done3. a go

6、od environment and satety 需要好的环境与安全4. as a result 结果5. endangered 濒危的6. die out 灭绝 die off 相继死去 die of 表示死的原因, die 后既可接介词 of,也可接 from, 两者的区别是: 一、若死因存在于人体之上或之内(主要指疾病、衰老等自身的原因),一般用介词 of。如:die of illness (heart trouble, cancer, a fever, etc) 死于疾病 (心脏病,癌症,发烧等) 二、若死因不是存在人体之内或之上,而是由环境造成的(主要指事故等方面的外部原因) ,一

7、般用介词 from 。 如: die from an earthquake (a traffic accident, a lightning, a stroke, etc) 死于地震(交通事故,雷击等) 三、若死因是环境影响到体内,即两方面共有的原因,则可用 of, from 均可。如:die of from a drink ( a wound, overwork, starvation, hunger and cold, etc) 死于饮酒(受伤,劳累过度,饥饿,饥寒等) 但是在实际运用中,两者混用的情况较多。7. a report on sth 一个关于的报告8. too much 后加名

8、词,much too 后加 adj 或 adv. too much dust 太多灰尘9. remain to be seen 有待于拭目以待10. in peace 处于和平状态 没有 in the peace, 没有 in peace of 这样的表达11. know of = know about 知道了解12. in danger of 面临危险13. had always longed to do sth. always 总是,这是完成时的标志。by +时间, since 都是完成时的标志。14. wake up 睡醒15. a flying carpet 一个飞毯16. take

9、sb. to sp. 带某人去某地17. at once 立刻,马上18. fly away 飞走了19. see an antelope looking sad see sb. doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事20. make sweaters 制作毛衣21. so that 如此以至于22. next minute 用作连词,表示转眼间23. turn around 转身24. take my photo 照相25. in relief 如释重负,松了口气26. burst into laughter 突然大笑起来27. used to do sth. 通常干某事28. witho

10、ut mercy 毫无仁慈 have mercy on sb. 对某人又仁慈之心29. only a certain number of sth. 只有少数的某物 only+单个主语不倒装, only + 状语或状语从句放于句首时, 倒装主语,不倒装从句。30. suggest 一是表“建议” ,二是表“表明” 。suggest doing 建议干某事表建议:可接 that 宾语从句,that 从句用 should+动词原形,should 可以省略. She suggested that the class meeting (should) not be held on Saturday. 她

11、建议班会不要在星期六举行. 表暗示、表明的意思.其主语往往是事物,而不是人. 1)接名词或动名词作宾语. The simple house suggested a modest income. 这座简朴的房子表明( 房主的)收入并不高. Her pale face suggested bad health. 她脸色苍白, 看来身体不好 . The thought of summer suggests swimming. 一想到夏天就使人们联想到游泳.31. news 不可数名词, 一条新闻 a piece of news32. protect sb. from sth. 保护某人免受某事pro

12、tect sb. from doing sth. prevent sb. from doing sth= stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人干某事=keep sb. from doing sth.33. mosquitoes 复数形式+es34. over my body 遍及全身35. affect=have an effect on 影响36. pay more attention to 更多注意37. appreciate doing sth. 欣赏,感激某事 I appreciate it if 其中 it 做形式宾语38. no rainforest, no

13、animals, no drugs. 没有雨林, 就没有动物,也就没有药物了。39. disappear 系动词,无被动语态,不用于进行时40. do harm to sth. 对某物有害 be harmful to sth. 对某物有害,注意介词一定用 to. 41. sell well 很畅销,完成时态:has sold very well42. go down to 下降到43. tens of thousands of 成千上万的44. come into being 开始形成,产生45. a number of 许多的 后加可数名词的复数形式46. not only but also 不但而且47. in such a short time 在如此短的时间48. according to 根据,按照49. some reason 某个原因= a certain reason 某个原因50. survive sth. 经历得以幸存 survive the earthquake, accident, rainstorm 等



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