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1、关于英语中双种谓语语言现象讲解,陈才英语教育及培训中心 (2014年6月12日)(Peter Chen ),双种谓语语言现象讲解,在英语中,有时某些实意动词可兼作系动词,在句中具有既表行为又表状态的双重作用。这种有双重作用的谓语我们称之为双重谓语(Double Predicate)。由于这种双重谓语有其自身的特点,与系表谓语又有所区别,学习时应特别注意。,双种谓语语言现象讲解,一、双重谓语的形式与特点: 双重谓语的基本形式是:行为动词表语(说明主语从事该行为时所处的状态),用作双重谓语的动词多为那些表示位置移动变化的行为动词。如:return,leave, go,come,arrive,sta

2、rt等。其具体的结构形式主要有以下几种:,双种谓语语言现象讲解,【1】动词形容词 He left this morning very gay (He was very gay when he left this morning) 上午离开时,他很开心。,双种谓语语言现象讲解,. Mr. Smith lay ill in bed. =Mr.Smith was ill when he lay in bed 斯密斯先生卧病在床。,双种谓语语言现象讲解,All the time she sat silent in the corner. =All the time he was silent when

3、 he sat in the corner 她一言不发地坐在角落里。 . The day dawned misty and overcast. =It was misty and overcast when the day dawned 这天天亮时雾气很重,天上布满了乌云,. Holding the note in the hand, he stood there dumbfounded. =Holding the note in the hand, He was dumbfounded when he stood there 他手拿钞票,站在那里目瞪口呆。,Sighing, he dippe

4、d his brush and passed it along the topmost board.and sat down on a box discouraged. 他叹了口气,用刷子蘸了灰浆,顺着顶上一层木板刷过去就在一只木箱上垂头丧气地坐下来了。,双种谓语语言现象讲解,She lay there motionless (She was motionless when she lay there) 她躺在那儿一动不动。,双种谓语语言现象讲解,【2】动词名词 She left a shy girl and returned a young mother (She was a shy gir

5、l when she left and a young mother when she returned) 她离开时还是一个害羞的女孩,回来时却是一位年轻的母亲。, He died a martyr to the cause of the revolution. =He was a martyr to the cause of the revolution when he died 他为革命事业牺牲了。, They parted the best of friends. =They were the best of friends when they parted 他们极其友好地分手了。, S

6、he left a child and came back a mother of three children. =He was a child when she left and he was a mother of three when she came back 她去时是一个孩子,回来时己是三个孩子的妈妈了。,He died a poor man. =He was a poor man when he died 他死时很穷。,. Lincoln was born a poor farmers boy and died president of the United States. Li

7、ncon was a poor farmer when he was born and a president of the United States when he died 林肯出生时是一个贫苦农夫的儿子,死时则是美国总统。,双种谓语语言现象讲解,He lived a hero and died a martyr (He was a hero when he lived and a martyr when he died) 他生前是英雄,死后为烈士。,双种谓语语言现象讲解,【3】动词介词短语 He died in despair (He was in despair when he di

8、ed) 他死时非常绝望。,双种谓语语言现象讲解,He left in tears (He was in tears when he left) 他离开时眼含泪水。,双种谓语语言现象讲解,He ran into the room out of breath (He was out of breath when he ran into the room) 他冲进房间时已是上气不接下气。,双种谓语语言现象讲解,【4】动词分词(短语) They lay there chatting (They were chatting when they lay there) 他们躺在那里聊天。,双种谓语语言现象讲

9、解,He wandered wondering (He was wondering when he wandered) 漫步时,他在冥思。,双种谓语语言现象讲解,He came home exhausted (He was exhausted when he came home) 他回家时已是筋疲力尽。,双种谓语语言现象讲解,He came running (He was running when he came ) 他是跑着过来的,双谓语结构与系表结构的区别,双谓语结构与系表结构的区别 (一)双谓语结构去掉后面的形容词句子意思仍然完整,而系表结构去掉形容词则句子意思不完整 1. She ma

10、rried young.(她出嫁时年龄不大。) 去掉young,She married.句子意思仍然完整。 2. He remained silent. (他仍一言不发。) 去掉silent,He remained句子意思不完整。.,双谓语结构与系表结构的区别,(二)双谓语结构最为常见的时态是一般过去时,而系表结构的时态可因情况不同而比较灵活。 He died a poor man. =He was a poor man when he died 他死时很穷。,双谓语结构与系表结构的区别,(三)判断一个句子是否是双谓语结构可以用连系动词代替谓语动词的方式来验证:如果一个句子用系动词替代谓语动词

11、不影响原句意思的则为系表结构. 如“He went mad.”可变为“He became mad.”,原句意思不变,则它为系表结构。而“He came back sick.” 如变为“He was sick.”虽然句子仍旧成立,但意思却发生了改变,“回来”的意思消失了,影响了原句的本意,故它属于双谓语结构。,四、双谓语结构与实义动词加副词结构的区别,双谓语结构与不及物动词加副词结构不同,后者的副词修饰动词,作状语。 1. He came in drunk. (他醉醺醺地走了进来。) 句中drunk是形容词形容came in时的状态,因此它与came in构成双谓语结构。,四、双谓语结构与实义动词加副词结构的区别,2. The demand rose sharply. (需求急剧增加。) 句中的sharply 是副词,修饰谓语动词rose ,作状语。 双谓语结构的使用能使文章生动,富有表 力,但是并不是每一个不及物动词都可 构成双谓语结构,你只闻到我的香水,却没看到我的汗水。 你否定我的现在,我决定我的未来! 你嘲笑我一无所有,不配去爱,我可怜你总是等待。 你可以轻视我们的年轻,我们会证明这是谁的时代。 梦想是注定孤独的旅行,路上少不了质疑和嘲笑, 但那又怎样? 哪怕遍体鳞伤,也要活得漂亮!,


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