福建2018年高考英语总复习 Unit 15 Learning 北师大版必修5

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1、Unit 15 Learning,-2-,主题语境:谈论教育,-3-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,1.suspect v.怀疑;不信任;觉得 n.可疑分子,嫌疑犯 adj.可疑的;靠不住的 高考佳句 Many scientists workers first would have put the blocks on sleds. 许多科学家怀疑,工匠们先把石块放在滑板上。(2015四川卷,阅读理解E篇) suspect(that)+从句 怀疑 suspect sb of(doing) sth 怀疑某人(做)某事 be suspected of doing sth 被怀疑做某事,suspect

2、,-4-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,四维热练 (1)单句语法填空 What made you suspect her having picked your pocket? (2)用suspect的恰当形式填空 She that one of her three daughters then ten,eight,and six had picked it up,but the girls said they hadnt.(2017浙江卷,语法填空),of,suspected,-5-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,2.instruct v.指导,教导;指示,命令 经典例句 The letter

3、 instructed him to report to headquarters immediately. 那封信指示他立即向总部汇报。 (1) as instructed 按照指示 instruct sb in sth 指导/教导某人某事 instruct sb to do sth 指示某人做某事 instruct sb that sb(should)do sth 命令某人做某事 (2)instruction n.用法指南;指示 follow the instructions 按照说明操作 ignore/carry out sbs instructions 忽视/执行某人的命令 under

4、 instructions 接到命令 instructor n.教师,讲师,指导书 instructive adj.增长知识的;富有教育意义的,-6-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,四维热练 (1)用instruct及其短语的恰当形式填空 Another beneficial aspect of group exercise is the informational support participants receive from the .(2015福建卷,阅读理解E篇) We returned the questionnaire . 我们按照指示交回调查表。 (2)单句语法填空 He i

5、nstructed a wall should be built around the city. 他指示在城市周围修城墙。,instructor,as instructed,that,-7-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,3.alternative adj.非传统的;另类的;可供替代的 n.可供选择的事物 高考佳句 The disappearance of dinosaurs is not necessarily caused by astronomical incidents.But explanations are hard to find. 恐龙的消失并不一定是由天文事件引起的。但是很

6、难找到其他的解释。(2017江苏卷,34) an alternative use/way/route/road 可供选择的用途/方法/路线/路 the only alternative 唯一的选择 have no alternative but to do sth 除做某事外别无选择 an alternative method of(doing) sth 做某事的其他方法,alternative,-8-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,四维热练 (1)完成句子 This of your cash and timeis the opportunity cost. 你的时间和现金的可供选择的用途是机

7、会成本。(2014江苏卷,阅读理解B篇) The way was blocked,so we went by . 那条路被堵住了,所以我们走了另一条路。 (2)写作升级 Caught in the act,he could do nothing but confess. 满分表达 Caught in the act,he confess.,the alternative use,an alternative road,had no alternative but,-9-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,4.lack v.&n.缺乏,没有,不足 高考佳句 What today is the con

8、flict between adolescents desire for autonomy and their understanding of an unsafe world. 今天所缺少的是青少年对自主性的渴望和他们对不安全世界的理解之间的冲突。(2016北京卷,阅读理解D篇) (1)lack something 缺少某物 lack for nothing 应有尽有 a(complete/distinct) lack of.(完全/明显)缺乏 for/through lack of.因为缺少 no lack of 不缺少 (2)lacking adj.短缺的,缺乏的 be lacking

9、in.缺少,is lacking,-10-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,四维热练 (1)用lack短语的恰当形式填空 To be punctual one has to have self-discipline,and affects others. 一个人要守时就得要有自律,缺乏自律会影响他人。(2015陕西卷,六选五) But you cant be successful when theres in a relationship that results from an action where the wrongdoer takes no responsibility to fix

10、the mistake. 但是当在一个由犯错者不承担责任来改正错误的行为而导致的关系中缺乏信任时,你就不可能成功。(2015全国卷,七选五),the lack of it,a lack of trust,-11-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,(2)写作升级 As I lacked a mirror image in the mother who raised me,I had to seek my identity as a woman on my own. 满分表达 in the mother who raised me,I had to seek my identity as a wom

11、an on my own.(2014江苏卷,阅读理解D篇),Lacking a mirror image,-12-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,5.access n.通道;入径;(使用或见到的)机会,权利 高考佳句 People health care than they used to,and theyre living longer as a result. 与过去相比,人们能更好地享受医疗保健,因此,他们也更长寿了。(2017北京卷,33) (1)have access to 拥有的机会或权利 the only access to 到唯一途径 get/gain access to 得到

12、的机会或权利 (2)accessible adj.易受影响的;易接近的,可进入的;易理解的 accessibly adv.可到达地;可接近地;可使用地;可进入地 be accessible to 容易进入,容易接近,have better access to,-13-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,四维热练 (1)完成句子 TOKNOW makes complex ideas attractive and to children,who can become involved in advanced concepts and even philosophy. TOKNOW使得复杂的思想变得具有

13、吸引力,并能为那些可能涉入高级概念甚至是哲学的孩子们所理解(2017北京卷,阅读理解B篇) Thus I have been allowed their living environment. 这样我已被允许进入他们的生活环境。(2016四川卷,阅读理解C篇),accessible,to gain access to,-14-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,All students the Writing Centre on the upper floor of Douglas Hall. 所有学生都有到道格拉斯大厅上层的写作中心的权利。(2014天津卷,阅读理解A篇) (2)写作升级 The

14、 artist wants his music which can be understood by everyone. 满分表达 The artist wants his music to be everyone.,have access to,accessible to,-15-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,6.worthwhile adj.值得努力的,值得花时间的 高考佳句 .he realised he would take a loss by selling it to us,but . 他意识到把(房子)卖给我们蒙受了损失,但很值得(2015天津卷,完形填空) be worthw

15、hile 值得 be worthwhile to do/doing 值得做,it was worthwhile,-16-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,词义精析(1)worthwhile“值得的”,指花时间(金钱、努力等)去做某事是值得的,常用于It is worthwhile doing/to do sth句型中,但不能说:sth is worthwhile doing。可做表语、定语或补足语。 (2)worth“值”,后接表示价值的数词;“值得”,后接名词、代词或动词-ing形式(不能接动词不定式),表示“很值得”时前面加well修饰。只可做表语。 (3)worthy“值得的”,常用结构为:worth of sth,worthy of being done和worthy to be done。可做表语或定语。,-17-,高频单词,重点短语,难点句型,四维热练 (1)单句语法填空 .the risk seems worth (take).(2016北京卷,七选五) (2)用worthwhile,worth或worthy填空 Sometimes we decide that a little unnecessary danger is it.(2016北京卷,七选五) We all felt we had done something for the local co


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