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1、YANG设计集团:西安凯悦酒店Xian Hyatt Hotel By YANG & Associates Group 西安凯悦酒店 - 外观项目名称:西安凯悦酒店Project Name: Xian Hyatt Hotel项目地点:西安市曲江新区曲江池东路988号Location:No.988 Qujiangchi East Road Qujiang New Zone Xian City项目面积:5万平米Project Floor Area:50,000开业时间:2016年Opening Date:2016设计单位:YANG设计集团Design Company:YANG & Associate

2、s Group主创团队:杨邦胜、赖广绍、谭杰升Chief Design Team:Yang Bangsheng, Lai Guangshao, Tan Jiesheng项目说明:Project Description: 西安凯悦酒店 - 接待总台“花萼楼前雨露新,长安城里太平人”,西安古称“长安”即取“长治久安”之意。作为十三朝古都的长安城是华夏土地上最古老的城市之一,盛唐时期的西安更是东西方宾客云集的大都会,“西有罗马,东有长安”是当时西安历史地位的真实写照。It just rained before Calyx Building, and the city of Changan enjoy

3、s the peace. Xian was named Changan in ancient times for the meaning of lifelong peace and order. It had been capital for 13 dynasties and also one of the most ancient cities in China. During the peak period of Tang Dynasty, Xian was always thronged with guests from both the east and the west. “Rome

4、 stands for the west and Xian stands for the east” was the reality of Xian and its then historic status.西安凯悦坐落于曲江南湖之畔,坐拥美丽的湖景,得天独厚的地理环境使得宾客身处城市之中,却有大隐于市的舒适与静逸。酒店以盛唐文化为背景,展现园林式设计风格。西安素有“金城千里,天府之国”的美誉,YANG在酒店空间的处理上延续了古城墙雄浑宏伟的神韵,整体色调以古铜色为主,细节上取材于盛唐时期的建筑样式,如中庭的灯具设计参考了唐时期的庭院灯以及楼台造型;大堂屏风门的颜色及形制则借鉴了唐代建筑中对门

5、的处理。在大堂内,YANG运用现代设计手法将斗拱的形式艺术化表达,层叠有序,庄重肃穆。与此同时,设计师又将大堂的吊灯融于装置之内,节律清晰的格栅内透出明亮的光线,宛如光泄林间,浑然天成。Xian Hyatt Hotel stands at the bank of the picturesque Qijiang. Its unique and favorable geographical surrounding enables the guests to experience the coziness of nature while still stays in the city. The ho

6、tel, set under the background scene of Tang Culture, reflects the garden style design. Xian is well celebrated for its land and resources. YANG adopted the grandeur and charming elements of ancient city walls, with the overall palette being copper, detailed design inspired from the architectures of

7、Tang. Examples can be found at atrium lighting details which draw inspiration from yard lamp and tower of Tang, and the lobby screen from the door design in Tang architecture. YANG utilized artful design expression in the lobby to deliver texture and solemnity. Meanwhile, the pendent lighting is als

8、o integrated into the whole set, and the regularly arranged grilling transmits bright nature light. 西安凯悦酒店 大堂吧唐时期的丝绸之路达到一个新的高度,大批犹太商人涌入中国,通使和商贸往来十分活跃。大堂吧的空间呈现开放包容的气度,赋有西域风情的波斯吧及东方神韵中式吧环绕中庭中央,体现出独特的地域风情。中西方文化的热烈交融在千百年后的今天重现,不禁让人感怀赞叹那段气壮山河的璀璨历史!Tang Dynasty brought the Silk Road to a new climax. A lar

9、ge quantity of Jewish merchants thronged China, and thus boosted communications and trading in and abroad. The lobby lounge is open and generous. The western flavored Persia lounge and eastern flavor Chinese lounge at the center of the atrium convey the unique local charm. Thousands of years later,

10、the melting of culture between east and west leaves people recalling the glamorous and unforgettable history.走廊独特的天花飞檐线,携永的东方设计风格成为一道亮丽的新景。感受时光流逝,回忆曾经的柔软和纯真,一如“赏心乐事谁家院”的婉约,为心灵打造纯净的奢侈。The unique eastern flavor ceiling cornices form a bright landscape. The sentiment of how time flies, the memories of

11、the once tender and native age, the subtle feeling of pleasure and the pure luxury created for the soul. 西安凯悦酒店 全日餐厅全日餐厅精致考究的软装搭配,创造出内敛优雅、舒适宜人的就餐环境。那一盏盏带有历史年代感的玻璃吊灯既具古典美又现代新颖,旧物新生,曾经的气质漫进新的空间,存留着古时的余温,更是对那段历史的敬仰和缅怀。The exquisitely arranged upholstery in the ADD creates an elegant and cozy dining atm

12、osphere. The history-awaking chandeliers are both classical and novel by nature to bring out the new from the old and to pay tribute to the history. 西安凯悦酒店 中餐厅中餐厅采用现代手法,流溢中式艺术空间,天花造型演绎了西安建筑的精髓,在灯光的烘托下营造出浓厚的东方意境。简约时尚的中式环形吊灯、无不为了营造出温馨优雅的空间氛围,以现代的设计语言诠释中式风格之美。Chinese restaurant adopted modern design te

13、chnique in the space, and the ceiling deducts the essence of Xian architecture. The simple and stylish Chinese chandelier brings out the warm and graceful environment, and the modern design language explains the beauty of Chinese style.行政俱乐部的墙面以现代手法组合花开富贵,以屏风的形式表现与现代的家具结合,仿佛是一袭现代旗袍漫步在香榭丽舍大道以兼收并蓄的优雅,

14、适应都市隐贵和当代人追求的现代美。The wall of the executive lounge is designed in a modern way to convey the good wish of great fortune. The screen and modern furniture make a combination as if its a modern Qipao that wanders around the Avenue des Champs Elysees. 西安凯悦酒店 客房 西安凯悦酒店 客房客房在细节处传达设计品质,地毯与背景的石榴花图案以现代的手法表现,肌

15、理间蕴含着长安古城文脉,灿若霞光。量身定制的艺术品陈设,使空间更富浓郁的现代中式韵味。The details in the guestrooms explain the design quality. The carpet and the pomegranate patterned backdrop are expressed in modern ways. The context of ancient city Changan is contained within the textural elements. The custom-made artwork display accentua

16、ted the modern Chinese flavor. 韩愈曾用“最是一年春好处,绝胜烟柳满皇都”的诗句赞美长安城的绝代风华,如今,YANG用这样一首空间的诗歌,温婉荡气的诉说了一段动人的千古之事。Great Poet Han Yu once expressed his appreciation of Changans beauty in his poem “This is the best view in the year. Nothing even the poplar-booming spring dares to compare.”And now, YANG also delivered his appreciation in a form of space, and the space invites you in t


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