从《毛公鼎》篆法作篆看金文的临摹与创作(from see imitation and creation from the inscription maogong ding seal method)

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从《毛公鼎》篆法作篆看金文的临摹与创作(from see imitation and creation from the inscription maogong ding seal method)_第1页
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从《毛公鼎》篆法作篆看金文的临摹与创作(from see imitation and creation from the inscription maogong ding seal method)_第2页
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从《毛公鼎》篆法作篆看金文的临摹与创作(from see imitation and creation from the inscription maogong ding seal method)_第3页
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从《毛公鼎》篆法作篆看金文的临摹与创作(from see imitation and creation from the inscription maogong ding seal method)_第4页
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从《毛公鼎》篆法作篆看金文的临摹与创作(from see imitation and creation from the inscription maogong ding seal method)_第5页
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《从《毛公鼎》篆法作篆看金文的临摹与创作(from see imitation and creation from the inscription maogong ding seal method)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《从《毛公鼎》篆法作篆看金文的临摹与创作(from see imitation and creation from the inscription maogong ding seal method)(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、从毛公鼎篆法作篆看金文的临摹与创作(From see imitation and creation from the inscription MaoGong Ding seal method)2008-03-19 17:47:07 Author: Liu Hongyang source: Chinese seal net text size: big smallCore tip: on development to the late Western Zhou Dynasty Zhou Xuan Wang era, has reached the realm of Mao GONGDING re

2、ach the peak of perfection, is the masterpiece of this period. Mao Gongding, also known as Ding Ding and Mao Gong Ting Ding, is now in possession of Taiwan province “ Central Museum ”. Daoguang years unearthed in Qishan County of Shaanxi Province, the inscription is the generation of Wang Xuan life

3、to “ if the king said ” the sentence, from Zhou Chuwen, Mao Gongcuo and Wang Wu ancestral rulers and the ministers, the peak, when it comes to domestic unrest. The king Xuan ZTE royal family, get rid of many diseases, especially Mao Gong father appointed Minister of state, government and royal loyal

4、 aide, ke.Key words: Liu Hongyangs viewOn development to the late Western Zhou Dynasty Zhou Xuan Wang era, has reached the realm of Mao GONGDING reach the peak of perfection, is the masterpiece of this period.Mao Gongding, also known as Ding Ding Ding and Mao Gong Ting Ding, is now the Central Museu

5、m of Taiwan province. Daoguang years unearthed in Qishan County of Shaanxi Province, the inscription is the generation of Wang Xuan if the king said to life. The sentence, from Zhou Chuwen, Mao Gongcuo and Wang Wu ancestral rulers and the ministers, the peak, when it comes to domestic unrest. The ki

6、ng Xuan ZTE royal family, get rid of many diseases, especially Mao Gong father appointed Minister of state, governance inside and outside the country, loyal aide Ke Qin emperor to the royal family, duty responsible, to avoid the subjugation of the disaster, finally thanks to goods, MaoGong for, reme

7、mber. The copious and fluent, sincere words and earnest wishes, 32 lines, 499 words to reproduce the king ZTE royal family, merit of shengjing. Also can be seen in the late Western Zhou political rule is not stable, Zhou Xuan Wang good at summing up experience, to get rid of long-standing and determ

8、ination to bring order out of chaos.The word Mao GONGDING belongs to seal series, such words are more common in bronze, because at that time people will be called yoshikane, so the bronze nature characters carrier named also known as the bronze inscription. Bronze ritual (Ding based), musical instru

9、ments (clock based) is the first, so called bronze inscriptions on ancient bronze objects. Have so far seen rubbing version is by writing, and the corrosion residual Le product, according to the shape of the complete text objects to a vertical potential distribution, beautiful curve, it is better th

10、an the straight line, a little more graceful and elegant, make it more dynamic and vitality of life, so it is more aesthetic taste. This highly significant distribution is a map of mind change. After the number of ancestors in the shape, the size of the area of artifacts and characters were calculat

11、ed and batted, decided the word size, spacing, kerning width. And carved, and cut back to park. Such a well-designed, perfect and accurate, it constitutes a harmonious, orderly, natural and simple organic whole, showing that the ancestors are deliberately pursuing the beauty of calligraphy. The roun

12、d pen beautiful tail echo, dealing with the pitch back are just perfect. The line of astringent disease, also Zhang Yichi, imposing bearing, serene precision, reveals luxurious style Royal majesty. In order for the number of strokes, natural the font size of the difference, but not emphasize, exagge

13、rated the differences, the opposite seems to intend to pursue a uniform, less strokes of the word when the space is not less than the more character strokes, is decent, have scattered throughout the movement, without losing the peace order, here the order that is obviously the. Obviously, the imperi

14、al worship was also reflected in the bronze culture. Rich and flexible nature, of great momentum and not crazy engorgement is strange, Mao GONGDING artistic charm, but also reflects the highest level of the Western Zhou Dynasty calligraphy.Chinese in the history of calligraphy, inscriptions of the W

15、estern Zhou Dynasty has reached a glorious era, extremely fine reflects the vigorous strict style. Guo, Jizi white disk disk, di San MaoGong Ding, Yu Ting are collectively referred to as the four treasures in the late Western zhou. At the beginning of the week on stroke pointed at both ends, middle

16、coarse, approximate picture, many contain hieroglyphic,To the late Western Zhou Dynasty inscriptions to mature. Mao GONGDING strokes and composition, shape and structure are complementary to each other, fat pen basically disappeared, and standardized. In the end of inscriptions can be divided into three categories: one for the guitar body loose, writing rate of Yi, Dang blow gas when pushing Pans casual rep



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