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1、,1 新知预习课,Unit 2 The Olympic Games,Period,Match the words(词汇连线),1) ancient 2) volunteer 3) regular 4) responsiblity 5) advertise 6) glory 7) bargain 8 ) deserve 9) magical 10) host,1) n. 光荣,荣誉 2) vi./n. 讨价还价,便宜货 3) vi./vt. 应受,值得 4) vt./vi. 做广告 5) n./v. 自愿者.自愿 6) n . 责任,职责 7) adj. 常规的,定期的 8) vt./n .做东

2、,主办主人 9) adj . 古代的 10) adj.有魔力的,Match the phrases(词组连线),1) 参加,参与 2) 代表,象征,表示 3) 也, 又,还 4) 主管,看管 5)在 起 重要作用 6)同某人竞争 7)陆续地,一个接一个地 8)与某人达成协议,1) as well 2) play an important part/role in 3) take part in 4) stand for 5) in charge 6) one after another 7)make a bargain with sb. 8)compete with sb.,根据释义写出单词,

3、1. _: to take part in a sports event 2. _: to allow to enter(a course or spotrs competition) 3. _: someone who takes part in sports competition 4. _: to take the place of 5. _: short sentence or phrase expressing the beliefs of a person or group 6. _: duty to be in charge and get in trouble if thing

4、s go wrong 7. _: special hall for physical exercise 8. _: an award for winning a championship 9. _:moving very fast . 10. _ :level of ability,compete,admit,athlete,replace,motto,responsibility,gymnasium,medal,swift,standard,Key words1. charge vt/vi .n .收费,控诉 费用 主管,in charge of (某人)主管,负责 in the charg

5、e of 由某人掌管,负责 take charge of 掌管,负责 free of charge 免费 . charge sb.with 控告某人某事, 使承但责任,Practice,1.The children were in _ _ _ the nurse . 孩子们由保姆负责。 2.Breakfast is free of _ . 早餐免费。 3.Police have _ Mr Smith _ murder. 警察指控 斯密斯先生谋杀罪。 4.A few years ago Mr Brown _ _ _ the company . 几年前布朗先生接管了这家公司。 5.Who is _

6、 _ of the hospital?谁负责这家医院?,the charge of,charge,with,in charge,took charge of,charged,Key words2. deserve vt./vi .容许,承认,接纳,1.You _ a rest after all that hard work. 做了所有辛苦的工作后,你应该休息。 2.He didnt really _ that she should be so kind to him. 他确实不配她对他 那么好。 3)They deserve to _ _ to prison. 他们应该入狱。 4. You

7、really _ a good beating, you naughty boy. 你这个调皮孩子真该打。,deserve,deserve,be sent,deserve,1.At this price the wine is a _. 红酒价格真划算。 2.Ill _ _ _ with you. Ill play hostess if youll invite Matthew in your guest-list. 我们说定了,如果你能把马修也邀来的话我就做东。 3.We _ with her about the price. 我们就价格与她讨价还价。 4.The _ was mutuall

8、y acceptable. 这项协议是双方都可接受的 。,Key words 3. bargain. vi. 讨价还价,讲条件 n.便宜货,real bargain,make a bargain,bargain,bargained,Key words 4. replace vt .取代,替换,代替,1 .Can anything _ a mothers love and care? 有什么东西能代替母亲的关爱吗? 2. Jack _ Tom as monitor of our class. 杰克接替汤姆当了我们班长。 3. I will take_ _ _ your teacher. 我要接

9、替你们老师的工作。 4. Weve _ the old adding machine with a computer. 我们用电脑取代了老式加法计算器。,replaced,replace,the place of,replaced,Key words 5 . stand for 代表,象征,表示,what does that totem _ _? 这个图腾象征着什么? GNP_ _ gross national products. GNP 代表国民生产总值。 Mary_ _ as a doctor. 玛丽是个杰出的医生。 I cant _ _while my friend is being w

10、ronged. 我朋友受冤我不能袖手旁观。 She is always shy and_ _. 她总是害羞躲着别人。,stand for,stands out,stands for,stand by,stands off,根据首字母或汉意写出单词,1.I a_ breaking the window. 2.Companies must be able to c_ in the marketplace. 3.Its important to follow the r_ procedure . 4.The award ceremony will be h_ by Sir David. 5.Noth

11、ing can r_ a mothers love .,egular,ompete,dmitted,osted,eplace,6. School needs _ (志愿者)to help children to read. 7. I picked up a few good _ (便宜货) on a sale. 8.The company is _ ( 做广告)for actors in the newspaper. 9. The _ (海报)only stayed up for a few hours before it was torn up. 10. After been questio

12、ned by the police she was released without _ . (无罪释放),volunteers,bargains,advertising,poster,charge,Multiple Choice (单项填空),1. More than 10,000 competitors from the world came to Bejing to compete _ each other _ medals in 2008. A . for , against B . against , with C . with, for D . for , with 2. The

13、graduates _ into the company usually receive strick training before they start to work. A. accepted B. accepting C. admitted D . admitting 3.I bought a dress for only 10 dollars on a sale, it was a real _. A . exchange B . bargain C . train D. business,4.I work hard and I think I deserve _. A. to be

14、 well paid B . to pay well C . being well paid D. well paying 5.-How can we get to the airport? Its too far and expensive to take a taxi. -Dont worry. There is a _ bus service to the airport. A . regular B. general C .normal D .usual 6. How much did the guy _you to fix your 3G moble phone? A. cost B

15、 . charge C. take D. spend,7. We cant _ other countries if we dont develop our national economy . A . compete for B. compete against C . catch up D. keep up 8. My daughter , who is _ the nurse, has _ ill since last week. A .in the charge of , fallen B. in charge of , been C.in the charge of ,been D. take charge of ,fallen,9. I ha


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