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1、,Psychoanalysis,Sigmund Freud,In which direction is the woman turning around?,Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) -Austrian, doctor -father of psychoanalysis One of the first psychologists to study human motivation -Psychiatry vs. Psychology -up until 20th century frontal lobotomies were performed on patients

2、,Sigmund Freud (1856-1939),Freud-believed that mental illness is a result of nurture, not nature. He asked the question: “What makes people do things?” Answer: MOTIVATION Needs motivate human behaviour (food, shelter, clothing),Freuds Theories,The foundation of Freuds contribution to modern psycholo

3、gy is his emphasis on the unconscious aspects of the human psyche.,Like iceberg, the human mind is structured so that its great weight and density lie beneath the surface (below the level of consciousness),ID- unconconscious part of the mind (this part of the mind seeks to bring us pleasure) -primit

4、ive parts of our personality including aggression and sexual drives EGO-conscious part of the mind (Rational Self). Decides what action to take for positive means and what to do based on what is believed is the right thing to do. Aware of reality. SUPEREGO- unconscious part of the mind that acts as

5、our conscience. Reminds us of what we should do. The ID and the SUPEREGO are in constant conflict. Your DRIVE tells you to do one thing , while SOCIETY tells you to do something else.,Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, compared the human mind to an iceberg. The tip above the water represe

6、nts consciousness, and the vast region below the surface symbolizes the unconscious mind. Of Freuds three basic personality structuresid, ego, and superegoonly the id is totally unconscious.,The mind is like an iceberg, it floats with one-seventh of its bulk above water“ (S. Freud),Several corollari

7、es of Freudian theory,Freud abandoned the idea of the system unconscious, replacing it with the concept of the ego, super-ego, and id. Throughout his career, however, he retained the descriptive and dynamic conceptions of the unconscious. The id is the reservoir of libido, the primary source of all

8、psychic energy. It fulfills the primordial(原始的) life principle, which Freud considers to be the pleasure principle.,Freuds assignment of the mental processes to three psyche zones: the id, the ego, and the superego.,Id(本我),1.The set of uncoordinated instinctual trends . 2.The id comprises the unorga

9、nised part of the personality structure that contains the basic drives. The id acts as according to the “pleasure principle“. 3. The id is responsible for our basic drives such as food, water, sex , and basic impulses. It is amoral and selfish, ruled by the pleasurepain principle .,Id:指的是一个人追求快乐的一种内

10、驱力,促使个人去追求性、食物、刺激等的快乐的满足。,libido,Libido refers to a persons sex drive or desire for sexual activity. The desire for sex is an aspect of a persons sexuality, but varies enormously from one person to another, and it also varies depending on circumstances at a particular time.,Ego is the rational gover

11、ning agents of the psyche. Though the ego lacks the strong vitality of the id, it regulates the instinctual drives of the id so that they may be released in nondestructive behavioral patterns.,Ego(自我),The ego acts according to the reality principle. It seeks to please the ids drive in realistic ways

12、. In Freuds theory, the ego mediates among the id, the super-ego and the external world. Its task is to find a balance between primitive drives and reality.,Originally, Freud used the word ego to mean a sense of self, but later revised it to mean a set of psychic functions such as judgment, toleranc

13、e, reality-testing, control, planning, defense, synthesis(综合,推理) of information, intellectual functioning, and memory.,Ego 是监督人格者,是内在人格与外在世界的红绿灯。在于调节个人,使之能配合super-ego的要求,又能达到id的满足。,Acting either directly or through the ego, the superego serves to repress or inhibit the drives of the id, to block of

14、and thrust back into the unconscious those impulses toward pleasure that society regards as unacceptable.,The other regulating agent, that which primarily functions to protect society, is the superego.,Super-ego(超我),The Super-ego works in contradiction to the id. The Super-ego strives to act in a so

15、cially appropriate manner, whereas the id just wants instant self-gratification(自我满足). The Super-ego controls our sense of right and wrong and guilt. It helps us fit into society by getting us to act in socially acceptable ways.,Super-ego即使一种道德规范,要求个人尽力去满足父母及社会的标准。,Whereas the id is dominated by the

16、 pleasure principle and the ego by the reality principle, the superego is dominated by the morality principle.,If you dont resolve this conflict between the ID and the EGO, you may experience unhappiness or mental distress. Thus, in order to understand motivation, you must understand what is in your unconscious memory. This is the basis for PSYCHOANALYSIS.,“Psychoanalysis has as its core the idea that each of us has an unconscious part whose existence, activities and t


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