unit 6 Is an only child a lonely child

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1、Unit 6 Is an Only Child a Lonely Child?,Teaching Objectives,1. To grasp the theme of the text. 2. To get a list of new words and structures and use them freely in conversation and writing. 3. To be aware of style of the exposition and the methods the author used to achieve this effect.,Pre-reading,A

2、re you the only child in your family? How do you feel as the only child or as one of the children in the family? How many of your classmates are the only child of their families? Do you think they are less capable of interacting with people of their own age than those who have been raised with sibli

3、ngs?,Ever since the adoption of the “One Couple, One Child” policy, China has succeeded in slowing down the rapid expansion of her population. But every coin has two sides, and so does Chinas population policy. Now, the government encourages every family to have two children. Carry out a debate on I

4、ts reasonable to have only one child in a family Its reasonable to have two children in a family,Debate,Tips,more love and attention good education more opportunities less financial burden ,spoiled “little emperors” self-centered lack of independence Lonely ,Overall Comprehension,1. What is this exp

5、ositive text concerned with? This text is concerned with the pros and cons of having only one child. In other words, the text deals with the typical advantages and disadvantages of not having a second child. The text discusses them in an objective tone. 2. What is the writers answer to the question

6、of whether or not to have a second child?,Structural Analysis,Structural Analysis,Structural Analysis,Some words used at the beginning of a paragraph make it easier for the reader to understand the coherence of the whole text, such as Another at the beginning of Paragraph 3, Despite of Paragraph4, a

7、nd Unfortunately of Paragraph 7. Can you explain how they function?,Structural Analysis,The word “Another” used at the beginning of Paragraph 3 implies that at least one argument has been presented earlier. “Despite these arguments ” prepares readers for something against their expectations, i.e. ma

8、ny parents still choose to have one child although the disadvantages of doing so have just been clearly presented. “Unfortunately” tells readers that there follows something disappointing, i.e. the author fails to provide a definite answer to the questions raised at the beginning of the text.,Detail

9、ed Reading Para. 1,1. What is the dilemma that many couples are faced with? 2. What is the concern that weighs heavily on the minds of many couples?,Language Work,1. dilemma n. a situation in which it is difficult to decide what to do, because each choice has its advantages and disadvantages Ex. Man

10、y women are faced with the dilemma of choosing between career and family commitments. Collocation: be in a dilemma Ex.我不知道是接受还是不接受 这份工作。 Im in a dilemma about this job offer.,Language Work,2. issue n. a subject or problem that is often discussed or argued about Ex. Unemployment is not the issue the

11、real problem is the decline in public morality. Ex. I just got a raise, so moneys no longer an issue. Collocation: raise the issue Ex. We should raise the issue of discrimination with the council. Synonyms: subject, problem 3.demanding adj. needing a lot of ability, effort, or skill Ex. Climbing is

12、physically demanding, while studying is mentally demanding.,Language Work,4. keen adj. interested in sth. or eager to do it Ex. John is a keen photographer. Collocations: be keen on sth. / be keen to do sth. Ex. Daniels very keen on tennis. Ex. Shes out of hospital and keen to get back to work. Syno

13、nyms: interested, eager Derivation: keenness n.,Language Work,5. the pros and cons: the advantages and disadvantages Ex. Before we make a decision, we must weigh up the pros and cons. Ex. After hours discussion, everybody at the meeting could see clearly the pros and cons of the proposal.,Language W

14、ork,6. concerned adj. worried about something Ex. Concerned parents approached the school about the problem. Collocations: be concerned about Ex. Ross has never been particularly concerned about what other people think of him. be concerned for Ex. Rescuers are concerned for the safety of two men tra

15、pped in the mine. be concerned that Ex. Hes concerned that he wont get his money back. Derivations: concern n.& v. concerning prep.,Detail Reading Para. 2-3,1. What does the writer think of the issue of whether or not to have a second child? 2. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?,Language

16、Work,1. concern n. a feeling of worry about sth. important; sth. that worries you Ex. His main concern is to be able to provide for his family. Collocation: concern about / over e.g. There is growing concern about the effects of pollution on health. concern for sb. e.g. A government spokesman expressed concern for the lives of the hostages.,Language Work,2. stigma n. a mark of shame or disgrace; a shameful feeling or reputation Ex. There is a strong stigma attached to su


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