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1、null 31 null 9 t null bnull null Volnull 31 Nonull 9null 2010M null null 9 ACTA AERONAUTICA ET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA Sept. null 2010l : 2009null10null10; : 2010null01null10 : S E 1 S ( 50635040);S E null 863 9 (2009AA04Z302); 8 1 S (BK2008043)Y T : B Enullmail: null null c I | :1000null6893(2010)09nul

2、l1864null08 % d F # L , B , ; , , (2 t bt ? v , 2 null 210016)Theoretical and Experimental Research on Micro Electrochemical MillingLiu Yong, Zhu Di, Zeng Yongbin, Wang Shaohua, Huang Shaofu(Collegeof Mechanical and ElectricalEngineering, Nanjing University ofAeronautics andAstronautics, Nanjingnull

3、 210016, China)K null 1 : % d F / b| s F / % F V ,A F ;y % d F ; Y K , L l 10 nullm ;s F L i F : aF a A i a d % d F Y bY V F , F 8 , ,F z b1 o M : % d ; Y K ; ; ; s d m s | : V261. 5; TG662null null null D S M : AAbstract: Micro electrochemicalmilling is proposedasa new methodofmicro fabrication. In

4、thisarticle, layermanufacturing technique is appliedto the processof electrochemicalmicromachining to improvemachining stanullbility. A mathematicalmodel of micro electrochemicalmilling by layer is established to ensurehigh machiningaccuracy. Becausethere is no toolwear inelectrochemicalmicromachini

5、ng, itcanbeapplied easily to the fabrinullcationof micro structures by moving the tool electrode along a programmed path. Micrometer scalecylindricalelectrode arefabricatedby electrochemicaletching. With atungstenelectrodeof10nullm indiameter, sets of exnullperiments are carriedout to investigate th

6、e influence of some predominant processparameterson machining acnullcuracy, such as the electrode diameter, machining voltage, concentration of electrolyte, cut thickness, etc.After the preliminary experiments, adeeptriangular micro structureanda squaremicro cavity withschnabeliastructure are fabric

7、ated successfully.Key words: micro electrochemicalmilling; electrochemicaletching; cylindricalelectrode; threenulldimensionalminullcro structure; milling by layernull null , d / ? Z ,l , q p : % d F # L null s d F / ,V 8 F b % F d , L T ) , % s F / F a i A H q / % F Z 7 bYV F , F 8 , ,F z b , % F V

8、z d (MEMS) q F 1 p b1null % d F y 8 F , T l F W # A 4 ,y N 4 . d J Z EL C % F b S / , C e / $ ,e % T F ,Y V e F E , L C , q F % d F / ,i O V h l F V d b 8 F Y 13null14b z 1 8 F ,V s d bs d F : ! n 5 YV s / s e , e F ; Y V e d ,E H W = V v ,V 7h y V 7 C ,i? 4 d F ,V 7 z F b6 , s d % d F F q V V z V F 11 b % F Q z , F Y 0 . b a A a 0 s 0 # % b q W F , ,| b 8,11 b 4 a z ,L u $ : % d F # L null2d %( - #E)vcx



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