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1、2912009M1 S Acta Scientiae C ircumstantiaeV o .l 29, N o. 1Jan. , 2009:SE78S( No. 50621804);SE1S( No. 40571082)Supported by th e Funds of Creative Research G roups ofC hina ( No. 50621804) and th eNationalNatural Science Foundation of Ch ina (N o. 40571082)Te:( 1965) ),3,(pV), E-m ai:l jzhe rcees. a

2、c. cn; *YT(3T)Biography: H E J izheng( 1965) ), m ale, p rofessor( Ph. D. ), E-m ai:l jzhe rcees. ac. cn; * Corresponding author,w. 2009.rVe J.S, 29 ( 1): 21- 27H e J Z, Zheng Y M, Qu J H. 2009. So il environm en ta lm icro-in terfaces and po llu tion con trol J. Acta Scientiae C ircum stan tiae, 29

3、( 1 ): 21- 27rVe贺纪正* ,郑袁明,曲久辉中国科学院生态环境研究中心,北京 100085l: 2008-10-09 c: 2008-11-03K1:rrFs()aa38M8.r8Vr%/A.tMs,V+VsAVaVV.r8%Mr%-AQV,/a/a/a/Q.=rFs3MTu,=%_al#,r_J.1Y.=30aa,#1T.tsM1aMT,r8,%ria3r_(8)%M,y7rer+Y1il.rVXS-,rSTj,id7.1oM:;r8;=;3;QV;ecI|: 0253-2468 ( 2009) 01-21-07 ms|: X131. 3 DSM: ASoil environm

4、entalmicro-interfaces and pollution controlHE Jizheng* , ZHENG Yuanm ing, QU JiuhuiResearch C en tre for E co-env ironm en tal Sciences, Ch inese A cadem y of S cien ces, B eijing 100085Received 9 October 2008; accepted 3 Novemb er 2008Abstract: So il environm en talm icro-in terfaces are of a colle

5、ction and a con tinuum of surfaces of soil clay m inerals, oxides, organ ic matters, p lan t rootsand m icrobes. The so il colloidal interfaces could be sim p ly d escribed as a d iffu se electrical doub le-layer structu re on th e in terface of so il particles andsolu tions. These heterogeneou s m

6、icro-interfaces can b e d iv ided into three types based on their surface structu re characterizations: s iloxan e, hyd rous oxid eand organ ic m atter surfaces. Th e tran sport, transform ation and degrad ation of pollutan ts in the soil are dynam ic p rocesses, includ ing a series of reactionsof s

7、orp tion / d esorption, precip itation / d issolu tion, comp lexation / ch elation, and oxidation / reduction. Rh izosph ere interface is the m ost active area insoi-l p lant ecosystem s w ith intens ive interactions am ong so il particles, organ ic com pounds, p lant roots and m icroorgan ism s. It

8、 is the ch annel of pollu tanttransporting to p lants and link ing w ith food ch ain. M icrob ial in terface plays im portan t roles not on ly in sorption and redox reactions of h eavym etals, butalso degradation and transform ation of organ ic po llutan ts. A s a dynam ic con tinuum, d ifferen t so

9、il heterogeneou s m icro-in terfaces in teractw ith each otherand contro l the form s, b ioavailab ility, toxicity and tran sport of po llutan ts in soi-l p lant ecosystem s. Therefore, they are of s ign ifican ce in soil pollu tioncontro l and soil rem ed iation, and deserve in tens ive in vestigat

10、ions.Keywords: env ironm entalm icro- interface; soil colloid; rh izosphere; m icroorgan ism; pollutan ts; reaction m echan ism; pollu tion con trol1 ( Introduction)r1F1,v3M,/51F#/M;31Fs,5r,3l5r.rdd+ybW,)vaaF#3,g.3l,(WYVva83r,V7r. S 29ra/Q(m1).tV%ria3rB.m1 r8VUimF ig. 1 S ch em atic p rocesses on soil collo idalm icro- interfacesrc0#QrS5.rMa#1sFeaA laM nV+.rT01,FahF4FaF;04s.,0407s,=N0rVTv: Pb2 + Cu2+ Zn2+ C o2 +aCd2+ .04.0%MVT



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