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1、火葬场焚化炉烟道气净化装置631774911qq。Com摘 要随着全球变暖、酸雨、粉尘污染、三个污染议题日益受到重视,人们环保研究开发意识的增强,环保研究开发设备市场也日益兴旺。本文主要介绍了一种新型的火葬场焚化炉烟道气净化装置,阐述了火葬场烟道气净化的必要性和及重要意义,介绍了火葬场烟道气净化系统的工作原理和流程;对现行的火葬场焚化炉烟道气处理方法作了系统的分析,从火葬场烟道气的净化方法到烟道气的净化装置都做了一个合理的设计,综合提出了一整套火葬场烟道气净化的科学合理的方案并提出了一种新型的,经济的,环保的火葬场烟道气净化方法。对于火葬场来说,由于火化过程中产生的尾气大部分是有机物粉尘,它们


3、介绍了一次线性回归分析法,线性盈亏平衡分析法和敏感性分析法的数学计算方法与图解方法,并对本项目进行了具体分析。通过盈亏平衡分析,敏感性分析。结果表明:本项目各项经济指标均高于同行业平均指标,对各因素的变动有一定的承受能力。有较强的抗风险能力,是可行的,可以接受的。关键词:环保设备;火葬场;烟道气;喷淋塔;脱水器;沼气池;盈亏平衡;敏感性分析67AbstractBecause of global warning acid pollution and farina pollution that three growing in importance, peoples awareness of en

4、vironmental protection are boosting up day by day. And development of environmental protection equipment market is growing prosperity. This paper mainly introduces a new kind of incinerator exhaust purifying device in a crematorium. We systematically analised current crematorium incinerator exhaust

5、processing methods , put forward a new kind of economical conservative approach , elaborated on the necessity and important meaning of crematorium exhaust purifying , and introduced the working principle and process of crematorium exhaust purifying system. We have made a reasonable design ranging fr

6、om the crematorium exhaust purifying method to exhaust purifying device, and comprehensively put forward a set of scientific and reasonable skeme on exhaust purifying.For the cremation, because of the most of product of cremation process is the organic dust; they are discharged into the atmosphere,

7、which causing serious pollution to the surrounding environment. To the question, we design such a device: first of all, we make the flue gas through a spray tower to subside organic farina. Second, the flue gas through the circumfluent dehydrator to dry the gas. Most sediment is organic component; t

8、he first step is to precipitate it in the sedimentation tank, and then influx into the marsh gas tank as a raw material to make methane. The process protects the environment and makes full use of resources. In this paper, I mostly represent the importance and essentiality of purifying the flue gas o

9、f cremation and give some introduces about the total designing project. I importantly introduce the superiority of using side spray devices to absorb dust in the flue gas, and explain its working principle and workflow; introduced as a spray tower swirl plate dehydration ancillary equipment design a

10、nd operation principle as well as the sedimentation tank design and work flow. And completed the design of the methane-generating pit part of crematorium flue gas dust removal device .And With the spray tower, desulfurization devices and sedimentation tanks constitute a complete set of the compositi

11、on of crematorium flue gas dust removal device.By the way, this paper also introduced the mathematical calculation and graphic method of a linear regressive analysis, linear break-even analysis and sensitivity analysis. The result of both the break-even analysis and the sensitivity analysis indicate

12、s that: every economic indicator of our project is all higher than the average indicator of the same industry ; It has some bearing ability as to the variation of each factor ; it has strong anty-risk capacity ; hence it is feasible and acceptable.Key words: environmental protection equipment; crema

13、tion plant; flue gas;spray tower; dewaterer ;marsh gas tank; breakeven analysis; sensitivity analysis1 引言1.1 本课题的重要意义环境是人类生存和发展的基本前提。环境为生存和发展提供了必需的资源和条件。随着社会经济的发展,环境问题已经作为一个不可回避的重要问题提上了各国政府的议事日程。保护环境,减轻环境污染,遏制生态恶化趋势,成为政府社会管理的重要任务。对于国家,保护环境是我国的一项基本国策,解决全国突出的环境问题,促进经济、社会与环境协调发展和实施可持续发展战略,是政府面临的重要而又艰巨的






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