新编大学英语b1--unit3morethan words(my )

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1、More than Words,Communication Without Words,The definition of nonverbal communication,verbal communication,Communication,nonverbal communication,spoken words,the silent language,The definition of nonverbal communication,silent language,body language,Nonverbal communication is behavior, other than sp

2、oken or written communication, that creates or represents meaning.,Nonverbal communication includes facial expressions, body movements, and gestures.,Nonverbal communication is talking without speaking a word.,The importance of nonverbal communication,More than 55% messages are communicated nonverba

3、lly!,The elements of nonverbal communication,Nonverbal Communication,Space keeping,Eye contact,Facial expressions,Gestures,Body movement,Some of the nonverbal communication forms,Smile,Happiness,The ring gesture,It means money or coins.,Its a signal that you are insulting people.,In English countrie

4、s,In France,In Brazil,In Japan/South Korea,It mean “Ok”, “fine” or “yes”.,I am full.,In America,Eye contact,When people meet:,Shake hands,When people meet:,In Japan,bow,When people meet:,In Thailand,Wai,When people meet:,In Russia, France and Arab countries,Personal space,In the United States,In Ara

5、b,Body language is very important in our daily life, and it may vary from different cultures. When were visiting other countries, we should follow their customs. Thats to say,Words and Phrases,Group Discussion,1.Why are you speaking?,STEP ONE,Sample Answer (1) He is expressing his feelings/comment/o

6、pinion.,(2) She is criticizing the childrens behavior and hopes that they would not do this again.,(3) She is curious and is asking about the mans ideas.,(4) He is making a suggestion. He asks the boy not to disturb him.,Study the following movements of body language. Then work in pairs to discuss w

7、hat each gesture means in your culture.,Sample Answer Nodding your head up and down It means “I agree” or it shows that you are paying attention.,Shaking your head It means you are saying “No!” or it shows that you are disappointed.,Waving your hand while curling the fingers downward/upward It means

8、 “Come here!”,Pre-Reading Questions,understanding specific information,1) How can nonverbal signals cause difficulties in communication across cultures? 2) What does body language include? 3) What does the word “it” in line 12 refer to?,They may mean different things in different cultures.,Facial ex

9、pression, gestures and other movements of the body that send messages.,Nodding the head up and down,4) Why did the salesman bring a new washing machine to the Japanese students apartment? 5) In the United States, what are people expected to do during a conversation as far as eye contact is concerned

10、?,Because he thought the student was expressing “I agree to buy the machine ” by nodding his head.,People are expected to look into the other persons eyes during a conversation.,6) What will probably happen if an American waves good-bye to an Asia schoolboy? 7) According to the text, why does one di

11、plomat try to increase their personal conversation distance while the other does the opposite? 8) What is “cultural awareness”?,He may come closer instead of going away.,Because they come from different countries and prefer different conversation distances.,Its the awareness of differences between d

12、ifferent cultures. / Its the awareness of proper behavior in different cultures.,In-Class Reading,1. When you learn a foreign language you must learn more than just the vocabulary and the grammar. (Line 1),more than just,不仅仅(要做),more than (Line10),比 多,当你学习一门外语的时候,你要学的不仅仅是词汇和语法。,Sentence Study,今天早晨,我

13、所做的工作要比他多。,I have done more work this morning than he.,In some places bottled water costs more than a glass of beer.,有些地方的瓶装水比一杯啤酒还要贵。,Sentence Study,提到北京2008年奥运会,我们关心的不仅仅是经济利益,更重要的是它的国际影响。,When speaking of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, we concern more than just financial profits. The more impo

14、rtant thing is its international influence.,Sentence Study,nonverbal(l.5),non-: not a nonstop flight a nonsmoker nonconducting material noninterference in each others internal affairs Nonnatural a nonalcoholic (不含酒精的) drink a nonmember country (非成员国),1. means (Line 9, Para. 1),n. method, process, wa

15、y, by which a result may be obtained,方法,手段,1) by no means/not by any means 决不,一点也不,完全不是 By no means should the baby be left alone. 2) by means of 用, 依靠 The water can be carried by means of pipe. 3) to live within/beyond ones means Tony is getting increasingly in debt because he lives beyond his mean

16、s. 4) by what means Even if I agree to let you go, by what means are you going to get there on a Sunday? 5)a means to an end I dont really like working in the docks, its just a means to an end because I want to get a job with one of the shipping companies.,The quickest means of travel is by air.,镇上的人用各种可能的办法扑灭了大火。,She tried to explain by means of sign language.,她试着用手语解释。,Citizens of the town put out the fire by all means available


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