5-8月-如何打造高效的研发团队(5-8 months - how to build an efficient r d team)

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5-8月-如何打造高效的研发团队(5-8 months - how to build an efficient r d team)_第1页
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《5-8月-如何打造高效的研发团队(5-8 months - how to build an efficient r d team)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《5-8月-如何打造高效的研发团队(5-8 months - how to build an efficient r d team)(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、5-8月-如何打造高效的研发团队(5-8 months - how to build an efficient R & D team)如何打造高效的研发团队研发人员选、育、用、留之道【课程背景】高科技企业的竞争一定是团队的竞争,不同的团队创造的价值会有天壤之别。研发的部门经理、项目经理和HR经理在团队构建的过程中经常遇到以下问题:1、研发人员比较内秀,不擅交流,如何挖掘他们的真实想法?2、辛辛苦苦招来的研发人员怎么干一段时间就离职了?3、猎头挖人成本太高,还水土不服,怎样才能招到公司需要的研发人员?4、培训费用花了不少,怎么没有效果?如何培养这些研发人员?5、如何用好这些研发人员,让他们保持良


3、队的特点、研发团队的构成,并总结自己公司的差距3。总结研发团队的发展阶段,如何针对不同的阶段的管理方法4。掌握研发人员招聘的方法和技巧,确保公司能够找对人5。掌握研发人员的培养方法,根据职位体系来设计培训课程体系6。掌握资源池和岗位轮换的方式培养关键核心人才;7。掌握研发团队和个人的绩效目标制定的方法,用好研发人员8。掌握研发团队留人的方法和技巧,事业留人、待遇留人、感情留人9。根据授课内容,学员可以结合企业的自身情况实践高效研发团队建设之道【课程内容】一、案例分析1。演练与问题讨论二、如何构建高效的研发团队1。研发人员的特点1)研发人员智商高、逻辑思维能力强2)不善沟通,Ideas hide

4、 deeper3) the flow intention is obvious4) the performance gap is relatively large5) R & D personnel dissatisfied with the tube2. quality model of R & D personnel1) iceberg quality model of R & D personnel2) the regular quality requirements of excellent R & D personnel3. case sharing: quality model o

5、f R & D personnel in a case company4., high efficiency R & D team should have characteristics1) good communication2) coordinate concurrent work3) efficient decision making and quick execution5., how to keep the morale and passion of R & D staff?6. classification of R & D team: Department, team and p

6、roject team1) characteristics of departmental teams - permanent institutions2) characteristics of the project team - temporary organizations3) the composition of R & D teams of companies of different stages of development7. division of responsibilities between HR manager and R & D Manager in R & D t

7、eam building8. the composition of the R & D team of the industry company (case)9. process of R & D team establishment (several stages of R & D team growth)10., how to train the spirit of R & D team?11. conflict management of R & D team1) common conflicts in R & D teams (cases)2) cause analysis of co

8、nflict (case)3) how to deal with conflicts in R & D teams (cases)?12., team communication should pay attention to the problem1) beneficial team member behavior (case)2) harmful team members behavior (case)13. how do team leaders coach different types of team members?1) command disposition2) thinking

9、 tendency3) relational tendency4) act according to orders14. key elements to build an efficient R & D team1) election recruitment deployment2) Education - training and development3) use performance management4) stay - pay recognition15. drill and problem discussionThree, how to choose R & D personne

10、l?1. the demand for R & D personnel varies from company to company at different stages of development1) initial stage, growth period, rapid development period, mature stage and decline stage2) how to get the right people on board3) how to identify the motivations of different employees?4) what song

11、is to sing, not ambitious2. how does recruitment plan and company work integrate?1) R & D recruitment needs lead time2) it takes a long time for developers to get started3. how does the division of HR and department managers work in R & D recruitment?1) professional people do professional things2) p

12、rocess design of R & D recruitment3) how do division managers and HR divide their jobs in recruitment?4. interviews with R & D staff 4 - how to avoid Wu Dalangs shop?1) basic quality interview2) longitudinal depth of the profession (who will do it?)3) professional transverse span4) the professionali

13、sm of the iceberg5. fresh graduate interview6. interviews with recruitment staff7. background survey of R & D personnel (HR did)1) how to identify fake diplomas and fake work experiences?2) how to identify say than good?8. how do you dig people?1) how to screen suitable paratroopers?2) the advantage

14、s and disadvantages of digging teams and digging into individuals3) how would the airborne paratroopers be integrated into the company?9., how to solve Shaolin boxing people on Wudang Mountains?10. characteristics of technology companies1) transfer talent from research and development to other departments2) internal talent flow mechanism11. drill and problem discussionFour, how to train R & D personnel?OneThe value of career management for R & D Enterprises1) echelon construction of talents2) the double


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